The Wicker Park Bucktown Pipeline
People Inspired Community Driven content since April 6, 2009              
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Jan. 11 Pipeline

Jan. 4 Pipeline

About Us
In This Issue
Our Sponsors
at propertes logo w/ ctr to eva
cat mouse NEW logo
rearrange logo
wormhole coffee shop
Jackson Junge logo vertical
BFC logo
miko's flipside logo
Local Links

Pipeline on Windy Citizen,
and Streets of Wicker ,
and @thelocalfeed

@peacelovegoat, Bucktown Community Org. (BCO)

@evachicago, East Village Association

West Bucktown Neighborhood Association

"Wicker Park" and "Bucktown" on Facebook

@weewindycity, a Bucktown mother of three and ChicagoNOW blogger

Our Urban Times, a community newspaper

WPB 'Insider's Guide'

Wicker Park and Bucktown Crime Blog

1st Ward Alderman Proco Joe Moreno

32nd Ward Alderman Scott Waguespack

Wicker Park Bucktown Chamber of Commerce

Special Service Area #33/WPB

Friends of Burr School

Friends of Pritzker School

Friends of Pulaski School

Friends of Holstein Park 

Wicker Park Committee 

Wicker Park Garden Club


The Adventure Page
Anastasia Chatzka
Atomic Sketch
Bonnie & Clyde's

Chicago Daily Views

Chicago Kids
Clever Alice
Dedicated Ears
evil kitty
Flat Iron Art Shows
g boutique
Galleria 1712
Grace Sergio
Grasshopper 510
Green Roof Growers
HJB Photo
Johalla Projects
Littlerock Renovation
Let's Talk About Lauren
Loser Friendly

Me and My Shadow
Myopic Books
New'd News
Pavilion Antiques

Ray's Picks
Reckless Records
Robin Richman
Second City Cop
The Silver Room
Small Bar  
Stop! Look! Oddments 
The Toilet Paper
Tony Fitzpatrick
The Week Behind
Three Headed Productions
Una Mae's
Underground Bee

Urban Nature
Vintage Heaven
vive la femme

Wee Windy City
Wicker Women 

*Got a local blog?  Email us.
$250/6 mos.


2100 W. North
p: 773-235-3455

M-F:  6AM-10PM
Sat.: 8AM-10PM
Sun. 10AM-7PM

Go INSIDE the club!
 Magical Times at Manny's, with Magician Jeff Bibik, Photos by Philin Phlash; click to enlarge
jeff with balloon  

jef bibik

jeff bibik
jeff bibik

"Side Effects" by Bruce Riley, opening Saturday Jan. 22,

images courtesy of Eyeporium Galley;

click to enlarge

"Sidewinder" by Bruce Riley

by Bruce Riley

By Bruce Riley
Welcome to The Good Times Issue.
Happy Birthday, Phlash

"Surprise! Happy birthday, Phlash!"/  

Photo by Philin Phlash

Philin Phlash celebrated a birthday this past Friday.

He received Facebook greetings from people near and far. Around midnight he found his way to a party that he says he felt too tired to attend (sign of advancing age!), only to turn on the light and see his brother, Springa, and 20 friends surprising him with best wishes, right. 
jason thomas and lynn bramer

XRT DJ Jason Thomas, left, and Lynn Bremer high-five at the live listener poll gala/ Photo by Philin Phlash

The night prior to his birthday, Phlash attended XRT radio's Annual Listener Poll Gala Broadcast of Best Albums, Best Songs, Best Concerts, where he told everyone how important XRT is to him as he chauffeurs his wife and three children around the city. To see more photos, click here.

Loretta of Lindy's

Loretta has worked at Lindy's Chili and Gertie's Ice Cream for 16 years. Click on her photo to see more images and chili like no other.

For my part, Armagetajobagain was made smoother by two fellow newbie coworkers (and the opportunity to document CTA bus-bunching on my commute). I nearly expected the Degrassi Junior High theme song to play when we partook in postwork drinks, albeit out of the neighborhood. Click here for photos snapped inside Lindy's Chili and Gertie's Ice Cream, well worth the drive for anyone looking for Chicago-style gut-bomb chili.

On Saturday we enjoyed popping in on the NYE mannequin in the window of Life's a Cabernet, 1937 W. North. Owner Dean told me (and readers) that a Valentine's Day outfit is coming soon. We shall stay tuned!

pork you can trust

Pork sticks via, appearing every Sunday at the Congress Theater, 2135 N. Milw.

