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Acupuncture & Natural Health Solutions Newsletter   Providing Natural Health Care for the Entire Family
Issue #2015-03d

The Spring and Traditional Chinese Medicine

With the official start of spring just a week away, there's no better time than now to consider using popular forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). As mother nature comes out of its state of dormancy, flowers will begin to blossom, trees will develop leaves, and the snow-capped landscape will be replaced with flowing green grass. This massive change comes with some unwelcome side effects than TCM may prove useful in treating.

While cold and flu infection rates typically diminish by the start of spring, a new problem begins to emerge: allergies. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), approximately 50 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies. When exposed to pollen or other plant allergens, the individual may develop a runny nose, nasal congestion, eye redness, headache, sore throat, and other related symptoms.

Whether you suffer from mild, moderate or severe seasonal allergies, however, acupuncture can help. This centuries-old TCM involves the placement of fine needles on specific areas throughout the body. Acupuncture is believed to restore the body's flow of energy (referred to as Qi ( )) while stimulating the body's self-healing mechanism.

In Chinese astrology, spring falls under the Wood element, meaning this time of year is closely related to the gallbladder and liver. According to TCM, one of the liver's primary functions is to regulate Qi through the body. If Qi is blocked or restricted in any way, the individual will be susceptible to disease and illness. The bottom line is that you want to keep your Qi moving this spring season for optimal health.

Here are some tips to keep your Qi moving:
  • Limit (or eliminate) your intake of processed foods.
  • Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit.
  • Start your mornings off with a light stretching exercise like yoga or tai qi.
  • The warm weather offers the perfect opportunity to get outdoors and exercise.
  • Consume sour food and drinks. According to TCM, sour flavors stimulate the liver's Qi.
  • Seek acupuncture treatments.

There are over 2,000 acupuncture points spread across 20 meridians, but none hold as much weight for the spring season as the Liver.   Located between the first and second toes, the Liver 3 point (also known as the 'springtime acupressure point') is an acupuncture point that's particularly beneficial for this time of year. It lives up to its namesake by channeling energy between the liver; therefore, conventional wisdom should tell you to focus on it during this spring.

If you plan on scheduling on an acupuncture session, ask the physician if he or she can target the Liver 3 point.

Give me a call today to learn how you can get back on track to better health!






Spring Acupuncture Tips



Tips to Keep You Healthy, Happy and Flexible.

Spring is a happy time. Bunnies hop about. Flowers emerge in long forgotten corners of your garden. The birds return and sing so loudly they wake you in the morning.


This is not a time to be angry.

But according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, being angry is exactly what you can expect if you don't balance your wood element.

In TCM, spring is represented by the element wood (. Wood represents birth and newness, the time for fresh ideas and new starts. Unsurprisingly, its color is green like the fresh growth of spring.

Wood governs your spine, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. A wood imbalance can lead to spinal problems, poor flexibility or arthritis. Wood also governs your eyes. But most important for your mood, wood governs your liver.


Your liver is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi (energy) () and smooth flowing Qi means health and vitality. The emotion associated with your liver is anger. If your liver is imbalanced your Qi will be disrupted and you'll be angry.

Healthy (and happy) spring acupuncture practices mean balancing your wood element and caring for your liver. 



Healthy Spring Acupuncture Practices

Try these spring acupuncture recommendations, to keep your wood balanced and your liver healthy.

● Cleanse. Cleaning your colon releases accumulated toxins, undigested food, parasites and fungi. With a clean colon your digestion is more efficient and your body is healthier.

● Detox your liver. Reduce or eliminate alcohol or drugs that are toxic to your liver. Consider a detox that specifically targets your liver. Call me if you need suggestions.

● Stretch. Start or recommit to a healthy stretching routine. Try yoga, Tai Chi (太極), Qi Gong (氣功), or other exercises that move, loosen and flex your joints.

● Exercise your eyes. Massage your face, especially around your eyes. Roll your eyes and move them in figure 8s. Practice focusing on distant objects and then focusing on close objects in quick succession. Put time limits on your computer sessions. These exercises strengthen your eyes and can improve your eyesight.

● Control your anger. Create a healthy anger management plan. Journal, meditate or get counseling. Put limits on stressful situations. Find activities that refocus your anger in healthy ways.


Healthy Spring Acupuncture Diet

Follow these tips for a healthy spring diet that supports your liver.

● Eat light. Overeating taxes your liver.

● Eat greens. Sprouts, wheatgrass, spinach, kale and dandelions are particularly good foods in the spring.

● Eat sour? Sour is the flavor associated with spring, however sour flavors are only recommended for certain constitutions. Instead of dousing your greens with vinegar or lemon juice dressings, consult with me to find out what flavors are best for you.

