Grace Episcopal Church
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
News for July 10, 2014

Benjamin's Arrival!


Tuesday, July 1, was Benjamin Hart's first day at Grace, and Sunday, July 6, was his first Sunday.  He arrived with a lot of enthusiasm and energy, as well as new ideas for programs and ministries.  During his first week, he had the opportunity to attend meetings of the homelessness coalition, the Ministerial Association, and the Spiritual Formation Group, as well as a conference with our webmaster about additions to the Grace website.  This week he is chaperoning several diocesan youth to the Episcopal Youth Event being held in Philadelphia and hoping to get some new ideas about moving forward with our own Youth Group in September.  Benjamin met many of us on Sunday at a festive reception in the garden after worship and is looking forward to meeting others soon and to becoming more and more familiar with Hopkinsville and its resources and needs.  


Several months ago, when we were planning for expanding our ministries by bringing in additional clergy leadership, the idea arose of soliciting donations toward covering the cost of the first year of mission expansion, rather than depending on use of endowment funds.  We estimated that the cost to Grace, excluding funds being provided through the Diocese for the support of new clergy, would be approximately $40,000 per year.  To date, $27,000 has been donated toward this effort and is already in hand.  We hope that others will want to contribute toward this bold attempt to move forward and to become the thriving community of faith that we believe we are being called to become.  

Report from Kindergarten Fundraiser June 28


The kindergarten fundraiser was a big success!  From three sources--the rummage sale, sales of food prepared by our master griller (Phillip Merritt) and donations made at the musical performance in the late afternoon--we brought in over $2,200--more than enough to cover one scholarship for a child in Grace School.  Many thanks to all who participated in making this event so successful--and especially to Emma Nanney who worked tirelessly for days to prepare for the rummage sale.  Also, a special thanks to our various performers for sharing their talents.  It was a great day!

Foyer Group Kick-Off Scheduled for July 23


Lois and Hollis White are inviting all who have signed up to be members of a Foyer Group for the next year to come to a kick-off dinner at their house on Wednesday, July 23, at 6:00 pm.  Foyer Groups generally get together for monthly dinners, often pot-luck, and are a great way to get to know other church members on a social level.  The Whites will be sending out invitations to those who signed up earlier, but it's not too late to be added to the list.  We can always add another group, if needed.  So, please let Lois know. 

Living the Questions


Adult Forum is continuing to meet at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings.  We have had so much enthusiasm for the current program that we are doing, which is a video series entitled Living the Questions 2.0, that the Spiritual Formation Group is considering our offering it to a more public audience.  The series has been described as an introduction to "Progressive Christianity." We are certain that there are many people in the Hopkinsville area that are not attending church because they are not aware that there are a few Christian communities that welcome those who are seekers and questioners--communities that are inclusive, not only in terms of race and gender and other usual categories, but in terms of theological orientation and understanding. Episcopalians have a long history of belief that we don't have to agree with each other, even about matters of faith, in order to accept and appreciate each other and to worship together.  We would like to offer an alternative time for members and friends to become more familiar with the series before we "go public" and are planning to schedule a weekly time in the evening during the Fall.  More information will be forthcoming.  All are welcome.  

Dates to Remember

Sunday, July 13--9:00 am--Adult Forum
Sunday, July 13--10:15 am--Holy Eucharist Rite II
Sunday, July 13--4:00 pm--Hopkinsville Citizens Confronting Racism
Wednesday, July 16--12:10 pm--Holy Eucharist
Wednesday, July 16--4:00 pm--Kindergarten Board
Wednesday, July 16--5:30 pm--Vestry
Thursday, July 17--1:00 pm--Prayer Group
Thursday, July 17--4:30 pm--Membership Group
Sunday, July 20--9:00 am--Adult Forum
Sunday, July 20--10:15 am--Holy Eucharist Rite II
Sunday, July 20--6:00 pm--Celtic Eucharist

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