Northaven United Methodist Church
2016 Speaker Series:
Faith Voices on Justice
Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.  
Amos 5:24
Weary of striving for justice alone?  In need of ecumenical and interfaith support?  Join us for a new monthly ecumenical and interfaith series addressing the foundations of social justice and the issues that test our commitment to justice in the here and now.  The purpose of the series: To educate, advocate, and activate around justice to strengthen our efforts together as well as the justice vocation of each person and participating faith community. 
Help us spread the word. FORWARD THIS EMAIL (see below)

The Faith Voices on Justice speaker series takes place at Northaven United Methodist Church, 11211 Preston Road, Dallas 75230, 
7:00 p.m. 

For more information on Faith Voices on Justice, call 214-333-7577 or email 
[email protected]
The series is co-sponsored by the Dallas Area Christian Progressive Alliance and the Church in Society and Education Commissions of Northaven United Methodist  Church.

  All events are free. Donations are always appreciated.
Each evening includes presentation, Q&A and small group networking to share ideas and encourage action. 

Thursday, Feb. 18, 
7:00 p.m.
 Welcoming the Stranger:

The Syrian Refugee Crisis

Rev. Wes Magruder, 
Senior Pastor, Kessler Park UMC
Rev. Rachel Baughman, 
Executive Pastor, University Park UMC

(Both speakers have recently returned from meeting with refugees in the Middle East.)



Ecumenical and interfaith consultation will continue to shape our efforts.  If you have a suggestion for future speakers, please contact us.