On Sunday, Wolverang joined me at the weekly Indoor Farmer's Maket in Logan Square, where mini salami-like sticks, right, were purchased from farmer Jake of Jakes Country Meats.
The market continues through March and is a best-kept Sunday secret. Spread the word!

Later in the day, a friend from college was in town and the Bears were playing a big playoff game--two reasons to not wander the streets like I did on Saturday. Phlash documented Sunday game-day festivities at Moonshine.
Lindsey and the baboon

Lindsey and the baboon

Moving forward, we'll continue to share the best of what we see each week, like the baboon, right, which we encountered at the newly opened Alexis Bittar boutique, 1710 N. Damen. Manager Lindsey told us that designer Alexis Bittar enjoys
baboon bracelets

Bracelets at Alexis Bittar

taxidermy, with each of his boutiques featuring a once-wild animal.

Some weeks are easier than others. This one was admittedly on the tougher side. We were having so much fun catching up with friends and trying to get up to speed on the new gig that we didn't have ample time to devote to this e-newsletter that we've been putting out each week since April 6, 2009.

If you're new to The Pipeline, or are curious if we have a "mission statement," here goes: 

To maintain and sustain a paperless e-communication pipeline comprising original and aggregated content, always with links back to original sources
bread from farmer's market

Fresh bread headed home from the Logan Square Indoor Farmer's Market, Jan. 16

To inspire participation and interest in the local economy

To not write anything too snarky or salacious, but to still be interesting and informative enough to warrant a read, or a glance at the pictures

To be authentic in tone as well as style

To serve as an e-publishing platform for not just our own voices, but those from others, too (See Links, left) 

To serve as a "local tip sheet" for the folks from traditional media who are on our distribution list

I could not do it without our valued small-business sponsors--check out their logos on the left!-- as well as a dream team comprised of Phlash, Pat, and Nandika.

da bears

Da Bears! Photo by Philin Phlash

Phlash shows up at HQ with many interesting images. Pat copy edits each issue and checks out the occasional show when he has time to hike across the city from his stomping grounds to mine. Nandika always seems to be there in a pinch, like in the case of this Thursday's 32nd Ward Aldermanic Forum, which she will be covering since I have a prior commitment. (If you missed our coverage of the WPC-hosted 1st and 32nd Ward Forums last week (Jan. 11), click here.)

photo by philin phlash

Photo by Philin Phlash

Though the rage these days seems to be "Everything is Free," I believe the four of us deserve to be compensated for our time. If you've sent us your news on more than a few occasions, or are in the field of public relations and regularly send us your client's news releases, we ask that you consider advertising in The Pipeline for the dual benefit of spreading your news and supporting our creative engine. We're here because we care; if you're still reading this, we suspect you do, too. Let's keep on getting better together. 

Alisa, Phlash, Pat, Nandika
near dq Picture Page Challenge:
Saturday Afternoon,
Jan. 15, 2011

Can you write a caption for any of the following photos?
If your caption is correct, or even close enough to correct, we'll publish the photo again next week (Jan. 25) along with your caption.

Need a few clues to get started? Think Halo, Dairy Queen, Untitled, American Apparel, Piece Pizzeria, iCream, Wicker Park, Jasmine, Gonzalo, fresh air, and more.
Jasmine of Untitled bro and sis shopping

Eva Bergant
Eva Bergant
SPACES: Let's Talk About How Chicago Fares in the  Nation's Foreclosure Crisis  

Made possible by Eva Bergant, @Properties Realtor

National foreclosure data was released this week by RealtyTrak. I was in California at the time, and the news coverage was upbeat. The report showed that there were nearly 14% less foreclosure filings in 2010 than in 2009. Wow! However, here in Illinois, data was the opposite, with just over a 15% increase in filings last year. Here's how the numbers looked - of 2.9 million foreclosures nationwide (up 1.7% from 2009), California had 546,669 filings while Illinois had 151,304. According to their calculations this represents 4.08% of the housing units in CA, and 2.87% of the IL units. According to my calculations, California accounts for 20% of the filings in the nation, with 5% in Illinois. That's reason to celebrate!?


Click here for a detailed listing of closings

from the last two weeks (Jan. 1-17) in WPB.  


