Gos is the creator of each and every thing that exists. While each is formed uniquely, they are all made of the same thing--they are all connect in the great whole.
I am unique, yet I am contained wholly in the One.
Today, I fulfill my calling, and I am fulfilled. I know my mission, and I flow with the Universe. As the stars and planets travel their orbits, so I move through my life on course. Everything is as it should be.
I am unhindered in my life's work.
I am a unique, individual expression of God. I do what I love. I am filled with energy and vitality as I go about the business of my perfect life.
Thank you, thank you, God. I am content, happy, accepting and grateful.
I release these words, knowing they will serve me as I make my way through this day. I let them be so. And so it is!