NIEA Convention


Awards Chairperson 
National Indian Education Association 


Thursday October 27, 2011 at 1:00 PM MDT
Sunday October 30, 2011 at 1:00 PM MDT

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Albuerque Convention Center 


Annual Awards. Deadline is July 15, 2011. 

The members you are about to nominate must have made outstanding contributions to Native education! ONLY NIEA voting members may nominate and/or be nominated for awards. Awardees will be recognized and honored at the Annual Gala Awards Banquet. Your presence is required. Finalists will be notified by August 1, 2011 of their nomination and award status. Expenses such as Convention registration, lodging and transportation are the responsibility of the nominating individual or organization. Nominator and nominee must hold current membership status. NIEA will verify nominator and nominee membership status.

PLEASE READ PLEASE READ the above link to get all the information, before you start the nomination process. There is no cost to nominating person(s), however you and the nominee must be current NIEA Members. You are a member if you paid registration for the San Diego Convention, the 2011 Legislative Summit, or paid a membership fee between October 2010–October 2011.

The awards nomination application packet is due post-marked July 1, 2011. Notification of Awardees will be made by July 29, 2011. NIEA will honor five (5) Genera/Elder American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Voting Members for their accomplishments and efforts to improve the quality of life for American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities through education.