WHAT'S NEXT? - You tell me! Send your ideas, questions, and suggestions, and I'll incorporate them into future columns. 

About Eva: 

Eva Bergant is a Bucktown resident and local Realtor with a community driven style. In addition to being the president of the Bucktown Community Organization (BCO), Eva has served as chair for the annual Bucktown Garden Walk for the past three years. Word on the street is that she and her partner, Sherri, make a mean BBQ, enjoy entertaining, traveling, relaxing at their vacation getaway in New Buffalo, Michigan, and spoiling their two dogs. You can reach Eva by email or at 312-543-6819.

peter with settlers COMMUNITY NEWS
Made Possible By
Cat and Mouse Game Store,
2212 W. Armitage


Hours: Tues.: 10 AM-10 PM
Wed-Sat.: 10 AM-7 PM
Sunday 11 AM-5 PM

For those of you searching for a little indoor competition this winter, Cat & Mouse's Settlers of Catan tournament series continues through March.  Details here!

Information on upcoming Property Tax Appeals workshops can be found in

today's (Jan. 18) Chamber of Commerce e-newsletter. 

Slip sliding down Western, 1/18/2010

The city's overnight 3 AM-7 AM parking ban affecting these arterial streets ends April 1, 2011. There's an additional snow ban which affects streets when there's at least two inches of snow. The SSA #33/WPB contracts with vendor Cleanslate to provide daily street cleaning services year round, as well as additional snow removal when there's more than an inch of snow on sidewalks and streets through March 15. This service is supplemental and does not relieve any able individual of the responsibility of clearing his or her walkway (Chicago Municipal Code 4-4-310 and 10-8-180). Do your neighbors need a friendly reminder of the shoveling code? Here's help from the ATA. Questions/comments about local snow removal can be emailed to the SSA#33/WPB office.


In other SSA News, the Neighborhood Bus Tracker program was featured in this Street Films video.  


Click here to read about two new SSA commissioners, and three recently resigned commissioners, via Our Urban Times. 

The Design Slinger blog turned a spotlight on the Humboldt Park Receptory & Stables.  

In advance of the Feb. 22, 2011, elections, the Wicker Park Bucktown Chamber of Commerce is co-hosting a 32nd Ward Aldermanic Forum on Thurs., Jan. 20, 2011. 

Not sure which ward you are in?
Click here to find out. 
Made Possible by
REarrange Studio,
2064 N. Damen
p: 773.904.8604

Tues - Sat: 11 AM-6 PM;
Sun.: Noon-6PM

Cleanliness is... Order? Happiness? Structure? Important? Unnecessary? A Priority? Be more organized. Bring a CUSTOM CLOSET by REarrange into your life. The materials will be 25% off, with 50% off installation, for any closets ordered in Jan., w/ mention of "pipeline."


What have you got to lose except disorder and chaos?


Local speakeasy the Violet Hour (1520 N. Damen) popped up on the radar twice this week, first for entering the modern era by opening a twitter account and a bartender-run blog called Party On Damen, and then for apparently dissing artist Tyrue "Slang" Jones by removing the mural they commissioned him to do just after he had finished it.


As reported on Grub Street Chicago, Scott Harris, the owner of Francesca's Forno, plans to close and retool the restaurant and hopes to reopen in spring or summer. Grub Street also reports that chef Mark Steuer, formerly of the Gage and Hot Chocolate, is set to open his own spot named the Bedford in the Wicker Park/Ukrainian Village area. Chicago magazine reviewed local Brit-pub Bangers & Lace, calling it "bloody good."


Bucktown boutique Veruca Salt is moving to River North, so anything left in the store is on deep discount. The Little Things Community in Wicker Park is looking for recent Journalism or Media Communications graduates to fill two intern positions on their marketing and publicity team. The Chicago Park District has a lot of events planned for Wicker Park between now and March to get you out and about and prevent that cabin fever!



