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April 26, 2011

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"Do not let your peace depend on the hearts of men; whatever they say about you, good or bad, you are not because of it another man, for as you are, you are."  

                                     ~Thomas a Kempis        



Are you an applications or enterprise architect with financial services domain experience who would be willing to do 80% travel within the US? I have a client that would be interested in speaking with you.


If this is your experience, please email your resume to me at  

nd, if you know someone, please ask them to email their resume to me and mention your name.

One of the things I love about the Internet is the ability to re-connect with people I knew many years ago. About ten years ago, I received an email from someone who asked, "If playing roller hockey in The Bronx means anything to you, reply to this email." That led to a wonderful evening at Ben Benson's steakhouse in New York with 8 men who I grew up with as a boy in The Bronx.


This week, I had dinner with an old friend who I had not seen in more than 30 years with whom I connected via Facebook.  


Steve was the trumpet player in the rock band I was in when we were in college. Professionally, he now practices oral  & maxillofacial surgery. His hair is much shorter and his laugh is as robust as I remember and we had a lovely evening getting re-acquainted.


As we left for the night, we marveled about the karma that brought us together after so long that will separate us again in two months when I move to Asheville, N.C.. 



Jeff Altman  
The Big Game Hunter

P.S. Become a fan of "Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter" on Facebook!  I offer fans special tips, ideas and discounts on my products, plus regular quotes like the one above designed to help you feel good and think positively. In addition, sign up for my new page, Jobs from The Big Game Hunter.    



Closing The Job Interview 

Most job interviews follow a fairly predictable pattern.


They start with an open ended question like "Tell me about yourself and what you've been doing professional," that is designed for you to give an interviewer an outline of your experience, it proceeds to an inquisition to determine if you have adequate experience to do the job, and concludes with, "Do you have any questions for us," where you ask them to tell you about the job.


Job Search Lessons from "Celebrity Apprentice"

I realize I should have been writing about 'Celebrity Apprentice' a vehicle for learning about job hunting. After all, it is supposed to be a show where "B" and "C" level celebrities are competing for contributions to their respective charities while auditioning for a position as an apprentice to Trump in his businesses.


There are often great lessons that can be learned from each week's shows. Here are a few from a recent show.


Article Continued Here 

The Job Interview Formula 


60% of getting a job is accomplished before either of you has met because each of you believes that they have something the other one wants.


20% involves convincing each other that what you've been told about each other is true.


Article Continued Here 



My website,, has a lot of information to help you with your search. This includes  


Easy and convenient links to Careerbuilder job listings (right hand column between the Adsense ads),  


The JobSearchUniverse search engine (toward the bottom of the page),  


Recommendations of Job Search books that are not mine (use the search engine below JobSearchUniverse or click the tab, "Bookshop" at the top of the page,  


Previously recorded shows of No B.S. Job Search Radio, as well as audios of jobs I am recruiting for (also on the home page)   


Previous articles from No B.S. Job Search Advice Ezine



Links to sites you can post your resume as well as the Indeed Search Engine  (Upload your resume to all the sites that are relevant to your experience. 



A list of my books that are available for sale 


60 Days of Job Search Tips 




Call me to schedule a consultation at 646-374-8656 about your job search problems and discuss possible solutions.




I will ask you to forward payment in advance via PayPal before speaking or meeting with you.


Do you have a question for me about your job search?


Email it to me at  


I'll answer it on "No B.S. Job Search Advice Radio" and let you know when to listen.  


"No B.S. Job Search Advice Radio" is broadcast live on Mondays at 9 AM Eastern time except when there is a US national holiday  or on my website any time.


Receive tweets about jobs openings, job search tips, consulting assignments and more. Receive tweets from TheBigGameHuntr on Twitter  


Want to earn extra money the easy way?


If your company is interviewing, email the name, number and email address of the person who's hiring and for what job. I'll keep your name out of it and, if I fill the job, will pay a finders' fee to you.



If you interview with a company and are rejected, email the best info you can about the job (company name, manager name, number, email address is ideal) and, if I fill the job, I will also pay a finders' fee to you.


No upfront costs

If you are someone with a book to sell online, a short story, a brief report or some other information that you would like to monetize, email me at Describe what you have available and we'll see if we can monetize it for you on a revenue sharing basis


Best Wishes,

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter

Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter is Managing Director of Concepts in Staffing, a New York search firm. He has helped organizations hunt down leaders and staff in many disciplines since 1971.

Many services for helping you find your next job are available at 

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No B.S. Job Search Advice             The SIngle Best Question You Should Ask on Any Interview

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