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Dear WPU Community,
I love the month of May. Why? Well in addition to the glorious turn to summer in Portland (the most beautiful place I’ve ever lived), I get to celebrate one of my favorite events of the year: COMMENCEMENT!
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A new generation of Knights will now take their place among WPU alums, and their chosen professions as faith-filled leaders. On Saturday, May 13th, Warner Pacific University celebrated the graduation of 130 students which consisted of 21 master's degrees, 106 bachelor's degrees, and 3 associate degrees. In addition, 35% of the class of 2023 identified as first-generation college graduates. The ceremony was held at Sunset Church in Beaverton for the first time and was attended by family, friends, faculty and staff, and honorary guests of our beloved graduates.
Following the processional, a scripture reading was presented by Chelsea Perez-Veneros ‘23, who graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice.
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Commencement Student Speakers | |
Brianna Avalos: Traditional Speaker
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Biological Science
Post-Grad Plans: Brianna will be attending the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) for naturopathic medical school starting this fall.
Why Warner: “I chose Warner for its mission of diversity, equity, and inclusion. The small class sizes with higher individualized assistance allow students to form interpersonal relationships with professors and faculty.”
Favorite Class: “My favorite class was Microbiology. Learning the vast importance of microbes' impact on human health and how they are utilized in medicine was the most interesting part of the class.”
Advice for Current Students: “It is ok to ask for help! Seeking assistance on topics you are unsure of is part of the learning process. Know the type of student you are and be honest with yourself on how much time you need to dedicate to assignments and studying. Take time for yourself no matter how busy you are. Keep an open mind as life might ask you to serve in certain ways you never planned or even imagined.”
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Reem Alkattan: Professional & Graduate Studies Speaker
Degree: Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership
Post-Grad Plans: Reem plans to continue gaining experience at her current position as Operations Coordinator and working on getting promoted to Senior Coordinator and eventually a manager.
Why Warner: “I chose Warner because of diversity and the structure of the program which is geared towards working adults.”
Favorite Class: “My favorite class was managing change. It is so important for business leaders to know how to navigate through change at their organization.”
Advice for Current Students: “Always believe in [your]selves and [your] abilities and anything will be possible to achieve. Trust yourself.”
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Chelsea Perez-Veneros: Scripture Reader
Degree: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice with a minor in Trauma Studies
Post-Grad Plans: Chelsea will be joining the Beaverton Police Department as a Victim Advocate. She plans on entering law enforcement and working her way up to the federal level.
Why I chose Warner: “I chose Warner because of the class sizes and individualized support that was offered both academically and socially. Warner fostered me with a community that helped me thrive while navigating the ropes of being a first-generation college student.”
Internships: Chelsea interned with the Beaverton Police Department for a semester of college.
Advice for Current Students: “My advice [is] to continuously seek out opportunities that will advance your academic integration and professional aspirations. No matter how big or small, an opportunity to learn is an opportunity to grow. Growth is not linear, but if you allow yourself to do ONE thing each day that will help you, you can become 1% better each day, and eventually your 1% will lead to 100%.”
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Passing of the Torch
WPU's student government association held it's "Passing of the Torch" ceremony on April 27, 2023. This event honors the transition and passing on of leadership for the next academic year.
To start the event, the current SGA President opened with prayer and an overview of student leadership. Following, each student leadership team had several minutes to share about their current team, successes, and introduce the next year’s team. Before the closing, all graduating student leaders were recognized and given their according stoles/cords. Once that was completed, the SGA President for the upcoming year led the entire group in an oath.
This ceremony recognizes the tremendous amount of work that was completed by current leaders and scholars, celebrates team successes & achievements, and provides encouragement for the upcoming year’s student leaders and scholars. Congratulations to all our student leaders past, present, and future!
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Business Division Awards
The WPU Business Division hosted a Seniors Awards ceremony on Tuesday, May 2nd, in the McGuire 161 Lecture Hall. The event brought together several WPU staff, faculty members and Business Division students to celebrate the exceptional achievements of their peers.
During the Awards ceremony, Interim Dean for Business Dr. Ulf Spears spoke about the selection process for the award winners. He explained that the recipients were nominated by faculty members based on their demonstrated commitment to their studies and active participation in University activities. Dr. Spears made mention of Jereme Harlan, a Professional Graduate Studies (PGS) student who is also employed full time. He explained that Jereme completed his Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership (MAOL) in about 12 months by doubling up on classes several times.
