Reina Spa, Incorporated
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Want to look younger? Rested?

       Just feel more comfortable when you look in the mirror? 

                                 Now's the time to do it!


Start 2011 with a fresh look - join the Reina Spa Botox Party!


BOTOX Party!


Reina Spa

1821 West North Avenue

Chicago, IL 60622



Saturday, JANUARY 29th


9 AM - 7 PM


Take advantage of our one-day spa event and banish unwanted wrinkles and fine lines (not to mention that sweating problem)! Ideal for the forehead, eye brow and eye areas, under arms and hands.


Dr. Randa Sawan, a cutting edge physician, is offering a limited-time special through January 29th:Botox is only $8.00 per unit (sold in 10 unit lots)! Normally $12.00/unit


Also Dysport $3.80 per unit for the first 25 units per visit.


RSVP Please! See you there!




Dr. Randa Sawan and Reina Spa


Vince Dinh, General Manager

Reina Spa, Incorporated
773-2B REINA or 773-227-3462


"Be Majestic.  Be Regal.  Be Reina"
"Reina Spa is environmentally friendly and we use non-toxic products."


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