The Resilience Roundup highlights  CIRCA's  presence in the news, provides links to recent local/state/national news articles related to resilience and adaptation, and announces upcoming events and seminars.

  • December 15, 2015 - Historic pact to slow global warming is celebrated in Paris, CT Post
  • December 11, 2015 - UConn students, staff return from COP21 climate conference in Paris, The Daily Campus
  • December 6, 2015 - Saving shore communities a dicey, expensive proposition, CT Post
  • December 9, 2015 - U.S. doubles climate adaption aid to nearly $900 million, Reuters
  • December 9, 2015 -Virginia state leaders push bill to help fight flooding in Hampton Roads, News Channel 3
  • December 8, 2015 - As world talks climate, US city fights flooding, sea rise, Associated Press
stateLocal & State News Clips

LE BOURGET, France (AP) - Nearly 200 nations adopted the first global pact to fight climate change on Saturday, calling on the world to collectively cut and then eliminate greenhouse gas pollution but imposing no sanctions on countries that don't.
The "Paris agreement" aims to keep global temperatures from rising another degree Celsius (1.8 Fahrenheit) between now and 2100, a key demand of poor countries ravaged by rising sea levels and other effects of climate change.

The Complete Run-down for This Year's Historic COP21 Conference  Inform
Loud applause erupted in the conference hall after French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius gaveled the agreement. Some delegates wept, others embraced.
"It's a victory for all of the planet and for future generations," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said, adding that the pact will "prevent the worst most devastating consequences of climate change from ever happening."
Brazilian Environment Minister Izabella Teixeira added: "Today, we've proven that it's possible for every country to come together, hand in hand, to do its part to fight climate change."
In the pact, the countries pledge to limit the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by human activity to the levels that trees, soil and oceans can absorb naturally, beginning at some point between 2050 and 2100.
In practical terms, achieving that goal means the world would have to stop emitting greenhouse gases - most of which come from the burning of oil, coal and gas for energy - altogether in the next half-century, scientists said. That's because the less we pollute, the less pollution nature absorbs.
Achieving such a reduction in emissions would involve a complete transformation of how people get energy, and many activists worry that despite the pledges, countries are not ready to make such profound, costly changes.
The deal now needs to be ratified by individual governments - at least 55 countries representing at least 55 percent of global emissions - before taking effect. It is the first pact to ask all countries to join the fight against global warming, representing a sea change in U.N. talks that previously required only wealthy nations to reduce their emissions.
"History will remember this day," U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said. "The Paris agreement on climate change is a monumental success for the planet and its people."
Speaking from Washington, President Barack Obama said the climate agreement offers "the best chance to save the one planet we have."
The deal commits countries to keeping the rise in global temperatures by the year 2100 compared with pre-industrial times "well below" 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), and says they will "endeavor to limit" them even more, to 1.5 degrees Celsius. The world has already warmed by about 1 degree Celsius since pre-industrial times.
Ben Strauss, a sea level researcher at Climate Central, said limiting warming to 1.5 degrees instead of 2 degrees could potentially cut in half the projected 280 million people whose houses will eventually be submerged by rising seas.
More than 180 countries have already presented plans to limit greenhouse gas emissions- a breakthrough in itself after years of stalemate. But those pledges are not enough to achieve the goals in the accord, meaning countries will need to cut much more to meet the goal.
"We've agreed to what we ought to be doing, but no one yet has agreed to go do it," said Dennis Clare, a negotiator for the Federated States of Micronesia. "It's a whole lot of pomp, given the circumstances."
The agreement sets a goal of getting global greenhouse gas emissions to start falling "as soon as possible"; they have been generally rising since the industrial revolution.
It says wealthy nations should continue to provide financial support for poor nations to cope with climate change and encourages other countries to pitch in on a voluntary basis. That reflects Western attempts to expand the donor base to include advanced developing countries such as China.
In a victory for small island nations, the agreement includes a section highlighting the losses they expect to incur from climate-related disasters that it's too late to adapt to. However, a footnote specifies that it "does not involve or provide any basis for any liability or compensation" - a key U.S. demand because it would let the Obama administration sign on to the deal without going through the Republican-led Senate.
The adoption of the agreement was held up for nearly two hours as the United States pressed successfully to change the wording on emissions targets from saying developed countries "shall" commit to reducing emissions to they "should." Experts said that means the deal probably won't need U.S. congressional approval.
Nicaragua said it would not support the pact. Its envoy, Paul Oquist, said the agreement does not go far enough to cut global warming and help the poor countries affected by it.
Nicaragua is one of eight participating countries that haven't submitted emissions targets, after Venezuelan envoy Claudia Salerno said her country - which had been holding out - liked the agreement and had submitted its pledge.
Thousands of protesters demonstrated across Paris, saying the accord is too weak to save the planet. People held hands beneath the Eiffel Tower and stretched a two-kilometer-long (1.2-mile-long) banner from the Arc de Triomphe to the business district La Defense.

