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March 8, 2011

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"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but anyone can start today and make a new ending."


                                                  ~Maria Robinson 


Are you an IT professional living in the New York metro area with experience with wealth management systems experience? One of our clients is a well-regarded consulting firm and trying to hire many people with this experience. The more senior you are, the more consulting becomes a requirement.


If this is your experience, please email your resume to me at  

nd, if you know someone, please ask them to email their resume to me and mention your name.

After two consecutive weekends away, it was a return to my normal schedule. That time off made the week seem longer than usual but as the week went along, things started to get busier and busier for me. This weekend, we listened to our son play piano at  senior center. One song. He has been playing since early November and loves it.

As he stepped to the keyboard, a look came over his face that I see when I take him to lessons and he sits at the keyboard. he is completely focused and peaceful as he approaches the keyboard. His moment of heaven. It was wonderful.

We also are about to go into contract for the sale of our house (a major miracle in this banking climate) and will be moving into a cottage on a friend's farm until the school year ends. I'll talk about that more in a few months. 

Jeff Altman  
The Big Game Hunter

P.S. Become a fan of "Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter" on Facebook!  I offer fans special tips, ideas and discounts on my products, plus regular quotes like the one above designed to help you feel good and think positively.  



The Job Market: March 2011 

I have been blogging about the job market in the US and around the world since August 2001.


Where is the job market now?


Where is it headed?


What landmines lie ahead for it. 

Article Continued Here


Get Found! 

I was speaking with a senior professional with a large consulting firm on Friday afternoon. He had a big job helping to build a new practice and had decided to change jobs because he was not partner, would not get credit or recognition for what he did or any of the recognition that comes from a successful launch.

As I'm speaking with him, I went on to LinkedIn and couldn't find him. Maybe he isn't in my network. That doesn't happen often given the size of mine but it can.

 Article Continued Here  


No B.S. Job Search Advice Radio 
Every Monday morning at 9 AM Eastern, I offer clear advice about job hunting , interviewing, finding job leads, marketing yourself and your abilities and a lot more. Jeff is the author of five ebooks about job search and several special reports about resume writing and interviewing.

 March 7 Show   

My ebook, Look Me Up, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Social Networking Your Way to Job Search Success" offers strategies and tactics to help you use social networking as part of your job search and career development strategies. It is available as a PDF  as well as for Amazon's Kindle, and for Barnes and Noble's Nook.


We don't do print.  


Recently, I have been pointing you to ebooks for those who want to write their own resumes and cover letters. Yet there is something superior to a professionally written resume that comes through the noise. The look and the language often just package ideas better and make it easier for you to get interviews.

My newest resume resource is ResumeEdge. They do a terrific job of writing resumes and cover letters for people whether you are a recent grad, a professional, leaving the military or are an executive. They are worth using.

Would you like to be a guest on "No B.S. Job Search Advice Radio" and ask me a question? Would you like your question read on the air and answer? Email me at

And you can listen to the show live on Mondays at 9 AM Eastern time except when there is a US national holiday like yesterdayor on my website any time.


Receive tweets about jobs openings, job search tips, consulting assignments and more. Receive tweets from TheBigGameHuntr on Twitter  

Want to earn extra money the easy way? If your company is interviewing, email the name, number and email address of the person who's hiring and for what job. I'll keep your name out of it and, if I fill the job, will pay a finders' fee to you.    If you interview with a company and are rejected, email the best info you can about the job (company name, manager name, number, email address is ideal) and, if I fill the job, I will also pay a finders' fee to you.


No upfront costs

If you are someone with a book to sell online, a short story, a brief report or some other information that you would like to monetize, email me at Describe what you have available and we'll see if we can monetize it for you on a revenue sharing basis


Best Wishes,

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is Managing Director of Concepts in Staffing, a New York search firm. He has helped organizations hunt down leaders and staff in many disciplines since 1971.

Many services for helping you find your next job are available at

Get Yourslef Hired NOW!     Look Me Up


No B.S. Job Search Advice             The SIngle Best Question You Should Ask on Any Interview

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