Fear, Fear, Fear and More Fear! |
Over the past few weeks, I have heard so much about fear the very word is making my stomach turn. I suspect most of you who are reading this are also worn weary hearing about all the things one must be fearful. Be afraid of—bullies, inept drivers, drunk drivers, ISIS, Democrats, Republicans, shadows, the dark, cholesterol, high blood pressure, no blood pressure (now that is one to be fearful of), dental visits, black men, white men, the neighbor's dog and the list goes on. There is a way to defeat fear. Conquer fear through knowledge and action. It is a two-step process. I will walk you through the steps, and comment on beating fear. (Read more) |
"Who Am I Supposed to Be?" |
I recently participated in a discussion with a few phenomenal executives over the subject of identity. Who are you and who are you supposed to be at work. The three executives involved in the discussion are women. The conversation covered ground of being a mom, wife, and boss. What I thought was interesting was the idea that at work, the women felt they needed to be more like a man. It is easy for me, a man, to say, "just be you!" It is authentic. It is most appreciated by those who work for you and with you. The comments I received in reply to my sentiment were illuminating. Comments such as "to play in this world you have to be like a man..." and "in order to get respect, you better be able to play with the big boys." Those of you reading this, I would appreciate your thoughts. Take a moment and send me an email on how you feel about the subject of identity at work. My advice, the best leaders, are always learning, alert, fair, firm, and consistent. And most importantly the example that others should emulate. I believe that is best accomplished by being your authentic self. I am Looking forward to hearing from you. You can email me at John@fortitudeconsult.com. |
Confidence vs. Fear |
I am often asked for leadership advice based on my Marine Corps experience for use in business. This section is providing short leadership tips you can use in becoming an Exceptional Leader. Being good on any given day is easy. Being exceptional requires daily effort. Enjoy the read. A dead give-a-way for a person in a leadership position that lacks confidence is leading through fear. These faux leaders can roll threats off of the tongue faster than a speeding bullet. In my experience, these leaders lack in either knowledge or the ability to communicate effectively to the team. Rather than get themselves up to speed they leave the team with visions of unparalleled harm in the event of the slightest misstep. If this describes you, and you know if it is, get yourself some training, education, or a coach. The eventual harm is coming. And it is coming for you. Featured Video Enthusiasm
Current Happenings |
January This month continues the Webinar Series—"Leading with Fortitude: The Essentials." Each week we will dive into one of the five essentials. It will be short and to the point. It is intended to be an informative 45 minutes. Don't worry about missing one of the sessions, each session will be recorded and made available to all that sign-up. The sessions will go at 11 a.m. Pacific. A good way to listen and enjoy your lunch! February I will be presenting at Prairie View A&M University. The theme for the Presentation is: Hallowed Grounds"Organizational Heroes: Leading in Times of Uncertainty and Fear." March Law Enforcement Professionals Series: I, and COL Byron Freeman, U.S. Army (Ret.) of BAF Security Systems are being hosted by the Norfolk City Sheriff's Department to present a seminar on "21st Century Policing." The subjects will cover topics such as Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy. Registrations for this March 3rd and 4th Presentation have begun. Click here to learn more. Coming Soon Expect to see more on Law Enforcement leadership presentations. |