Join the Heroes of the Digital Economy

at the 13th Annual MIT Sloan CIO Symposium

In this Issue...
  • Early Bird Registration Ends March 1
  • Call for Speakers
  • MIT's Heroes of the Digital Economy
  • Last Chance to Shape the Agenda is Feb 17
  • Are You an Exceptional CIO? - Apply by Feb 29
  • Is Your Early Stage Company Unique? - Submit by Apr 1

Register Now and Save!

Be one of the Heroes, at the Early Bird Rate! Register now for significant savings!

Wanted: Speakers on the Digital Economy

Are you an expert in the digital economy? Would you like to share the stage with MIT's thought leaders? Or do you know someone you would like to recommend as a speaker? If so, we'd love to hear from you. Submit your recommendation at  Or, join our LinkedIn group, where we will be hosting discussions for each of this year's panels.
MIT's Heroes of the Digital Economy


The Initiative on the Digital Economy (IDE) is a major effort addressing the impact of digital technology on business, the economy, and society.  Drawing upon MIT Sloan's strengths in technology and innovation, its internationally recognized faculty, and over a decade of research and partnership through Sloan's Center for Digital Business, the Initiative analyzes the broad changes brought about by digital technology.  Many of the key issues are described in two recent books by Professor Erik Brynjolfsson and Dr. Andrew McAfee called Race Against the Machine and The Second Machine Age.  Nearly all of their research publications are available at no cost to the IT community at large through their website,


MIT IDE has organized the following Symposium panels:

Erik Brynjolfsson Marshall Van Alstyne Alex Pentland Sinan Aral Nils Fonstad Andrew McAfee
Erik Brynjolfsson
Marshall Van Alstyne Alex (Sandy) Pentland Sinan Aral George Westerman Andrew McAfee
We are thrilled to have MIT IDE join us and look forward to our ongoing partnership. We hope you agree that their participation makes a great Symposium even better.


Last Chance to Shape the Agenda!
We have added a few new panels, but your input is still needed to help decide which ones will be general sessions and which ones will be break outs.   Tell us what panels are of most interest before voting closes Feb 17 at All panels and descriptions along with voting information are on one, easy to scan page. I also welcome your direct feedback, just hit reply.  
Are You an Exceptional CIO?
Will your organization be applying for this year's CIO Leadership Award? Do you have a nominee at another organization, perhaps a customer or partner?  If so, it's time to act, the application deadline is February 29.   Download the  Award Application form here.
Is Your Early Stage Company Unique?
The Innovation Showcase is a special opportunity to meet with the world's best, brightest, and most successful technology executives and companies.   If you know a company that fits this description, tell them about it and encourage them to apply!  Information about the showcase and the application download can be found at . Applications are due April 1.
Lindsey Anderson
 The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is organized by:

MIT Center for Information Systems Research
MIT Center for Information Systems Research
MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
MIT Sloan Boston Alumni Association