Winter 2014
Keep up to date on all the happenings of Rebuilding Together Seattle!
Rebuilding Together Seattle Young Professionals Society raises over $6,500 at inaugural 'Sip & Support' fundraiser 
On Saturday, January 25, more than 100 young professionals gathered at Wine World in the University District for the first annual 'Sip & Support' fundraiser! The group came together to support the volunteer projects of the Young Professionals Society (YPS) with Rebuilding Together Seattle, including their annual Spring Rebuilding Day house and other service projects throughout the year. 
Together, YPS members and friends raised more than $6,500!
Highlights from the evening included wine tasting from the excellent selection available at Wine World, beer tasting with four different brews from Hilliard's Beer, delicious appetizers from Foodz Catering, indoor Bocce ball games, a small silent auction featuring great local products, three raffles, and a lot of new faces learning about the work of Rebuilding Together Seattle and the Young Professionals Society.

Rebuilding Together Seattle thanks the Event Sponsor, BlackRock, and all of the donors, attendees, and volunteers for making the first annual Sip & Support a resounding success!   
To learn more about getting involved with YPS, email


Homeowner Spotlight
Alexander standing on his front porch

Alexander is a 78 year old hat maker and former civil engineer with Boeing.  He grew up in Chattanooga, TN, polishing shoes on the street before working his way into a shoe parlor.  His boss in the parlor taught him how to make hats, a trade he still practices today to make enough money to get by. Alexander has some physical limitations and a back injury that limit his mobility; he uses a walker and struggles to get around his home.  However, his positive Southern temperament keeps his spirits high, despite being diagnosed with cancer last year.


On Wednesday, January 29th, volunteers from sponsor group, Turner Construction, are rebuilding his front and back porches, building an all new wheelchair ramp, installing a security fence, repairing his basement stairs, and putting in new appliances.  Thank you, Turner! 


Program Impact
This year, Rebuilding Together Seattle plans to help 112 families with the necessary repairs they need to stay safe and warm in their homes. Here is an update on our progress for the fiscal year (beginning July 1, 2013). 
Volunteer with RTS
To learn more about volunteer opportunities with Rebuilding Together Seattle, please visit our volunteer page or email 
Program Highlights
Turner Construction
On Wednesday, January 29, about 60 employees from Turner Construction across the country will gather in Seattle to rebuild two homes in the Central District. The group will split their efforts between Alexander Conley (introduced above), and Marlon and Inez Johnson. Marlon cares for his 89 year old mother, Inez, who is blind and recently suffered a stroke. Volunteers will be completing substantial repairs at both houses including new porches and wheelchair ramps at both houses. Stay tuned to our Facebook page for photos from the projects. Thank you, Turner Construction!
O'Dea High School  
On Friday, January 24, about 40 volunteers representing the faculty and staff of O'Dea High School completed a service project with Rebuilding Together Seattle at Julia and Floyd Gossett's home in Columbia City. Julia is a paraplegic from an accident years ago and Floyd cares for her full-time. The Gossetts received help from Rebuilding Together Seattle a few years ago and Julia was so inspired that she took up painting.  O'Dea volunteers did a ton of yard clean up, removed ivy, cleaned the gutters, did some exterior painting and some minor fix-its around the home. Thank you O'Dea High School for making a difference for the Gossetts!

24th Annual Spring Rebuilding Day

Spring Rebuilding Day is just around the corner and planning is already well underway for our largest program event of the year.  Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 26th and join us for the big day!
Last year, more than 1,000 volunteers joined together to restore 26 homes and 2 nonprofit facilities around the Seattle area. If you or your company would like to get involved with Rebuilding Together Seattle for Spring Rebuilding Day, please contact Caleb Marshall, Program Director, at
Upcoming Events
January 29 Turner Construction Rebuilding Day 
February 1-14 
Hearts Rebuilding Homes Valentine's Day Campaign
Look for the official campaign announcement on February 1st!
February 15 Microsoft Employee Service Project 
Early March Young Professionals Society Service Project 
April 26 24th Annual Spring Rebuilding Day 
May 15 1st Annual Safe and Healthy Homes Breakfast 
Click here to learn more about this inaugural event!
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811 Harrison Street Seattle, WA 98109