August, 2015

I bet you can't believe summer is almost over - neither can I! Today I'd like to share some tips for making back to school a breeze. 


All the best,

Diane Savarese
Surfaceworks, Inc.


Making Back To School a Breeze


It's that "back to school" time of year again, which always feels like a new beginning to me. I think it's a great time to get ourselves organized for a smooth start to the new year.  


While it's easy to put off getting ready for school when summer fun beckons, don't let it sneak up on you. If you do a little bit each day, you'll be in good shape by Labor Day.



Here are three tips for getting your kids back to school and on the right track:

1. Clean Out the Closets. We all know that kids grow like weeds, so chances are pretty good that there are some clothes in their closets that no longer fit. Now's the time to get rid of them. Every August, my daughter Gia and I take every single thing out of her closet and look at each piece. It only goes back in there if she likes to wear it, it still fits and it's not worn out. 

Next, we open each drawer and do the same thing, keeping only the clothing and belongings that Gia still needs and uses. A side benefit of doing a big clean out like this? When we're finished, I can easily see what new items are needed to get her ready for school.

2. Synchronize Calendars. At our house there are always tons of appointments to keep track of, from swim practices to school events. An up-to-date calendar is critical for keeping us on schedule. We maintain calendars on our iPhones and each night after dinner we open them up, add any new events, and prepare for the next few days. It makes life a lot easier to manage.

3. Stay Organized. Getting out the door in the morning can be tough no matter how many kids you have, so it's critical to be organized. Create a closet space or cubby area where kids can store their backpacks, coats and sports equipment. That way they'll always know where their stuff is and it won't be spread all over the house. It's important for everything to have its place.

Choosing clothes the night before also makes the morning rush easier. And make sure that permission slips are signed and that any special items, like instruments for lessons, are by the front door and ready to go.

I know it's hard to watch summer come to an end. We all love the long, warm days so much. But fall is great time of year, too, so let's get it off to a good start. 

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About Us

Diane Savarese founded Surfaceworks in 1985.  


After six short months in business, Diane had more work than she could handle and started to build her company one employee at a time.

30 years later Surfaceworks has more than 50 employees all committed to the same attention to detail and personal customer care as the founder.

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