April 2024 Advising Newsletter


  • Registration for returning students begins on April 8. Please make sure that your advisees have completed course plans before this date.

  • Please check the Advising Hub for alerts. Consider reaching out to the student with resources and/or set up a meeting. Check out the new e-mail template for students with attendance alerts that includes helpful CC resources!
  • Grade alerts go out today! This will be the third grade alert for 16 week classes, second for 12 week classes and first for second 8 week classes


Advising Sequence

Use the resource here to determine a sequence for advising, including a guide to when to use what platforms!


If you know of a transfer student who is planning to transfer to UNCG, they may be eligible for the Presidential Scholarship. Students must have be enrolled in a transfer program, have completed at least 30 hours and have a 3.0 g.p.a or higher. Students can apply for the scholarship here.


Central Carolina Transfer Network

Numerous studies have indicated many community college students wishing to transfer are at a disadvantage because they do not have family members or friends who have experience with the transfer process. “Students are largely on their own, and when they do make it to a university…there can be unreceptive cultures” (Fink qtd. In Mangan 2023). To help alleviate this problem, CC faculty have agreed to serve as resources for their Alma Maters. By serving as resources, students can tap into their instructor's network, which they wouldn't normally have access to. To access the network, go here. If you are willing to join this network of faculty willing to help students transfer, please contact Don Miller at


Connecting Students with Curriculum and Continuing Education Opportunities

April 4, 2-3 p.m.

Sign up here

Join Lisa Smelser and Amy Gustavson as they discuss advising opportunities for continuing education and curriculum students. Learn how to help transition continuing education students to curriculum programs AND identify continuing education opportunities to help your curriculum advisees reach their goals.

Advising Transfer Students

April 10, 12-1 p.m.

Sign up here

Learn how to understand EVALS and use Baccalaureate Degree Plans to effectively advise transfer students.


The following workshops will be offered for transfer students in the spring. Please encourage your transfer students to attend. If you have ideas for transfer workshops that are not on the list, please contact Don Miller.

Understanding Baccalaureate Degree Plans

Don Miller

April 18, 12-1 p.m.

Students will learn how to use Baccalaureate Degree Plans (BDPs) to maximize their transfer credit.



  • Students can now initiate a Change of Program in their Success Hub. They just need to fill out the Change of Program form located there. Advisors will receive notification when one of their advisees has requested a change of program.

  • Need Slate Training? Click here to start! Once you have completed the Beginners' training, access the Advising Foundations Blackboard course for a recording of Advanced Slate Training.
  • Have students confused about the withdrawal process? There is a snippet for that! Click on the student's e-mail address in your advising hub and then the "Withdrawal Process" snippet for quick and easy instructions about withdrawing from a course.