Gregory Fisher's Treat Yourself to Your Best!
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Today's Quote
Today's Prayer
Today's Affirmation
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June 23, 2011



I see people every day who are struggling to find a life with meaning. Many of them are successful in business, happily partnered or married, and healthy. But they feel unfulfilled.


They haven't found their unique calling. They haven't spent time looking within to become comfortable with their true story. I think they are afraid of how their lives may change if they do.


And I am confident of this one thing. Finding our purpose and following the calling can only improve our lives. Circumstances may change very little, but the ecstasy of moving in flow with our highest and best will be worth any shift required.


Our fingerprint isn't the only thing about us that is unduplicated anywhere in the history of humankind. No two callings are the same. There is a mission for each of us that only we can perform. We must find our position in the Universe. And then we will know bliss. 

Today's Quote

from Oprah Winfrey


"I've come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that's as unique as a fingerprint--and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you."

Today's Affirmative Prayer Treatment

Gos is the creator of each and every thing that exists. While each is formed uniquely, they are all made of the same thing--they are all connect in the great whole.
I am unique, yet I am contained wholly in the One.
Today, I fulfill my calling, and I am fulfilled. I know my mission, and I flow with the Universe. As the stars and planets travel their orbits, so I move through my life on course. Everything is as it should be.
I am unhindered in my life's work.
I am a unique, individual expression of God. I do what I love. I am filled with energy and vitality as I go about the business of my perfect life.
Thank you, thank you, God. I am content, happy, accepting and grateful.
I release these words, knowing they will serve me as I make my way through this day. I let them be so. And so it is!

Today's Affirmation

I find my bliss as I fulfill my purpose!

Leave your unique fingerprint on life!


In Service,


A Gift from Me to You

A consultation to determine if you will benefit from spirit coaching with me is my gift to you. Like the coaching sessions themselves, these consultations can be face-to-face or over the telephone (preferably a video connection). Contact me today to schedule your consultation. Let's see where your life will go next. And let's make sure your spirit is leading the way!
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