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May 3, 2011

Howdy and Welcome to the new subscribers from, and LinkedIn! 



"Pleasure is not required for happiness."   


                                   ~Saint Thomas Aquinas    



Are you a Tech Lead in the New York metro area with development experience as well as experience with systems integration of complex 3rd party solutions? 


If this is your experience, please email your resume to me at  

nd, if you know someone, please ask them to email their resume to me and mention your name.

I had a quiet few days at home while my wife and son were putting the final pieces in place for our move to Asheville, NC in June; they selected a school, saw an apartment. looked at a few houses (although the plan is to rent for a year before picking a neighborhood) and generally taking one last look at the city.


I worked from home while they were gone, enjoying the peace and practicing for when we move when I will be working from home while still working for the same firm. It was a nice few days with regular naps!


I get so few times like that! 



Jeff Altman  
The Big Game Hunter

P.S. Become a fan of "Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter" on Facebook!  I offer fans special tips, ideas and discounts on my products, plus regular quotes like the one above designed to help you feel good and think positively. In addition, sign up for my new page, Jobs from The Big Game Hunter.    



Being Smart When Looking for a Job

I was reminded of something recently when reading a local newspaper. The article I read offered advice to job hunters and said something very profound. To paraphrase, the person interviewed commented that our area had more college graduates than positions available for grads.


That's a pretty simple statement with profound consequences.


Counteroffers: Should I Stay or Should I Go? 

If "resignation" is the word that strikes fear into all employers, then "counteroffer" is the one that strikes fear into an employee's heart. "What should I do? They've matched my offer?"


It's Friday afternoon. You walk into your boss' office and ask the question that has sent scared many a managers -"Do you have a minute," you ask. At that moment, he or she knows you are resigning and if he/she wants you, they will have to fight to keep you.


 Article Continued Here 

Why Are People Rejected After a Job Interview?


Why are people rejected after an interview?


I think you will be surprised to learn that lack of skills is only one criteria.



 Article Continued Here 



 MyJobHunter is an interesting product. It searches sites for you based upon your search criteria and applies to jobs for you saving you a lot of time so that you can keep networking.  


Coupled with Resume Rabbit, the service that automatically posts your resume to 80+ job boards so that you don't have to waste time doing that, these are two efficient ways to get your credentials to the broadest job market in the least amount of time. 



Call me to schedule a consultation at 646-374-8656 about your job search problems and discuss possible solutions.




I will ask you to forward payment in advance via PayPal before speaking or meeting with you.


Do you have a question for me about your job search?


Email it to me at  


I'll answer it on "No B.S. Job Search Advice Radio" and let you know when to listen.  


"No B.S. Job Search Advice Radio" is broadcast live on Mondays at 9 AM Eastern time except when there is a US national holiday  or on my website any time.


Receive tweets about jobs openings, job search tips, consulting assignments and more. Receive tweets from @TheBigGameHuntr on Twitter  


Want to earn extra money the easy way?


If your company is interviewing, email the name, number and email address of the person who's hiring and for what job. I'll keep your name out of it and, if I fill the job, will pay a finders' fee to you.



If you interview with a company and are rejected, email the best info you can about the job (company name, manager name, number, email address is ideal) and, if I fill the job, I will also pay a finders' fee to you.


No upfront costs

If you are someone with a book to sell online, a short story, a brief report or some other information that you would like to monetize, email me at Describe what you have available and we'll see if we can monetize it for you on a revenue sharing basis


Best Wishes,

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is Managing Director of Concepts in Staffing, a New York search firm. He has helped organizations hunt down leaders and staff in many disciplines since 1971.

Many services for helping you find your next job are available at 

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No B.S. Job Search Advice             The SIngle Best Question You Should Ask on Any Interview

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