BREAKING NEWS: CBS News to air 2nd 'Project Gunwalker' segment and Grassley writes Holder again

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"An ATF agent tells CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson that he was ordered to sit by and watch guns get into the hands of criminals in Mexico," CBS News reports.


See the sidebar video for a preview of what we'll see tonight, in what Attkisson says will be an "extraordinary follow up" to her first report which aired on Feb. 23.


"We will hear from an insider," she says, "who is telling us on the record and on camera, how it worked that thousands of guns were allowed to go in the hands of suspected criminals with ATF knowing that they would turn up in drug cartels in Mexico where they'd be used in crimes."

But the agents who objected within their own agency were repeatedly rebuffed, they were told to keep their mouths shut, to stop complaining about it, in one case we have an internal email that describes a supervisor telling somebody 'If you don't like it you can go work for the Maricopa County Jail-if this isn't fun to you then you can go find something else to do.'


'Department of Justice ATF have both denied that it ever happened," Attkisson concludes, "but we have evidence to the contrary, we have documentary evidence as well as testimony and interviews with agents who are actually involved."


Here is the full press release, just forwarded from The CBS News Evening News with Katie Couric:


March 3, 2011





Agent Tells CBS News: "The More Our Guys Buy, the More Violence We're Having Down Here"


 Tonight on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC (6:30 PM, ET), CBS News Investigative Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson will follow up on her February 23 report about a major scandal within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF).  In an exclusive interview with Attkisson, a Phoenix-based ATF agent risks his job to describe the practice of letting guns "walk," and gives an insider's perspective about how the ATF knowingly contributed to the escalating violence in Mexico and American border states to that country.

 Following are advance excerpts from tonight's broadcast.  


On his bosses' denial of the gunrunning practice and going public:


 ATF Agent: "I'm here boots on the ground in Phoenix, telling you we've been doing it every day since I've been here.  Here I am.  Tell me I didn't do the things that I did.  Tell me you didn't order me to do the things I did.  Tell me it didn't happen.  Now you have a name on it, you have a face to put with it.  Here I am.  Someone now - tell me it didn't happen."


 On role of ATF in violence in Mexico:


 Sharyl Attkisson: "Did you feel that the ATF was partly to blame for the escalating violence in Mexico, and on the border:


 Agent: "Yes ma'am.  I even asked them if they could see the correlation between the two.  The more our guys buy, the more violence we're having down there."


 On finding two assault rifles at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, and hoping to help Terry's family:


 Agent: "I felt guilty.  I mean it's crushing.  I don't know how to explain it."

 Agent: "First of all, I'd tell them that I'm sorry.  Second of all, I'd tell them I've done everything that I can for them to get the truth.  After this, I don't know what else I can do.  But I hope they get it."


 Sharyl Attkisson's full report broadcasts tonight on the CBS EVENING NEWS WITH KATIE COURIC.  Web exclusive elements will be available at after 6:30 PM, ET tonight.

*   *   *

Be sure and tune into the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric tonight at 6:30 pm EST. And tell everyone you know.

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