Benchmarks to Improve Medication Adherence

The cost of medication non-adherence is great: in 2009, the New England Healthcare Institute (NEHI) blamed medication non-adherence for $290 billion in 'otherwise avoidable medical spending' in the United States alone each year.

The NEHI reported in 2012 that a significant portion of hospital readmissions of Medicare patients - a metric closely examined by CMS and private payors - is caused by medication-related adverse events.

2013 Healthcare Benchmarks: Improving Medication Adherence 2013 Healthcare Benchmarks: Improving Medication Adherence provides actionable information from more than 100 healthcare organizations on efforts to improve medication adherence and compliance in their populations.

For more information or to order your copy today: 

Now in its third year, this annual analysis of medication adherence initiatives documents the impact of these programs on adherence and compliance levels, medication costs, ER visits, hospital and skilled nursing facility admissions, risk of death, and other areas of concern.

If you are already a Healthcare Intelligence Network Benchmark subscriber, then this report is FREE for you.

Not a member, but want to receive all benchmark reports published in your membership year for just $695...a $500 savings! Simply sign up for HIN's Benchmark Subscription, and you'll get access to these medication adherence benchmarks and upcoming benchmark reports on population health management, telephonic case management and more. Click here to sign up for this limited time offer today:

New in the 2013 Edition:

  • Comparative 2010-2013 data on key medication adherence metrics;
  • Expanded data on the increasing role of the community pharmacist in medication adherence and related reimbursement;
  • A look at the frequency of home visits and telephonic follow-up in these programs;
  • A broader examination of tools, technologies and program components, including the growing use of mHealth;
  • Health coaching as opportunity for medication management and reconciliation;
  • Dozens of effective work flows, tools and processes in use in medication adherence programs, in respondents' own words;
  • and much more.

Medication management has long been a key to-do on the hospital discharge checklist. But now efforts to educate patients and health plan members about proper use of prescribed medications is moving upstream to the medical home, community clinics, and even in the home.

This 50-page resource provides all-new metrics and measures on current and planned medication adherence programs as well as program elements, lessons learned, challenges and benefits and early returns from successful medication adherence initiatives.

This exclusive report analyzes the responses of more than 100 healthcare organizations to HIN's third annual Industry Survey on Improving Medication Adherence administered in January 2013, presenting data in more than 50 easy-to-follow graphs and tables.

For more information or to order your copy today, click here now: 

Available in Single or Multi-User Licenses

A multi-user license will provide you with the right to install and use this information on your company's computer network for an unlimited number of additional workstations within your organization for a one-time fee. To have this valuable resource on your network, or to inquire about ordering bulk copies in print or Adobe PDF, please e-mail [email protected] or call 888-446-3530.

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