Small island nations at risk of being wiped off the map by rising sea levels are leading the charge at COP21 for a global temperature target of just 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, said Sarah Munro, sustainability coordinator for the University of Connecticut's Office of Environmental Policy.
COP21 is the United Nation's 21st Conference of the Parties, an international meeting of experts and negotiators from more than 190 countries that have adopted the United Nations Framework on Climate Change since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992.
Official negotiations began in Paris Nov. 30 with the stated ambitions of revisiting plans to maintain global temperatures at no more than 2 degrees Celsius over pre-industrial levels and to raise $1 billion toward mitigating the effects of climate change in developing countries. Negotiations are scheduled to end today, Dec. 11.
"There was a huge amount of representation of indigenous groups and groups from island states that were presenting their platform to the general public," said Munro, who attended COP21 in Paris with a group of 12 UConn students earlier this month. "They are the low-lying countries, they don't want a flood."
By the U.N.'s High Commissioner of Refugees' most conservative estimates, inhospitable weather conditions and environmental degradation resulting from climate change are expected to displace at least 250 million people by 2050.
As of Thursday morning, the Guardian reported that a "high ambition coalition" of more than 100 nations - including top greenhouse producers such as the United States, Canada and the entire EU - have come out in favor of a legally binding agreement that would lower the acceptable standard of global warming by 2020 from 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit).
Notably absent is support from representatives of China and India, who have reportedly opposed stricter regulation of carbon dioxide emissions due to concerns that such limits would disproportionately impact developing economies.
The United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported that global temperature increases must remain below 2 degrees Celsius to avoid the most extreme flooding, drought and wildfires. Ronald Tardiff, a seventh-semester marine science major who attended COP21 with the Office of Environmental Policy, said even this best case scenario is not enough for many low lying countries.
"There was a lot of talk about small island nations and how they're going to be entirely lost, even under the 2 degree scenario the world is working toward," Tardiff said. "When you lose these small island countries because they're going to be flooded, you're not just losing a village, you're not just losing the people that live there, but you're also losing the entire culture that might go back thousands of years, so very literally climate change would be erasing evidence of human history."
Between 1990 and 2011, the United States produced 16 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions despite constituting less than 5 percent of the world's population, according to the World Resources Institute. Individually, Americans were responsible for producing the equivalent of 19 metric tons of carbon dioxide in 2011, over four times the global average, which was roughly equivalent to the emissions of the average Brazilian or Mexican citizen.
Despite this unbalance, the BBC reported discussions surrounding "loss and damages," the question of whether or not Western polluters should be required to compensate the global south for the destructive effects of climate change, have been tense in the past. In 2013, leaders of 132 developing nations walked out of negotiations during COP19 in Warsaw, Poland when wealthier developed countries pushed discussions of compensation to 2015.
"The U.S. is fighting hard to avoid paying damages even though we are responsible, so we don't have to pay to relocate these people," Tardiff said.
In addition to being one of the world's leading producers of greenhouse gases, the United States is also one of the only nations in the world where the reality of climate change is still up for debate. Tardiff said he thinks this is due to the success of "the denial machine," fueled by conservative politicians like Texas Sen. and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz who campaign on the idea that environmentalism is a ploy to expand big government.
"That's the kind of attitude that pretty much exclusively exist in the United States. In other countries you'll have academics who say, 'It's not going to happen that fast' or economist who say, 'It's not worth spending money on' but you don't have people saying it's not happening at all," Tardiff said. "Frankly, the matter is that countries like China that decide to a adapt and switch over to clean energy soonest are going to have the best future advantages, the U.S. is setting itself up for future failure."
Munro, who studied for a year in Germany, said she has observed a higher level of trust in science abroad, leaving many confused as to how climate change still remains a controversy in the United States.
"Even if you don't talk about the science, I think there's a general culture that's very accepting of the need to reduce pollution, the need to do things that have less of an impact on your environment," Munro said, adding that other countries may feel the effects of environmental degradation more acutely because their populations are more tightly packed.
Brianna Church, a seventh-semester environmental engineering student and an Office of Environmental Policy intern, said COP21 speakers from Libya and Uganda, which are experiencing ongoing flooding and droughts, highlighted how climate change continues to shape people's everyday lives.
"It really brought the issues a lot closer to home because, especially in the northeast where we have abundant resources, it's easy to distance ourselves from these problems," Church said.
Munro said students will continue to build on what they learned at COP21 next semester through panel discussions, blogging and art, including a photo exhibition by Church.
"Our generation is pretty united in the fact that we all agree that climate change is real, it's happening and something needs to be done," Church said. "As a group we hope to carry forth the ideas that we learned at COP21."


ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (AP) - The sea is rising. The land is sinking. Entire mid-Atlantic communities are anchored in between, bookended by certain disaster unless a way is found to turn back the tide and save the shore.
No one knows how to fix the fix we're in, as climate change and sea-level rise continue to assault our shores, although several organizations are beginning to put forth innovative suggestions for dealing with the coastal flooding that inundates barrier islands from the bayside.
Build levees and dikes. Erect bulkheads around entire towns. Construct dunes in the marshes to absorb flooding from the west. Transform low-lying areas into amphibious suburbs. Admit defeat and retreat.
"A lot of new things are starting to be considered," said Jim Rutala, a principal in Rutala Associates in Linwood who specializes in coastal work for communities in Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland counties. "There's a lot of interest in the back bays, and a lot of money is being spent," he told The Press of Atlantic City ( ).
Despite that, no one seems to know how many miles of bay coastline exist in New Jersey. A partial estimate comes from Jeffrey Gebert, a Hurricane Sandy planning technical expert with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Philadelphia District, who out of curiosity compared the bayfront from Manasquan Inlet to Townsends Inlet with the corresponding oceanfront. Examining those 67 miles of ocean shoreline- out of a total 127 miles -Gebert calculated a corresponding 209 miles of bay shoreline. If the same 3.1-to-1 ratio were applied to the state's entire Atlantic coast, New Jersey's baycoast would measure 394 miles long.
Perhaps the bay has been slighted in favor of the ocean because the Atlantic is what draws $38 billion in tourism money to the state. Since 2013, the Army Corps has spent $1.1 billion on coastal storm damage reduction projects such as dunes, beaches, seawalls and bulkheads, primarily along the Atlantic Ocean, in a state that leads the nation in attracting federal funding for beach replenishment. The federal agency has estimated it will spend $442 million on Ocean City's north-end beaches alone by the time its 50-year agreement with the resort expires in 2041.
The damage Sandy wrought on the backside of shore towns has helped open up the discussion to include the bay. Beginning next year, the Army Corps and the state Department of Environmental Protection will undertake a study on New Jersey's back bays, looking at nonstructural and environmental measures such as creating wetlands, said Army Corps spokesman Ed Voigt.
"The bayside is basically the Achilles' heel of New Jersey," said Michael Kennish, a research professor in the Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University. "It's a crisis scientists are concerned about. People are more concerned about what they're going to eat two days from now."
"You're talking big-time impacts ahead for us," he said. "There's no real good solution for us at this time on the bayshore."
But there are many suggestions, all astronomically expensive.
Kennish said most experts advocate what he calls "a practical view," endorsing infrastructure improvements to stormwater drainage systems and the installation of pumping stations, along with raising roads and houses. A 1990 Environmental Protection Agency study calculated the cost of rebuilding utilities and raising structures and roads to accommodate an 8-foot sea-level rise on Long Beach Island, an 18-mile-long spit of sand in southern Ocean County, at $1.835 billion. The cost today, estimated Stewart Farrell, founder and director of the Coastal Research Center at Stockton University, would equal the total of the island's tax ratables: $14.3 billion.
Paul Dietrich, municipal engineer for Upper Township, favors a system of dunes built along the marshes behind the one-lane Cape May County town of Strathmere and into Sea Isle City. The dunes would provide protection to properties along the edges of marshes by absorbing floodwaters and would create nesting habitat for birds, he said.
The cost of construction probably would be comparable to that of building beaches and berms; a 9-mile project from Ocean City through Sea Isle was recently completed for $57.6 million. Such a plan would destroy some wetlands, and the cost to create wetlands elsewhere to amend for that destruction would be prohibitive, Dietrich said. Plus, as beach and dune construction last on average three to five years, there would be a continual cost for replenishment projects.
Bulkheads, designed primarily to hold back dirt, are not the best option to keep water out, as they seep at the joints and are unsightly, several experts said. Made of vinyl, composite (fiberglass-reinforced plastic) or steel, bulkheads will endure 40 or more years, said David Southard, senior estimator and project manager for Walters Marine Construction in Dennis Township.
Using the least expensive material at $1,500 per linear foot to enclose the 2.08 million feet of bayside coast would cost $3.12 billion. At $2,500 per linear foot, it would cost $5.2 billion. One group estimated in 2014 that it would cost $36 million to bulkhead the Chelsea Heights section of Atlantic City alone.
Although the cost of mitigation is high, proponents argue the financial losses to affected regions would be greater. Atlantic and Cape May counties would lose a combined $65.55 billion in tax ratables if municipalities with bay or ocean exposure were abandoned. The state's Blue Acres program, which buys out flooded properties, has targeted lower-revenue areas such as Lawrence and Downe townships in Cumberland County.
Still, retreat must be considered an option, Kennish and Rutala said.
"In some cases, the benefits don't outweigh the costs," Rutala said, citing Strathmere as "an area that is always targeted for retreat. Lack of a sewer system in the town is an example of how "the state is not investing in infrastructure there" and that "a slow transition is taking place," he said.