(We hope you liked Nandika's first Linkypoos. After reading it, I asked Dika if she'd like to write Linkypoos all the time, in addition to her CAPS coverage. She replied, "totes," which drove me to this Urban Dictionary listing. I think she said 'yes.' Sweet. -AH)

photo from womhole's fb page
Photo lifted from Wormhole's Facebook Page

The Wormhole,
1462 N. Milw.
M-F: 7 AM-midnight,
9 AM-midnight

Mailbag: Reader Requests More Info on Other First Ward Candidates

Lopez poster on Western

Sign for


I enjoy reading the newsletter very much and thank you for your hard work putting it together.  During this election cycle that impacts the 1st and 32nd Ward so significantly, I was wondering why there isn't more mention of the other 1st Ward candidates.  Moreno appears in the newsletter all the time and you focused a lot on what he was saying at the candidates forum but you really never said anything about Lopez who also appeared and spoke.  I think it is very important to give the other candidates equal time so the voters can learn about the candidates.  So many people read your newsletter and I think you could really provide the voters with good solid information so they can vote intelligently.

Thanks for your consideration,

Tracey S.   

Phlah's hand crafted rahmn button

Phlash handcrafted this Rahm lapel pin


Ed. Note: Learn more about Deborah Lopez at In the coming weeks we will do our best to meet the candidates and present any findings here. Candidates are also welcome to reach us via email. There will be a Mayoral Forum on Community and Environmental Issues Tomorrow (Thurs. Jan. 19), per this Our Urban Times listing.   

herb gaot cheese puffs

Goat Cheese and Herbs Nestled in Puff Pastry=Holy Wow. Find 'em at Miko's Flipside!

ETC: Tidbits

Made Possible by Miko's Flipside,
1846 N. Damen

Tues-Sun: 11AM-7PM

It's New! 

It's Underground!

It's Miko's Flipside

A kid-dog-friendly pop-up coffee n' cake shop.

1846 N. Damen,  


11 AM-7 PM




After a seven year run, Shebang is closing its doors, per this sign. Just a few items remain, like faux fruit. We purchased lemons to go with our faux apples and pears. (Thanks to the strangers who helped me pick up said lemons from the floor of Santullo's when I dropped most of them). We are sad to see Shebang leave the neighborhood, as it was a favorite on the 'pop in' circuit.

Is "out with the old and in with the new" another way of saying New to You? Whatever it is, it's a big sale, over at North Damen's Crosell & Co., through the end of this month (Jan. 31). Crosell recently added a second location. Read more. 
Nic Sementa
Nic Sementa

RGB Lounge, 1420 N. Milw., is now open. We popped in shortly before a Friday evening art show. Owner Nic Sementa was friendly, but we had to make it a 'speed pop.' Read more about Sementa here in this Time Out Chicago story.

Delish will be opening soon on west Division. Its owners are no strangers to Division St. Look no further than to the owners of Picante, one door down, per Metromix.

Antico, an Italian restaurant on Leavitt (near Armitage) is slated to open at some point, although landlord Eugene says he's not sure when.

my tv We saw
mayoral candidate Miguel Del Valle Monday evening on TV with 250 CPS students who took part in the candidates forum on WTTW. We think in this photo Del Valle, second from left, was talking about what it was like to have been bullied as a child.


Elijah of Your Shoe Repair Shop, in the same place I was on Saturday afternoon

Speaking of bullying, my beat-up boots are on their third or fourth life. Elijah of Your Shoe Repair Shop, 2240 W. North, just repaired them for the third or fourth time, anyway. I spent $62 for two new zippers, two new heels, and a polish. The result is that my tired boots look almost new again. They will enjoy another season. Later that same day Elijah was at the ATM up the street, still in his work smock. I'm realizing now, only as I write this section, that Elijah might've been smiling not for the camera, but because I'm wearing his handiwork. 

As reported here last week, Daniels Antiques will stay open seven days each week (11 AM to 7 PM) through the end of this month, offering substantial savings during its Moving Sale.


Virtu is celebrating 10 Years on Damn, per this email.  


Do you have professional experience with animals and are looking for a job? Read on.



The Week Ahead
Made Possible by Jackson Junge Gallery and Framing,
1389 N. Milw.

