July 2023


We're excited to share more stories with you about how WPU is empowering growth through Christ-centered education.

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Dear WPU Community, 


If you know me, you know how much I love alliteration! This summer brings to mind a good one for me personally: “Feeling Fulfillment and Fruit at Fifty!” Let me explain… In scripture, summer is often referred to as a season of growth and renewal – a time for fruitful harvests and realizing the abundance of God’s gifts. I experienced a moment like this when I celebrated my 50th birthday earlier this month...

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Kingdom Together: WPU Connects With Family From All Over the World at 2023 Church of God Convention and General Assembly in Tampa 

After a several-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the national Church of God Convention and General Assembly joyfully resumed the tradition of convening pastors and ministry leaders for a four-day experience of operational discussion and elections, dynamic speakers and worship, and reunions of faithful believers from all over the globe. Warner Pacific University staff were honored to be among them! 

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Knight News

WPU Names Dr. Cecelia Monto

as New Vice President of Academic Affairs

Warner Pacific University (WPU) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Cecelia Monto as its new Vice President of Academic Affairs. The position plays a critical role in the university’s academic direction by leading the faculty, providing oversight of curriculum development and policies, and serving as a strategic planner and innovator for the university’s slate of degree offerings...

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Admitted Student Day: A New Generation of Knights Grab Their Passports to Prepare for their Future College Journey

Last month more than 70 students and family members gathered on a sunny day on the hillside of Mt. Tabor. The WPU campus hosted “Admitted Student Day” -- a special event for future Knights to get a taste of WPU college life and experience a full day of fun activities to welcome and support their journeys. 

The theme was “Passport to Your Future” where students received a passport-inspired welcome packet and earned a stamp for each activity they completed throughout the day...

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The Athletics Department Welcomes Esports to the Warner Pac

Warner Pacific University Athletic Director, Matt Gregg, has announced the addition of Esports to the fold starting this upcoming school year. Esports is one of the fastest growing sports in the country and we are looking to be a part of that wave that is growing quickly on the west coast.


With this new sport, naturally, it needed a modern room to call home. The Esports gaming room will be located in the bottom of the library in a newly renovated room complete with new paint, a huge logo, state of the art computers, keyboards, chairs, and headsets... 

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Inspiring Students Through Music for Over 30 Years: Mary Fox Hosts Piano Recital for Second Consecutive Year 

Mary Fox has played piano ever since she was a young girl. She said her piano teacher taught her everything she knows. When she was presented with the opportunity to become a teacher herself, it was too good for her to pass up.  

A friend asked Mary if she would be interested in taking over his piano students. “The opportunity fell in my lap, so it wasn’t something I was pursuing,” said Mary Fox. “I knew it was an opportunity I had to take, and it gave me the option to stay at home with my kids.”  

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The Hispanic Basketball Mix League Returns, Thanks to a New Home at WPU’s C.C. Perry Gym 

With students gone on summer break, the WPU campus hosts numerous organizations throughout the Portland community. This summer in particular, the Hispanic Basketball Mix League has been hosting tournaments almost every weekend in the C.C. Perry Gym.


The Hispanic Basketball Mix League was founded in 2011 by Crisoforo Rodriguez...

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Partnering with PCC: How Bridge Programs Help Students Graduate from High School and Envision a University Education

At Warner Pacific, we strive to continuously live out our mission with purpose. One way we accomplish this is by partnering with organizations that help us grow and expand similar values. Last month, Portland Community College (PCC) hosted a graduation ceremony at WPU for their students enrolled in the “Yes to College” and “Gateway to College” programs – students who are now poised to consider universities like WPU...

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Viewpoint: How Oregon's private colleges lay the groundwork for the state's future successes

The Oregon Alliance of Independent Colleges and Universities is hosting its annual Oregon Private College Week this week, July 24-28, 2023. Read this insightful article to learn more about this organization and the impacts that academic institutions have on our state's economy.

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Student Spotlight

In Her Own Words: Briseyda Avila-Rojas '23 Graduates and Continues Her Education at WPU to Become a Nurse Practitioner

Briseyda is a newly graduated Warner Pacific University alum and is currently studying to achieve her Bachelor's of Science in Nursing. She describes her undergrad experience, her biggest influences, and gives advice for incoming students.

Read more about her story:

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Why Your Gift Matters! Please Help WPU as We Enter a New Academic Year

Warner Pacific University provides scholarships, supports faculty development, enhances campus facilities, and fosters innovative academic programs. Your generosity, regardless of the amount, will have a tangible impact and help deserving students receive a transformational education rooted in our shared values.

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503-517-1020  |