national National News Clips

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry speaks with New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman (L) during the International New York Times Energy for Tomorrow Conference at the Hotel Potocki, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the sidelines of the COP21 United Nations...
The United States announced plans on Wednesday to double grant funding it provides to help developing countries adapt to climate change to around $860 million a year, a pledge that may help clinch a global climate pact this week.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry announced the new financing pledge during a speech at the U.N. climate conference in Paris, where negotiators from 195 countries are working to reach an agreement by this weekend on curbing greenhouse gas emissions beyond 2020.

"We are going to do our part," Kerry told the audience at the conference in Le Bourget on the outskirts of Paris. "We will not leave the most vulnerable nations among us to weather the storm alone."

The pledge may help unstick one of the main points of contention at the summit in Paris, where developing nations are pressing for more financial assistance to offset the impact of climate change, such as droughts, flooding and rising sea levels.

The United States and other developed nations have already agreed to jointly mobilize more than $100 billion per year by 2020 for developing countries.

Last year, the United States pledged $3 billion into the United Nations' Green Climate Fund (GCF), which supports both adaptation projects and clean energy projects to slash emissions, one of the main vehicles to mobilize that money.

A U.S. official said the new grant funding represented a "longer term commitment to expanding focus on adaptation" and build on existing commitments, including the GCF.

The official did not say how the grants would be appropriated, saying only that the funds would come from the State Department and Treasury budgets. It would be distributed through a number of U.S. mechanisms, including USAID.

President Barack Obama had requested $500 million in the 2016 budget for the first tranche of its $3 billion pledge into the GCF but Congressional Republicans opposed to his climate policies have vowed to oppose that spending request.