P: 773-227-7900,

Tues-Sa. 11AM-8PM,

Sun. Noon-5PM


Wed. Jan. 19, 6:30 to 8 PM

Business Award and Photography Exhibition

1819 W. Chicago Ave. (WTCC)

Wed. Jan. 19, 7 to 11PM

Art Opening:  Chadwick Anderson "Thank You" Collection Preview

1442 N. Milw (The Silver Room)

Thurs. Jan 20, 6:30 PM 
32nd Ward Aldermanic Forum
2250 North Sheffield
(DePaul Univ. Student Center)

Thus. Jan. 20, 6:30-8PM 

Punchbowl- Teas of India 

Girl's Night Henna Makeup Artist Threading Photoshoots

2036 W. Division (Zaraz Collections)


Thurs. Jan, 20, 7:30-9PM

 Child Development 101 for Busy Parents 

1943 W. Division (Grow)  


Thurs. Jan. 20, 8:30 PM
Laughter: 10 Stand-up Comics, No Cover
by brian morgan, at jackson junge
"This meter remains as a courtesy to cyclists," by Brian Morgan, showing soon at Pipeline Week Ahead Sponsor Jackson Junge Gallery!
1938 W. Division (Jerry's)

Fri. Jan. 21, 6 to 9 PM
Art Opening:

Chicago A. D. (After Daley)

1389 N. Milw.
(Jackson Junge Gallery)

Fri. Jan. 21, 6:30-9PM

Art Opening: B-Sides

2010 W. Pierce, Suite 101

(Coalition Gallery)

Fri. Jan. 21, 7 to 11PM

Art Opening:

Matt Siber

(Johalla Projects)


Fri. Jan. 21, 7 to 10PM 

Art Opening: Jenny Scobel

2124 N. Damen (Firecat Projects)


Sat. Jan. 22, Noon to 5PM

Art Opening: Bruce Riley  

1431 N. Milw. (Eyeporium Gallery)  


Sun. Jan. 22, 11AM

Property Tax Appeal Workshop

1711 N. California (Moos Elementary School)   


Sat. Jan. 22, 1PM

Winter Experiment:  

Conversations with Artists

2154 W. Division (moniquemeloche) 


Sun. Jan. 23, 10AM to Noon  

1st Ward Proco Joe Moreno Satellite Office  

Milw/Western Intersection  

(Ray Kroc's Golden Arches) 

greens from
Fresh greens from, at the LS Farmer's Market


Sun. Jan. 23,  

10AM to 2PM

Logan Square Indoor Winter Farmer's Market  

2135 N. Milw.  

(Congress Theatre)  


Wed. Jan. 26, 6 to 9PM

Monthly Beer Tasting 

1861 N. Milw. (Red & White Wine Shop)   


Thurs. Jan 27, 9PM-1AM

Karaoke Underground

2401 N. Western (Quenchers Saloon)  

Fri., Jan. 28, 9 AM-3 PM
Holiday Drama Kids Shadow Puppet Workshop
2433 N. Lincoln (Victory Gardens Biograph Theater)

Sat. Jan. 29, 9AM to 7PM

Daylong Botox Party; RSVP Required

1821 W. North (Reina Spa)


emoty bottle Sat. Feb. 12, Noon to 4PM

Handmade Market

1035 N. Western (Empty Bottle)  




Closing Jan. 15, 2011:
Don Copper, Charlie B. Thorne (Tom Robinson Gallery)
ebony g. patterson tumelo mosaka

Wolverang checks out new work by Ebony G. Patterson and Tumelo Mosaka

Closing March 26, 2011:

Ebony G. Patterson and Tumelo Mosaka


Ongoing: The Magic Parlour (Chopin Theatre)
Ongoing: Boobs and Goombas: A Super Mario Burlesque (Gorilla Tango)

Closing Jan. 22: Bus Stop (Den Theater)
Closing Jan. 30: Pirates of Penzance (Chopin Theatre)

Closing March 5: Odradek (Chopin Theatre)

For more listings, visit Insiders Guide and Our Urban Times.

j2 ad

Thanks for reading. See you next week!

Alisa Hauser*, Publisher, writer, editor, Alisa's email
Pat J. Daily, Proofreader, copy editor, Pat's email
Nandika Doobay, Crime and CAPS reporter, Nandika's email
Philin Phlash, Photographer, p: 773-318-1435, Philin's email

*Words/Photos by Alisa Hauser or Philin Phlash unless noted. Do not use photos without permission, photo credit to Wicker Park Bucktown Pipeline,
doc dejean, pipeline file photoSMILE BRIGHT
Dr. William DeJean, DDS
Serving Area Mouths Since 1996
1363 N. Ashland
p: 773-384-3885
Send an email

Through Jan. 15, 2011, mention 'Pipeline' when booking a check-up, and receive a Free Whitening, for new patients, w/ insurance.