Boston Tea Party
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COAST attorney appears with

Brian Thomas, 550 AM, WKRC

at 7 AM Wednesday 

Chris Finney to discuss Jean Schmidt ethics scandal


COAST attorney Chris Finney


COAST attorney Chris Finney, who is also representing David Krikorian in his many legal battles with Congressman Jean Schmidt, is appearing tomorrow morning at 7 AM with Brian Thomas on WKRC radio, 550 on the AM dial. Please listen in. 


Chris also appeared Friday on Doc Thompson's show on WLW Radio.  You can hear that entire interview here.


On January 3, 2012, five months after the House Ethics found that Jean Schmidt had accepted illegal gifts from the Turkish Coalition of America in the amount of $498,587 and ordered her to amend her financial disclosure forms to reflect the illegal gift, Schmidt finally filed her amended forms.   


She still owes the massive debt to the Turkish Coalition of America (a group that lobbys Congress on matters important to the Turkish government).  Schmidt sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and on the subcommittee dealing with Turkish matters.  (It's really creepy if you think about it.)  


As a result of the scandal, the Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has named Jean Schmidt one of the 14 most corrupt members of Congress.  CREW has also filed a complaint with the FBI asking that Schmidt be prosecuted for lying to Congress.   


COAST believes the people of the 2nd Congressional district need to be informed of Schmidt's corruption and the impotence of the House Ethics Committee in addressing this matter and other corruption of members of Congress.


Is it any wonder that a Gallup poll reveals that only 7% of the American public believes members of Congress are ethical and honest, and that a CNN/ORC International poll shows that 86% disapprove of their performance?  

Listen in!  

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