March 2011
Wagner Holistic Center  
Confronting Your Stress And Japan "Health Alert"
In This Issue
*This Thursday
March 17, 2011 watch Dr. Wagner on the KTBN
*Wagner Holistic Center featured in the
Beverly Hills Times! 
*Your Stress Levels from watching the disaster in Japan
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Stay tuned to KTBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network)
and see Dr. Edward Wagner being interviewed on the show.
Thursday March 17th 6p-8p
Friday March 18th  2p-4p

Wagner Holistic Center At The Oscars

Interview with Dr. Edward Wagner


                  Beverly Hills Magazine
Featured on Page 12, 13 and 34
Wagner Holistic Center was featured in this month's Beverly Hills Times Magazine. It was presented as the official publication at the Oscars. Check out the magazine online to see the interview with Dr. Edward Wagner.

Health Alert 

Confronting Your Stress and Japan



The constant watching of CNN News concerning Japan causes the brain of the observer to believe that the individual himself is going through the same plight.  This will shut down all forward motion in life.  The body is put into a survival mode which makes decision making very difficult.  Even choices to improve ones health are put on hold. I call this "decision making paralysis". 


Now is the time to be balanced, eliminating the accumulation of negative and hopeless news. I recommend limiting the news coverage to 15 min. a day to avoid being harmed by the news and falling into an addiction to it.  Secondly, I recommend treatments to bring the body and mind out of the spirit of despair or hopelessness.


For those that can't come in for a treatment, I suggest the following immediately:


Call the office and order NET - Earth.  This is a homeopathic spray to maintain the Earth Element.  In Chinese Medicine, the Earth Element is composed of the stomach, pancreas and spleen.  The emotions generated from an imbalanced Earth Element are the following: 


        *A lack of assurance of survival

        *Dying through another -

   (taking on others deaths)


        *Lack of control over events

        *Deficiency of safety

        *Excessive empathy for others

   who are suffering


For the possible radiation exposure, it would be extremely important to obtain iodine pills and keep them for future use as needed.  We have a limited supply, so call soon.


Remember, stress leads to imbalances in hormones.  Hormones have a direct effect on the immune system.  A confused or depleted immune system becomes the foundation for disease.  The best protection is a proper nutritional supplementation program.  I am here to help you and guide you through all hard times









Call us or visit so we can be of assistance to you!
Wagner Holistic Center
17383 Sunset Blvd. Suite #A230
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
310) 230-2145
The Wagner Holistic Team