Greetings coaches, athletes, and athletic directors;
(PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH ANYONE YOU FEEL MAY BE INTERESTED OR WHO COULD BENEFIT FROM IT ... including boosters, players, coaches, athletic directors, recreation departments, adult volleyball leagues in your community, college players, adult players, etc.)
We're just a few weeks away from the summer season and the Maine Volleyball Project and Maine Association of Volleyball Officials (MAVO) are looking for any interest from you and/or your team in a summer high school girls volleyball indoor league, which will play on Monday evenings, starting June 23, and ending on July 28, in Southern Maine.
This gives us a six week season of fun, exercise, and coaching opportunities, but also will give us an opportunity to bring our new volleyball officials up to speed much more quickly, by giving them six weeks of on-court practice and instruction.
This could also be an excellent opportunity for you to have us help train line judges, scorekeepers, and libero trackers for your team/program, since your schools are required to provide these personnel for your home matches.
Please let me know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you have any interest at all in this opportunity.
At this time we may be holding this league in one or two locations each Monday, and if your team is interested, we may have teams host a week, depending on the total number of teams entered.
My initial plan is to use two courts each "session", and provide two "sessions" each night, with teams playing in one or both. Most likely we would play either a two-out-of-three format, or two sets per match (but this is dependent upon the total number of teams). Schools are invited to bring one, two, or even three teams (at least 10 per roster please, to help avoid forfeits).
The goal is to be able to provide a couple of hours each week of low-stress, but structured play, giving the girls and coaches a chance to practice their skills, but also to work with the officials to learn proper volleyball protocols, and rules.
Even if you only have a few players interested, let me know, and we can either combine them into a team or teams, or add them to an existing team. We don't want to turn down anyone who wants to play this summer.
It is my understanding that we are expecting at least four new high school teams in Southern Maine for the upcoming season (Portland HS, Deering HS, Brunswick HS, and Bonny Eagle HS), and this will require us to bring in at least six new volleyball officials and get them trained quickly to be ready to work the 2014 season. The best way to do that is to create opportunities for them to receive on-the-court training, working with some of our best officials.
Also, please feel free to share with me any summer camps or clinics or open gym situations you may have for this summer with your teams (high school OR college) and we may be able to provide you some officials-in-training, along with some experienced officials, free of charge. It is essential that as a community, we provide as many opportunities as possible this summer for new officials to get some hands on training, and be able to hit the ground running this fall.