 Texas Bottle Bill
Lookout for this Texan. He's on your roads!
Even a pumpkin head can tell you,
"our communities are choking!"

What curbside misses lands in our ditches,
and into our bayous and bays!
With a refundable nickel we'd prevent the roaring trickle,
and containers would live on for days!


Only 'Preventing the Toss' will stop this from happening in Texas. Call, or visit your legislators, and tell them "there is a nickel solution to the beverage container pollution that plagues our waterways." (Find your rep at



Demand our waterways be clean in 2015.




Send us your photos of what you find in your bays, bayous, rivers, and streams...we need to add to our collection.




WHERE HAVE WE BEEN. WHERE ARE WE GOING.  You will spot us all over Texas. Be sure to say, "hi!"

Visit our friends at Container Recycling Institute at see container deposit headlines from across the nation. 

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