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BioPharma Companies Benefit from Business Intelligence Software


There are good reasons why QlikView has become the business intelligence (BI) tool of choice across a wide range of industry users. From top management to skilled programmers, users quickly learn that they can easily leverage information across their entire organization in ways previously not thought possible. With information at users' fingertips, faster and smarter decision-making is possible with impact and a return on investment that is quickly realized.

The power and functionality of QlikView is also being applied to an increasingly diverse range of BI needs. The benefits also relate to market research analysts, marketing professionals and sales managers. Tracking and analyzing advertising campaigns and sales performance can be done instantly. By analyzing market factors in QlikView, adjustments in resource allocation and spend efficiencies, KPIs can easily be reviewed through standard or customized reports derived from multiple enterprise and market data sources.

NHHS Healthcare Consulting and Visual Data Group have teamed up to provide organizations with QlikView dashboard solutions that are designed specifically for the challenges of today's pharmaceutical, biotech and life science companies.


  • Find out how QlikView can solve your business analytics needs
  • See how QlikView is being used to improve decision making within life science organizations

Your organization does not use QlikView?


For more information on how QlikView can improve visibility into physician influencers, execute more sales and reduce operational cost; please contact Vince DeChellis at 215.862.6007 or email

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For more information about QlikView, Visual Data Group and NHHS Healthcare Consulting, please contact the Visual Data Group Team.

