Summer, 2015
Children's Vision Massachusetts is a coalition representing optometry, ophthalmology, nursing, pediatrics, public health and families. Its mission is to create a systematic approach to children's vision care to assure that all children develop and retain their best possible vision.
Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children's Vision Award
The Pediatric Physicians' Organization at Children's has been selected as the ina
ugural recipient of the Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children's Vision Award by the Natio nal Center for Children's Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness. The PPOC is be ing honored for its commitment to, and success in, designing and implementing a system-wide approach t o vision education and training and the development of practice-specific Quality Improvement cycles to ensure that vision screening is performed during well visits and referrals to eye exams are completed. Jonathan Modest, MPH and Louis Vernacchio, MD presented the PPOC's work at the Prevent Blindness National Summit in June and at the Annual Meeting of the National  Center for Children's Vision and Eye Health, August, 2015. 



National Center for Children's Vision and Eye Health Receives Grant Award

Massachusetts has been one of five pilot states of the of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau funded National Center for Children's Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness through two consecutive grant cycles beginning in 2009 which led to the establishment of the Children'sVision Massachusetts Coalition. It is a pleasure to announce that the U.S. Health and Human Resources Bureau has awarded a new three year grant to Prevent Blindness to continue the work of advancing efforts related to children's vision screening and systems of care for children's vision. As in the past, the work will be coordinated by the National Center for Children's Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness.





Legislative Update

H1886 Thank you to all who contacted legislators and asked that they support H1886 an Act requiring the Department of Public Health to issue a report on vision screening for children by signing on to a letter from the bill's sponsor, Rep. Christine Barber, requesting that the DPH issue a yearly report on numbers of children entering kindergarten with documentation of compliance with the Massachusetts Preschool Vision Program, Chapter 71, Section 57, by school and city/town. Thirty three legislators have co-signed this letter. The report will provide valuable information about gaps in vision screening and care for young children and help identify areas that require resources to support compliance with the Massachusetts vision school entry law.


H429 an Act relative to ensuring the wellbeing of all children in the Commonwealth, a coalition supported bill that includes a request for a yearly report on health conditions, completed screenings, and completed referrals, by school and community, has been reported out to the Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities by the Education Committee.



In the News

Costco Connection
Highlights Children's Vision 

An article on Children's Eye Health and Safety in Costco Connection (with print circulation of 8.6 million) featured information from Prevent Blindness AND a video produced by the Children's Vision Massachusetts Coalition. Congratulations to Quita Christison, Bri Bostian and Alex Shi for their contributions to a video selected to raise awareness of the importance of children's vision health!


Children's Eye Health and Safety Awareness  


With August being Children's Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month, Prevent Blindness is providing information and programs on the importance of healthy vision for children


For parents, health managers and school nurses, includes free information on a variety of children's eye health topics including amblyopia (lazy eye), strabismus (crossed eyes), and UV-protection and sports safety


For educators , Prevent Blindness offers the Star Pupils Eye Health and Safety Curriculum for grades K-2, 3-5 and 6-8. The program, which is available free for download upon request, provides teachers with interactive materials that help students learn the importance of sight, components of the eye and how we see, and how to identify objects and situations that can be dangerous to eyes. The program meets National Health, National Science and National Physical Education standards and includes lesson plans with presentation PowerPoints and teacher guides, in-class activities and take-home worksheets.



Children's Vision Massachusetts

Open Eyes. Open Doors.

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