Call2Arms--We are at War!

Day of Repentance



We are declaring War in the Heavenlies!


"Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack."

~Joel 3:9



In Ecclesiastes, the wise Teacher Solomon stated that there is a time for everything, including war (Ecclesiastes 3).  The Sons of Isaachar were those who rightly knew how to discern what times they were in.  As such they are honored amongst men.  (1 Chronicles 12:32) 


The Lord strongly rebuked those who were ignorant of the days that were upon them. 


"Hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky. How is it that you don't know how to interpret this present time?"

~Luke 12:56 


 We cannot hide behind our Christianity and say "Peace, Peace" when this is not a time of peace.  


Make no mistake, the devil is waging warfare on Christians.  Look no further than your Television screen or the Daily News.  Miriam Ibrahim in the Sudan remains chained in prison awaiting a death sentence.  Pastor Abedini Saeed is slowly having the life beat out of him in an Iranian prison.  Their only crime?  


Simply being a Christian.  


From the Boko Haram slaughter of innocents to Iraq and yes, even Christian based countries like the United States and Australia...the Devil has declared war.   If you think you can be a "conscientious objector"--there are no more places to run away to on the Planet as the persecution is ramping up worldwide.  


You may be thinking:  "What can I do?  I am just one small, insignificant person."  God never allows us this cowardly way out.  The Bible says "RESIST the devil and he will flee from you." He didn't say "flee from the devil and you will escape."  The Bible is very clear on cowardice. Cowards will be the very first to go in this war and will not make it into heaven (Revelation 21:8).



In WWII, there were plenty of seemingly "insignificant" people who made a huge difference.  Oskar Schindler, Corrie ten Boom, Irena Sendler, Dietrich Bonhoeffer...Those who had COURAGE to stand up in the face of a monstrous evil.  


The person who did NOTHING in the Bible and buried his one talent was called 

"YOU WICKED AND LAZY SERVANT" by our Lord Jesus Christ.   


Perhaps we are just called to shine the shoes of the infantry.  God will not hold you accountable if you are not called to be a General in this battle.  He WILL hold you accountable for not doing your small part.  


This June 29th, the Family Research Council is coordinating the annual "Call2Fall" Repentance Sunday.  Please click here to see how you can further become involved:



Click Here for Call2Fall  



 At The National Day of Repentance, we are coming alongside FRC to support them in this cause.  We are also calling for an ancillary Call2Arms for Intercessory Prayer on June 28th.


The weapons of our warfare are not of this world.  


The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.

~2 Corinthians 10:4


So put on the full armor of God.  Do your small part.  Each of us has a sphere of influence that we can call upon.   


Pay His Love Forward and pass this message ONWARD!  


 "Now muster your troops"

~Micah 5:1 (Common English Bible)


God Bless You!,

Pastor Jeff Daly

PS:  Click here for a very important PROPHETIC WARNING from Pastor Dave Wilkerson.

National Day of Repentance

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Day of Repentance