Upper School

Dear Upper School Students and Families,

While the halls at Beaver are alive with the sounds of happy campers right now, behind the scenes we’re getting ready for day one of school, and we’re excited to see you and get started! 

Before classes start, we look forward to seeing you on campus for the Upper School Welcome event and Opening Advisor Meetings on Wednesday, August 28. These meetings serve many purposes: they’re both a great way to meet or reconnect with your advisor and to begin meeting other students through BVRConnects, a program that pairs new US students with returning BVR students to help navigate life in the Upper School—from understanding the schedule to finding their way around campus to learning about the different clubs and groups available. Please see the details below, and we’ll see you there!

In addition, I've also included reminders of a few important dates coming up at the end of this month and the start of September.

See you soon!

Lisa Brown

Director of Upper School

Upper School Welcome Event


(you choose)

Wed., Aug. 28

12 to 1 p.m. OR

4 to 5 p.m.

Bradley Hall
All US parents/caregivers (US students are welcome to join, if they like)

Join us for this "who’s who" in the Upper School. You'll hear from Kim Samson, Head of School, and Lisa Brown, Director of Upper School, and you’ll connect with grade team leaders, deans, and other members of the Upper School team. We'll kick the event off with a welcome, followed by goals for the year, Upper School policies and practices, and who to talk to when.

*Upper School Opening Advisory Meetings for parents/caregivers and students are from 12 to 5 p.m. on this day; you can attend whichever Welcome Event works best with your scheduled conference. You received an email from the Registrar's Office with more details and conference sign-up information. All 9th-grade students and all new students in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades are required to attend the opening of school advisor meetings. We also encourage all returning students to attend to reconnect with their advisors.

We know that the start of school is jam-packed, so here are a few additional dates to mark on your calendars.

Don't worry, you don't have to have these memorized as you'll be hearing a lot more from us in the coming weeks. As a reminder, all key dates for the 24-25 school year can be found on the Major Dates calendar.

Week of 08.19

Monday, 08.19–Thursday, 08.22

Pre Preseason Athletics (optional)

Sign up here.

Week of 08.26

Monday, 08.26–Friday, 08.30

Preseason Athletics (mandatory)

More details coming soon, see the schedule here.

Wednesday, 08.28

Opening Advisor Meetings

12 to 5 p.m.

Families received a communication from the Registrar’s Office earlier this week with information on how to sign up for meetings.

Upper School Welcome Event

12 to 1 p.m. or 4 to 5 p.m. (you choose)

Details are above.

Week of 09.02

Monday, 09.02

School Closed: Labor Day

Tuesday, 09.03


Thursday, 09.05

Picture Day, rain or shine!

Friday, 09.06

BVR Community Event for Parents/Caregivers: Coffee + Conversation hosted by the PA Welcome Team

8:15 to 9:30 a.m.

Email invite coming soon.

Saturday, 09.07

Reception for Students of Color and their Parents+Caregivers

4 to 6 p.m.

Email invite coming soon.

Week of 09.09

Tuesday, 09.10

Roadmap to Senior Year

An event for the class of 2025 parents/caregivers

6 to 8 p.m., Bradley Hall

Email invite coming soon.

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