Cup of Empowerment
January 18, 2016 
It feels so good to sit back,  catch our breath and  savor a cup of empowerment   from God's Word

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Whose Face Are You In?
By CarolMarie

"Get out of my face!" When you hear these words the message is that you have gotten into their space and usually with words or actions that are unwelcome.  When you are welcomed to their "face" it is an invitation to closeness and intimacy.  It is a sign that you are trusted. 

I remember how my children and grandchildren would giggle when I would give them "butterfly kisses" on their little faces.  As I fluttered my eyelashes on their cheeks it would tickle!  They were delighting in what was brought to their face!  They knew me and that I wasn't going to harm them; It was a sign of love and acceptance.

We are in the Hebraic month of Shevat and our example is Anna who recognized Yeshua (Jesus) in the Temple.  Anna was from the tribe of Asher who is the tribe connected with this month.  This tribe was known as the "Happy one" and walked in great favor. 

 "Anna" means "favored". Anna was a "prophetess" meaning to "foreknow".   She was chosen of God to foreknow Him through her prayers and fastings so that she was able to recognize the Messiah when she saw Him.  Anna was married right out of puberty and for only seven years and then widowed.  She was of "great age" living in the temple, opening the gate for the King of Glory to come in!  She had chosen to rejoice in her new assignment and not be bitter over her past.  (We can't move forward if we keep our foot in yesterday!)  When Mary and Joseph brought the infant Jesus into the temple I am sure her heart leaped for joy!  She was seeing her prayers being answered!

Anna was the daughter of "Phanuel".  The root word of her father's name means "face of God".  We also should have our lives be the offspring of being in the face of God.  This speaks of intimacy; daily loving on Him and receiving His love and favor to perceive clearly!  It's being close enough to receive "butterfly kisses" and is in a place of trust and security!  

I encourage you today to let go of the past that may be holding you there.  It could be the pain of loss or disappointment or it could even be the good things you have experienced.  God wants to make Himself known to us daily in fresh and wonderful ways as we spend time with Him.  

Isaiah 54:4 and 5 tells us not to grieve our widowhood any longer (or our desolate places and times).  That the Lord our Maker is our Husband (Covering, Defender, Provider and Protector)!  

Make plans to join me and a wonderful team of International Leaders as we host our annual Valentines Party for widows (from death of spouse, divorce or by circumstance).  Typically this is one of the loneliest days of the year for a widow unless we let our Maker be our Husband.  We have invited widows from all over to find fresh purpose and meaning in their lives!  Please pray for this event and plan to even join us or help sponsor those to come.

There are "butterfly kisses" for us all as we seek His face!

Check out What the Torah Reading was Last Sabbath
Here is the Torah Reading for Next Sabbath

Click for more Information and to Register!

Anna's Gate
Prayer Praise and Worship
The First Friday night of Each Month
6:30-8 pm
At Anna's Gate Headquarter s
6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, Tennessee

Join CarolMarie on
AM Station Joy620 "Drive At Five" 
"Empower Hour" With CarolMarie

Wednesdays from 5-6 pm
Daily one minute teaching moments
are aired throughout the week.
If you Live in the Knoxville, TN area
Check out our TV Program!
Anna's Gate 

 Tuesdays at  10 am
 Saturdays At 7  pm

Channel 12 if you have Comcast
Channel 6 on Charter
Channel 6 on WOW/Knolegy
Channel 99 on AT&T 
Be a part of the audience when we film on Tuesdays from 4 to 6 PM at Anna's Gate! 




Stay Connected:
Anna's Gate International
6515 Clinton Highway Suite 100
Knoxville, TN 37912