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Why Video?

Many of you have questioned using video to brand and market your business. You ask yourself "Why Video?" The purpose of video is to bring you up close and personal to your clients, fans, and prospects. This really allows you to builds trust and rapport with them. Think about this, do you do business with people you trust? Let's take it a step further; what are the perks of video? Videos go viral quickly; they add a personal touch to your communications and allow you to be you. Not only do we do business with people we trust but we also do business with people we like, wouldn't you agree? Video is a great way to allow your personality to shine and really connect with people on a deeper level. So go ahead and try one for starters if you haven't already. Okay I know, I are thinking "What do I talk about?"

Share your expertise

Use facts & testimonials (from other people)

Give guidance & directions

Acknowledge your audience (just a hello, thanks for your support)

5 Tips to... (Get fit in 5 days, make money online, do your makeup in 5 minutes. You get the point. Just be creative)

Social networking class invite
Click the video to see a sample of Video Marketing

Here are a few things to remember. Be yourself, be brief, be bright and be gone! You don't have much time to capture your audience. Above is a sample of a video invite I did for a social media broadcast online. You will notice I directed people. Don't be afraid to move your audience to action :)

Natalie Gouche'

P.S Forward to a Friend and add my Mogul Mom Page on Facebook.

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Brand and market yourself with video. Click HERE