Heather Coleman, climate change manager for Oxfam, said despite the threats, she thinks Congress will support new funding for adaptation.

"In a hostile Congress, they are already delivering $425 million a year on adaptation," she said, noting there has been bipartisan support for aid to the most vulnerable countries.

In his speech, Kerry said additional resources from both government and the private sector would need to be raised to help poorer countries, many of which have "contributed almost nothing to this problem in the first place."
"There are countries for which climate change is an existential threat," Kerry said. "For them, this isn't a matter of annexes or peak years - it is a matter of life and death."
Norfolk, Va. - Virginia state leaders held a news conference to push for a bill to help fight flooding throughout the flood prone state.

If passed, the Virginia Coastal Protection Act would be the first ever bill to deal with the effects of flooding in Virginia.

"The Virginia Coastal Protection Act is the only state wide solution to deal with the flooding problem," said State Policy Director Dawone Robinson

According to state leaders, the bill will provide funds to fight flooding and support climate resilience.

It's a problem we see far too often right here in Hampton Roads--from neighborhoods underwater to leaving residents to using boats instead of cars.

"It's the City of Norfolk, it's the City of Virginia Beach, it's the entire region that's very vulnerable. There's 1.7 million citizens here, so that's why we're asking for action," Robinson said.

State leaders say the bill is pivotal because the rise of sea levels and flooding impacts Virginia's military readiness.


CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) -- About 175 years ago, a Charleston mayor offered a $100 gold medal to anyone who could stop the floods in the small coastal city.

That medal was never awarded, the flooding was never solved, and now it's much worse. Because of urban development and rising sea levels, the slow-moving catastrophe of climate change has near-daily consequences in the historic city.

"Charleston is essentially ground zero for some of the more severe changes we can anticipate," said Hamilton Davis, the energy and climate director for the South Carolina Coastal Conservation League.

In response, the city is engineering a fix with tunnels and pump stations that costs about $250 million - more than one-and-a-half times its annual budget. It's a commitment few other communities on America's East Coast have made.

Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr., a Democrat winding up 40 years as the city's chief executive in the Republican-led state, said the $80 million in drainage work already completed prevented even more extensive flooding in October, when a so-called 1,000-year-storm dumped 16 inches of rain, shuttering Charleston and much of South Carolina for three days.

"The damage would have been far more severe," Riley said. "I think it's proof that these very costly and major construction projects are extremely helpful."

Charleston occupies the end of a peninsula between the Ashley and Cooper Rivers - two estuaries that, as locals like to say, meet to form the Atlantic Ocean. The city founded in 1670 has expanded ever since, filling in creeks and marshes that once drained water.

Rainstorms rendered many streets unpassable at least six times this year. Even on sunny days, high tides can flood low-lying areas - it happens about 23 days a year now, roughly four times as often as it did 50 years ago. On stormy days, runoff cascades through the narrow streets, forcing locals and tourists to wade through deep pools. Savvy residents sometimes use kayaks or rubber boats to get around.

"When you are late for work or you can't drop your kids off at school because there is flooding, you are more motivated to solve that problem," Davis said. "It makes it more real for people."
Some climate-change projections forecast waters rising by two feet and inundating 40 square blocks in Charleston by 2070.

"There are three basic approaches to sea level rise," said Erika Spanger-Siegfried, a senior analyst for the Climate & Energy Program of the Union of Concerned Scientists. "You can defend against the water with walls to keep it out. You accommodate the water by living with it and elevating buildings and creating channels. Or you retreat."

Charleston, where the first shots of the Civil War were fired at Fort Sumter, is not known for retreating.

Following a master plan engineers drew up in the 1980s, $80 million of the work is already completed. Deep shafts have been sunk into the grayish marl - a crumbly sediment of silt, clay and the remnants of sea shells that buildings rest on. Huge equipment is boring miles of horizontal tunnels up to 12 feet in diameter, connecting pump stations that send floodwater into the rivers.

