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The Eastern Corridor Implementation Partners
Reminder: Only Two Days Left to Provide 
Input on Segment II/III of 
the Eastern Corridor Program 
(US 50/Red Bank Corridor Area and  the 
I-275/SR 32 Interchange)

ODOT would like to hear from you. If you haven't already done so, please take a few minutes to fill out this comment form and let us know what you think about ODOT's recommendations for moving forward:
  • ODOT proposes to no longer pursue relocating SR 32 through the Little Miami River Valley at this time due to the potential for significant environmental impacts, anticipated high construction costs and conflicting interests in the project. 
  • Instead, ODOT proposes taking a deeper look at the existing roadway network in the area to identify lower impact access and connectivity improvements. These may include:
    • Adding turn lanes
    • Interchange improvements
    • Widening to enhance capacity
    • Minor realignments
    • Improving signal timing and/or coordination
    • Installing new signal(s)
    • And other such improvements