January 23, 2014
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Temple Institute of Religion 
In This Issue:   
- TIR Personnel Change
- Congratulations to our "NFTY" Teens
- Upcoming Highlights
Around Temple
- January & February at a Glance


Rabbi Lief Announces TIR Personnel Change

Nothing is more constant than change. But the best changes are footsteps forward and I want to share with you some TIR news that is both bittersweet and inspiring. When we hired Ronni Ticker two years ago as TIR's Director, she was tasked with building and implementing a curriculum and learning environment for students that was previously untested here at Temple. Specifically, the Reform Movement has adopted a new, experiential learning curriculum and family engagement direction that promotes doing and experiencing as ways for students and parents to connect personally with Jewish history and values. Ronni researched the options, embraced the Reform Movement initiatives, and, with VP of Education Gail Sterman and me, we charted a new course for TIR.


Based upon parent and student feedback, I'm delighted that this learning trend is working well and has been embraced by our future generation. Ronni has worked diligently to implement these learning experiences, though the road to success, as with any new endeavor, has been met with challenges. Though there is still work left to be done to fully implement this vision, we have reluctantly accepted Ronni's resignation. We value all she has done to bring us this far and wish her much success with her career.


I'm very pleased that she will continue as TIR Director through June, 2014 so the students, parents and teachers will have continuity through the end of the school year. We are initiating an extensive search for her replacement and have selected a committee who will commence with outreach and interviews immediately. Ronni will assist her successor in the transition and TIR will not "miss a beat."


We wish Ronni only the best with her future endeavors. I'm also excited that our Temple youth have such a great team of dedicated teachers and parents who generate enthusiasm for Judaism and connection to Temple, and together we'll continue to do so into the future.




Joshua B. Lief

Senior Rabbi



Congratulations to Hayley Giambalvo and Rachel Reindl 

It is with great excitement and tremendous pride to announce that two of our own JAFTYites have been elected to the NFTY-SAR regional board!  


Hayley Giambalvo was elected President of the NFTY-SAR region and Rachel Reindl as Communications Vice President of the NFTY-SAR region.


All of us at Temple wish Hayley and Rachel all the best in the year to come. Just as they touch the lives of all of us here at Temple, so, too, will they touch the lives of teens across the region.

Upcoming Highlights 

Please RSVP for the 2nd Grade Family Engagement Program

Join us this Friday for a Havdallah Pajama party from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 pm. Join us for an evening of fun and learning. Families will make their own Havdallah set with beeswax candles, a kiddush cup and spice box. Wearing of pajamas is encouraged but not required. 

We will be serving refreshments and want to be sure to have enough food for all so please let us know if you can or cannot attend and how many you will be. The entire mishpacha (family), including siblings and grandparents, is welcome. To RSVP, please send an email to [email protected] with the number in your family that will attend.


3rd Grade Family Engagement Program
On Sunday, 2/9, 3rd Grade Parents and/or Grandparents are encouraged to attend TIR with their children/grandchildren. Families will learn about Shalom Bayit - Peace in the home. An invitation will go home with the children this weekend.
February 21  -Third Friday - is a Camp Coleman Shabbat 
Mark your calendar You won't want to miss this special evening.  Join on on Friday,  2/21  for a fun, spiritual experience for the entire family. Wear your favorite white outfit to a Camp Coleman-style dinner beginning at 6:00 p.m. followed by worship services with participation by Chai School, Madrichim and Camp Coleman Alumni. Enjoy Oneg Shabbat with Apple Brown Betty (a Camp Coleman favorite) and activities for grades 3-5 and 6-8 while parents meet with Bobby Harris, Executive Director of Camp Coleman.
Around Temple

Tot Shabbat on January 24

Dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by worship at 6:00 p.m.


Trivia Night on February 1

Join Sisterhood & Brotherhood as Rabbi Cohen hosts an evening of fun & friendship! Space is limited so make sure to RSVP by January 24.


Sisterhood is Raising much needed funds for Temple Children to attend Camp Coleman

You, your family & friends are cordially invited to take part in the first annual "Please Don't Come" event in support of Camp Coleman Scholarships.  Please stay at home and and send Sisterhood a donation to help send kids to Camp Coleman this summer.  For more information, please click here.


Kol Tov Shul-In

All 6-8 graders are invited to the very first Shul-In at Temple. Arrive on Friday, 2/7 for worship and dinner followed by activities including a joint program with JAFTY. Spend the night at Temple and get picked up Saturday morning at 10:00a.m. For additional information  or to RSVP contact Stephanie Natale Frus at 904-607-6738 or [email protected].


Hamentaschen for Sale

Temple Sisterhood is selling homemade Hamentaschen.  Available in Prune, Apricot, Poppyseed and Strawberry.  $12 for a baker's (13) Dozen. Sale Runs 1/6-2/26.


January and February

 at a Glance 



1/24 * Tot Shabbat with Dinner and Craft

1/25 * 2nd Grade Havdallah Pajama Party

1/26 * TIR

        * Aliyah

1/29 * TIR



 2/2 * TIR

       *B'nei Mitzvah Shabbaton: Part II from              10:30-12:00 - note new date and time

       * M'china

2/5 * TIR

2/9 * TIR

      *  3rd Grade Family Engagement

2/12* TIR

2/16 * No TIR - President's Day

2/19 * TIR

2/21 * Camp Shabbat for students and                     parents in grades 3-12. Dinner at 6:00.             Worship at 7:00 followed by Oneg and             Activities

2/23 * TIR

        * Aliyah

        * Ed Committee Meeting

        * Lifelong Learning For Parents

2/26 * TIR

        * Lifelong Learning for Parents

2/28 * Tot Shabbat with Dinner and Craft








Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend. 


  Martin Luther King Jr.