The drainage system runs deep to avoid other underground infrastructure, including water and sewer tunnels built during the city's almost 350-year history. Work continues 150 feet below the city's historic homes and churches, trendy restaurants, the former slave market and other attractions that draw millions of visitors a year. This year, work also began along U.S. Highway 17, the main coastal route, which also routinely floods.

Riley said the cost of the work completed, under way and planned adds up to about $250 million, in a city with an operating budget of about $150 million. Property taxes and stormwater fees pay for the city's estimated $145 million share; the rest is federal and state money.

"That's a substantial capital investment for a city our size," Riley said, and cautioned that even more drainage work and perhaps walls to protect waterfront streets may be needed as water levels rise. "As each year's worth of data comes in, it gives you better guidance on what long-range sea level rise is and it's prudent to plan for intermediate steps," he said.

New York City, with an annual budget of $79 billion, has embarked on a $20 billion program to provide shore protection since Superstorm Sandy. Miami Beach, Florida, with a budget of about $300 million, has is building seawalls, raising roads and installing pumps at an estimate cost of $500 million.

Norfolk, Virginia, which annually spends $7 million on storm and sea-level rise mitigation, plans to pursue projects totaling more than $1 billion, which is roughly equal to its annual budget.

Back in 1837, Charleston Mayor R.Y. Hayne warned citizens in his annual report that a better drainage system "is essential to enable Charleston to fulfill her higher destinies." The city never awarded the proffered medal - worth about $2,500 in today's money - due to an economic panic that year, and the city has flooded, with increasing frequency, ever since.


The CIRCA Executive Steering Committee is excited to announce its fourth round of funding under the Matching Funds Program - up to $100,000 is available. CIRCA will consider requests from Connecticut municipalities, institutions, universities, foundations, and other non-governmental organizations for matching funds for projects that address the mission of the Institute. To be funded, a successful Matching Funds request must have a commitment of primary funding within 6 months of the CIRCA award announcement, or have received a waiver from the CIRCA Executive Steering Committee. CIRCA Matching Funds will provide up to 25% of the primary funder's contribution other than municipal or State of Connecticut funds to enhance the likely success of project proposals that advance CIRCA research and implementation priorities. In evaluating proposals preference will be given to those that leverage independent funding awarded through a competitive process.

February 3, 2015 - Applications due for NFWF Five Star/Urban Waters Restoration Program
2016 NFWF Five Star/Urban Waters Restoration Program Invites Applications
Deadline: February 3, 2016

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is inviting applications for the Five Star/Urban Waters Restoration Program, a public-private partnership designed to develop community capacity to sustain local natural resources for future generations by providing modest financial assistance for wetland, forest, riparian and coastal habitat restoration, stormwater management, outreach, and stewardship projects, with a particular focus on water quality, watersheds, and the habitats they support.

Each funder in this Request for Proposals has different priorities and requirements. NFWF will match every grant with all funding sources applicable to that project's activities, location, and project type. All projects must contain the elements of on-the-ground restoration; community partnerships; environmental outreach, education, and training; measureable results; and sustainability.

1) EPA Five Star Restoration Training Program: Approximately $180,000 is available nationwide from EPA to fund projects meeting the Five Star program elements. These funds are available nationwide, in any size community.

2) Southern Company Five Star Restoration Program: Approximately $300,000 is available from Southern Company and its operating companies (Alabama Power, Georgia Power, Gulf Power, and Mississippi Power) in support of on-the-ground wetland, riparian, in-stream, or coastal habitat conservation and restoration projects in Southern Company's service area.

3) EPA and USFS Urban Forestry and Waters Program: Approximately $475,000 is available for projects designed to improve urban water quality, increase public access, and restore riparian habitat and urban forests in developed watersheds in the United States. Special consideration will be made for projects that directly advance priorities of Urban Waters Federal Partnership Designated Locations and/or that are in designated source-water protection areas.

