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Good News Update 87                       22 January 2014

A Night of Prayer for Australia

Australia Day Eve - Saturday 25 January 2014  




As the year continues to unfold, we have more exciting news!


The Australian Prayer Network has again called its member churches, prayer groups and individuals to A Night of Prayer for Australia. This will be held on Saturday 25th January 2014, the eve of Australia Day.  In 2013, tens of thousands of Australians in local communities across our nation joined in this annual national night of prayer. 


Brian Pickering, the National Coordinator of the Australian Prayer Network shared with us on Monday, 
"It is short notice being at the beginning of the year but already we have had 330 requests for the prayer points from churches and prayer groups and they are still pouring in as people get back into the swing of the new year." 
Clearly the main aim of the Australian Prayer Network is to encourage as many Christians as possible to pray for Australia.  There is great flexibility for organisers, prayer gatherings and individuals to pray as they are led - you do not even have to be registered.  


Prayer points which can be used on the night have been prepared and may be downloaded from the Australian Prayer Network website or sent to you by email by writing to them at [email protected]. These are very clearly presented in eight topical segments which flow on from each other.


Oswald Chambers
, whose reflections make up the devotional classic 'My Utmost for His Highest', said 


"Whenever God plans to send revival blessings  
He first lays a burden for it on the hearts of those
who make themselves available to Him".

This statement reflects the fact that even though nothing is impossible for God, He chooses to involve His people in seeing that His plans and purposes come to pass.   


Could it be that the growing response to this prayer initiative of the Australian Prayer Network, and other prayer ministries, is a sign of coming revival?  It is exciting that the prayer points ask us to "cry out for a revival of faith amongst God's people" that will "sweep our nation"
It is also exciting to hear of others who are making themselves available to God to pray for Australia.  We have contact with an Indian prayer fellowship in Queensland and they have been burdened to pray and fast all night from 6pm on Australia Day to 6am on the holiday Monday.  They want to follow the example of Jesus who spent whole nights in prayer and communion with His Father.  Their three segments are prayers for families and communities, prayers for the Government of Australia and the Church, finishing with prayers for India and world evangelisation. 


As we consider how we might take part in a night of prayer for Australia let us pray especially for all the Australia Day messages that will be given from pulpits across Australia during Sunday church services.  Let us pray that these messages will awaken and burden our hearts for Australia which has such a rich Christian heritage. 


In the year 1606, Captain Pedro Fernandez de Quiros gave this continent the name 'Australia del Espiritu Santo' or literally 'Southland of the Holy Spirit'. He did this in the name of Jesus who he proclaimed as the one who "gave His life for the ransom and remedy of all the human race".  Pray that the destiny that God has planned for our Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, to be a blessing to all the nations of the world, will come to pass.


By taking part in A Night of Prayer for Australia you will be undergirding the Judeo-Christian foundations of our nation in prayer. Last week another attempt to undermine our Christian heritage was evident in the latest attempt by Green's acting leader Senator Richard di Natale to scrap the Lord's Prayer in Federal Parliament. Thank God that many have responded in support of using the Lord's Prayer. 


An editorial in The Australian newspaper titled "Say a Little Prayer for the Greens" on 16 January began,


NO book has had a greater impact on Western civilisation than the Bible. Believers or not, few would disagree. The Bible has shaped our language, art and institutions. Its Christian teachings have informed our development from exploration to enlightenment, through customs to laws, forging countries and cultures. So the practice of beginning deliberations in federal parliament with the Lord's Prayer is not the imposition of a narrow religious code but rather a continuing thread of responsibility and respect for the burden of democratic decision-making. 

Read the rest of this remarkable editorial here. Yes, God is answering our prayers.


By setting apart a night to pray for Australia you are making an investment for eternity. For when revival comes -  


"Then the land will yield its harvest,

and God, our God, will bless us.

God will bless us,

and the ends of the earth will fear him."

(Psalm 67:7)


Australia is often referred to as "The Lucky Country" to describe everything that is great about our nation. But it is to "this lucky country, of dreams gone dry" that the song, The Great Southland, calls forth revival. Let's sing this song with Steve Grace and ask God to flood this land with His Presence.

Have a great Night of Prayer for Australia and a GREAT AUSTRALIA DAY!

Yours for the undergirding of Australia in prayer,


David Rowsome and Warwick Marsh



PS. Another significant nation-wide day of prayer is the National Day of Thanksgiving held this year on 31 May, 2014. Mark your diaries now and plan to be involved as Christians unite their hearts before God in thanksgiving.


Protecting Our Australian Values 

P.O. Box 378
, Unanderra NSW 2526     [email protected]
The Canberra Declaration is the work of many people and organisations.
The administration of the initiative is being supported by the Australian Christian Values Institute and Australian Heart Ministries.

big thank you to those who have already contributed! Every donation makes such a difference.
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
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