The award recipients were Cole Dorman for the Dean’s Award for Academic Achievement in Business, Kaitlin Hirasa for Outstanding Traditional Accounting Student, Christina Barrett for Outstanding Traditional Business Administration Student, Tin Nguyen for Outstanding PGS Master of Business Administration Student, and Jereme Harlan for Outstanding PGS MAOL Student.
The WPU Business Division's Seniors Awards ceremony was a wonderful occasion for all who attended and served as a fitting tribute to the remarkable accomplishments of this year's award recipients.
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Twenty-Nine Students Receive Their Nursing Pins
On Friday, May 12th, Warner Pacific University’s Division of Nursing honored and acknowledged 29 students to receive their Nursing Pins.
For the nursing community, the pinning ceremony is a distinctive and important event; it is a representation of the nursing students' commitment to their studies and clinicals. Nursing students who have earned their practical nursing diploma to become a licensed practical nurse (LPN) or their associate degree in nursing (ASN) or bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) to become a registered nurse (RN) are eligible for the pinning ceremony. In total, WPU's Nursing Division had 31 students graduate from Cohort #6.
The Pinning Ceremony was hosted in McGuire Auditorium on the Mt. Tabor campus. Family and friends were invited to attend this ceremony with about 225 people in attendance. Before the ceremony, the nursing student could select a special person in their life to dedicate the pin to. This could include a teacher, a close friend, or a relative. The graduate was followed by this person onto the stage, where they were given the pin to wear.
Warner Pacific University’s Division of Nursing would like to commend all our BSN graduates; they are meeting our overarching goal to increase diversity in the nursing workforce. Congratulations to Cohort #6!
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Admissions Team Attends Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs Trade Show
Warner’s Professional and Graduate Studies admissions team spent the day recruiting and connecting with partners at the Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs Trade Show. OAME has over 700 members and over 200 minority-owned, woman-owned, emerging small business, and service-disabled veteran business enterprises. This trade show has occurred annually for the past 35 years.
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Rotary Club Hosts Enterprise Academy Camp on Campus
WPU hosted the Rotary Club of Portland's Enterprise Academy Camp May 19-21st. In attendance were 70 students and 30 counselors and staff using nine different classrooms. They stayed in Smith Hall, ate in the Dining Hall, and walked around the beautiful Warner Pacific campus!
A little history about the academy:
“For more than 30 years, the Rotary Club of Portland has provided the opportunity for high school students to explore the challenges and opportunities of our free enterprise system and the dynamics of the business world through Enterprise Academy. Students will form teams and work with advisors to build a business. Prizes will be given to the winning team. Scholarships are given out for underprivileged youth to attend.” Rotary Club of Portland (rotarypdx.org)
The winning team came up with a tech company called “Mirage.” They designed a mirror that combines LiDAR technology and augmented reality to create an immersive and realistic try-on experience.
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"Quest for Success" Celebratory Breakfast
On Wednesday, May 17th, faculty and staff gathered for an Employee End-of-Year celebratory breakfast in McGuire Auditorium. This breakfast was an opportunity "to wrap up our 'Quest for Success' for the academic year, note our progress and challenges, and celebrate all that God has led us through this year," stated Jennifer Boehmer, Chief of Staff and Senior VP of Advancement & Strategic Communications.
Our "Quest for Success" was our guide map for goals we aimed to achieve this year. The main areas of focus included Christ-Centeredness; Accreditation; Enrollment, Retention, & Student Success; Strategic Enrollment Management Plan; Facilities; Advancement; and Capital Campaign.
We are filled with gratitude for each and every employee who has worked so hard to navigate this Quest journey this past year and we look forward to what the next academic year will bring!
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Host Your Event at Warner Pacific | |
Did you know that you can host your event, staff meeting, sporting event, workshop, class or memorial service right her on the Warner campus? Venue spaces such as McGuire Auditorium, Egtvedt 203 and Schlatter Chapel are available for rent. Classrooms are available too. To find out more, follow this link: Host Your Event | |
Inviting All Admitted Students to Come to Campus!
We are excited to welcome all admitted students to campus on Saturday, June 24th from 9am - 2pm. For more details, please contact the Admissions Office at 503-517-1020.
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What does a scholarship gift mean to Warner students?
"A scholarship helped me to recognize my own academic achievement and potential."
"A scholarship made it possible to pursue my education."
"A scholarship allowed me to continue learning, meeting new people, and giving back to my community."
"The scholarship reduced my financial need."
"A scholarship made it possible for me to worry less about tuition and focus more on my studies."
"The scholarship lifted a weight off my back!"
"A scholarship ensured I would complete my college degree."
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Connect With Us on Social Media! | |
Warner Pacific University
2219 SE 68th Avenue Portland, OR 97215
503-517-1020 | warnerpacific.edu
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