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The Eastern Corridor Implementation Partners
Ohio Dept. of Transportation Announces Public Meeting to be Held  
Thursday, August 6, to Provide Update on 
SR 32 Improvements

Transportation planners reiterate commitment to developing transportation solutions that meet the needs of local neighborhoods while addressing regional connectivity and lengthy travel delays, and providing the infrastructure to support ongoing economic development opportunities

The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) will host a public information meeting to update the public on the current status and next steps of the SR 32 project, also known as Segment II/III of the Eastern Corridor Program. ODOT officials will provide information on this key project area, extending from US 50 in Fairfax to Bells Lane in Eastgate.

Nagel Middle School Cafetorium
1500 Nagel Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255

4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

*A brief presentation will be given at 4:30 p.m., and again at 6:00 p.m.

The August 6 meeting will be held in an open house style format. The public may attend any time during the 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. time frame to review project information and talk with project representatives.

The public is invited to submit written comments to the project team at the meeting and during the public comment period, which will remain open through Friday, August 21. Comment forms will be provided at the meeting and made available online after the meeting concludes. All meeting materials will be posted on the SR 32 Relocation Public Involvement page of the Eastern Corridor website following the meeting.

Congestion, delay and safety issues continue throughout the Eastern Corridor, and transportation improvements within the SR 32 Corridor are needed as part of the overall multi-modal program to address regional network inadequacies and poor linkage to important economic, recreational and employment centers.

As work at the eastern end of the Eastern Corridor nears completion - with improvements at the I-275 & SR 32 Interchange scheduled to be completed later this summer - and work at the western end of the corridor continues to take shape - with construction of Red Bank Duck Creek Connector project scheduled to begin next year - plans to improve the SR 32 Corridor are more critical than ever in order to support the efficient movement of people, goods and services throughout the eastern part of the region.

Public involvement has been and continues to be a critical component of the Eastern Corridor Program of projects. An active and evolving group of stakeholders from local communities, local and regional government, environmental interest groups, and state and federal agencies has been engaged through all phases of project development.

ODOT obtained and carefully considered current stakeholder priorities to develop a recommended plan for moving forward with this important component of the Easter Corridor. At the public meeting, ODOT will reiterate the following decisions that were communicated to project stakeholders at an earlier meeting:
  • ODOT will not currently study previously-identified transportation corridors that may have resulted in a new alignment across the Little Miami River floodplain. 
  • ODOT's current focus will be on making improvements to the existing roadway network through this area, primarily west of Church Street. 
  • ODOT will gather new traffic data to help prioritize transportation needs in this area and identify what can reasonably be addressed through this next phase of work. 
  • Public input will continue to be solicited to help identify priorities. 

Specific next steps include the following: 

  • Holding a Public Information Meeting to provide an opportunity to review and comment on ODOT's recommended plan for moving SR 32 project improvements (Segment II/III) forward - August 6, 2015 
  • Finalizing the recommended plan based on public input 
  • Updating the project purpose and need to prioritize problem areas and needs that can be addressed by the project 
  • Evaluating dividing various segments of the SR 32 Corridor into independent projects for further development 
  • Encouraging public and stakeholder involvement 
The Eastern Corridor is a program of integrated, multi-modal transportation investments designed to improve mobility, ease congestion, increase access and support economic development between downtown Cincinnati and western Clermont County. More information is available at