4) Fish and Wildlife Service Urban Programs: Approximately $360,000 is available from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for projects that engage urban neighbors and foster a sense of stewardship in Fish and Wildlife Service lands or offices. Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership proposals should address easily-accessible lands that the service does not own and involve residents in place-based outdoor experiences that foster connections with fish, wildlife, and their habitats. Urban Bird Treaty projects should have an emphasis on enhancing urban habitats for birds, engaging citizens in bird conservation, and connecting diverse and youth audiences to birds and bird conservation.

5) Bank of America: Approximately $195,000 is available from Bank of America to support community-based restoration and stewardship projects in Washington, D.C.; Boston; San Francisco; Philadelphia, and Seattle.. Proposals must include a volunteer event for up to a hundred local Bank of America employees.

6) Alcoa Foundation: Approximately $30,000 is available from the Alcoa Foundation for community-based restoration and stewardship projects in Cleveland, Canton, and Barberton, Ohio; and in Farmington Hills, Missouri.

7) Additional Private Corporate Funding: Approximately $487,000 is available from a private corporate funder in support of urban conservation and restoration projects in Boston; Los Angeles; San Francisco/Oakland; Memphis, Seattle; Dallas/Ft. Worth; Washington, D.C.; northern New Jersey; New York City; Indianapolis; Pittsburgh; Miami; Colorado Springs; Philadelphia; Phoenix; Cleveland; Atlanta; Portland, Oregon; Harrison, Arkansas; Lakeland, Florida; and Akron/Uniontown, Ohio. Projects must include a volunteer event for up to a hundred local employees.

8) Additional Private Foundation Support: Approximately $425,000 in funding is anticipated from private foundations for community-based habitat restoration and stewardship projects in urban and rural communities in Alaska, Idaho, Washington, Montana, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Applicants should specify how their project supports sustained protection of non-game animal species and habitat and relates to underserved human communities.

Grant amounts will range from $20,000 to $50,000. A minimum one-to-one match of cash and/or in-kind/contributed goods and services to the amount requested is required.

Applicants must fully address the project elements of each applicable funder and complete their projects within one to two years of award. For USFS urban waters funding, preference will be given to projects that take place on, or directly benefit, public lands.

See the NFWF website for complete program guidelines, webinar recordings, an FAQ, and application instructions.

February 4, 2016 - Office of Policy and Management Applications for Responsible Growth and Transit-Oriented Development Grants DUE Feb. 4, at 4pm. Community resiliency is an eligible project.
The State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) has issued a Request for Applications for the Responsible Growth and Transit-Oriented Development Grant Program. Proposals under this grant program will be accepted from municipalities and regional councils of governments only, although partnerships, which may include non-profit and private entities, are encouraged.
This is a competitive grant program that provides financial support for the following:
1.     construction projects that expand on previous state investment in transit-oriented development, as defined in Section 13b-79o of the Connecticut General Statutes, and/or
2.     planning or construction projects that demonstrate responsible growth through their consistency with the  Conservation & Development Policies: The Plan for Connecticut 2013-2018.
The deadline to submit a completed application is Thursday, February 4, 2016 at 4:00 pm. Questions should be directed to Matthew Pafford, at either  Matthew.Pafford@ct.govor Office of Policy and Management, 450 Capitol Avenue MS# 54ORG, Hartford, CT 06106-1379.
One of the types of projects that is eligible for funding is as follows:
Projects that promote community resiliency in response to extreme weather events, and that are supportive of responsible growth and/or TOD

In Winter 2016, CIRCA will release a Solicitation of Interest for municipalities and councils of government to partner with CIRCA on research projects. The Solicitation of Interest will ask municipalities and COGs for letters detailing their interest in working with CIRCA on developing local scale coastal and riverine flooding information for the municipality or region. Details will be included in the announcement of the solicitation.

The Resilience Roundup highlights CIRCA's  presence in the news, provides links to recent local/state/national news articles related to resilience and adaptation, and announces upcoming events and seminars.
The Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation's  (CIRCA) mission is to increase the resilience and sustainability of vulnerable communities along Connecticut's coast and inland waterways to the growing impacts of climate change and extreme weather on the natural, built, and human environment. The institute is located at the University of Connecticut's Avery Point campus and includes faculty from across the university. CIRCA is a partnership between UConn and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP). 

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