● Drink milk thistle tea. Milk thistle detoxes your liver.

● Season your food. Pungent spices like basil, fennel, marjoram, rosemary, caraway, dill and bay leaf are excellent for spring cooking-and they taste good.

By keeping your wood balanced and your liver healthy you will be happy. You'll feel vital, flexible and clear. If you have questions about healthy spring acupuncture practices feel free to call me for recommendations. 




Recipe Corner



Quinoa Pudding


Here is an unusual, healthy dessert made from the staple grain-like seed of the high Andes, now available in specialty food shops and health-food stores. 




  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups apple juice
  • 1 cup raisins
  • 1 cup chopped nuts
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • cinnamon to taste
  • salt to taste
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • berries, sliced banana, or maple syrup (optional)



  1. Place the quinoa in a sieve and wash it well under cold running water. Drain and place in pot with 2 cups cold water. Bring to a boil, cover, lower heat, and boil gently until all the water is absorbed, and quinoa is tender, about 15 minutes.
  2. Measure 2 cups cooked quinoa and to it add the apple juice, raisins, nuts, lemon juice, and pinches of cinnamon and salt to taste. Simmer, covered, for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla extract.
  4. Chill. Serve plain, or with berries or sliced banana or a little maple syrup if you want it sweeter.


**Quinoa recipe taken from Eight Weeks to Optimum Health, by Andrew Weil, MD.

The information contained within the  newsletter is only used to educate and inform. This newsletter is  not a substitute for the advice of a licensed and registered health  care provider. Seek prompt attention for emergencies. Consult  a health care provider for specific health concerns, and before  starting a diet, cleanse or exercise routine.
Monthly Acupuncture Column Featured in SW Florida's Health & Wellness Magazine 

Toni Eatros, AP,

Acupuncture Physician, 
is the  featured acupuncture columnist in the popular SW Florida's Health & Wellness Magazine.
Be sure to check out March's issue, on stands now, about how to   Alleviate Hip Pain With Acupuncture .
Click here to view February's Article,
 Your Questions about Auricular Medicine Answered (Ear Acupuncture).
Acupressure points


Rubbing acupuncture

points with your finger for  30 - 60 seconds can stimulate and promote the circulation of Qi within your own body,  restoring health and well-being. 




Liver 3 (LV3):

Tai Chong (太沖) 



On the top of the foot, in the depression between where the first and second metatarsal bones meet.







Used for dizziness, headaches, vertigo, epilepsy, painful and/or blurry eyes, irregular menstruation, depression, uterine bleeding and prolapse, urine retention, genital pain, frequent sighing, and insomnia.

Fit vs. Healthy


We have all read the unfortunate headlines.

37 Year Old MLB

Baseball Pitcher Dies of Heart Attack

NHL Hockey Player

Found Dead in Condo

at Age 35, No Foul

Play Suspected


Olympic Skater's Life

Cut Short at 28, Dies

of Natural Causes 



These were elite

athletes at the top of

their sport. Were they fit? There's no

question about it.

Were they healthy? 

Not so much.

Let's be clear. These athletes were certainly healthier than the majority of us. 


The very fact that they were competitive athletes at the top of their game required the physical work and commitment to get them there. 


The nature of their body composition, physical conditioning, and cardiovascular endurance left them less predisposed to many of the chronic ailments that tend to plague those of us with a more sedentary lifestyle. 


On the other hand, a truly healthy body just doesn't suddenly quit working.


So clearly there is a big distinction between being physically fit and toned on the surface, and possessing genuine health and wellness underneath.

A physically fit body is typically a body that feels good and exudes health and vibrancy. 


But this often belies the fact that sickness and disease, such as cancer and cardiovascular disorders, can be festering undetected under the surface. 


Another prime example are meridian imbalances, which most of the time develop and progress painlessly while robbing the body of its vital energy.  

So clearly, gauging your level of health and wellness based simply on the way that you look or feel on the outside can be a very dangerous practice.

In addition, a common misconception is that you can somehow exercise away an imbalance. This simply is not the case. 


While exercise is essential, and certainly encouraged for its plentitude of benefits, a great way to correct for an imbalance is

an acupuncture treatment. 


Once the change is made, exercises, especially those specific to your condition, will serve to complement it.

So while health and

fitness is certainly encouraged, exercise

alone will not carry you to the pinnacle of health. 


The foundation of healthy living is a powerful free-flowing meridian system free to help the body without interference. 


That foundation is built by acupuncture.  


Acupuncture Books



Barton Report: Natural Allergy Relief Guide 


Order Now 



Healthy Eating: Spring Healthy Eating Guide and 60+ Recipes Inspired by Traditional Chinese Medicine to Detoxify the Body and Achieve Optimal Health 


WHOLETONES: Healing Music




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