February 2024 Advising Newsletter


  • Please check the Advising Hub for alerts. Consider reaching out to the student with resources and/or set up a meeting. Check out the new e-mail template for students with attendance alerts that includes helpful CC resources!
  • Students who were placed on academic probation in the fall are required to take ACA 085. Please work with any advisees who may need to sign up for this class. Second 8 week sections with openings include LB281, LB282, LN282, LN283 and LN285
  • The deadline to apply for spring graduation is March 15. While this date might seem far off, now is a good time to check to see which of your advisees are eligible to graduate. For more information, attend the workshop on February 6 (see more below)


New Agreement with Campbell!

Central Carolina and Campbell recently came to terms on an agreement that will benefit transfer students. Students who earn an Associate in Arts or Associate in Sciences from CCCC with at least a 2.0 g.p.a. are assured admittance to Campbell University. Students admitted to the program can access Campbell activities, facilities and services. Students can apply to Campbell here.

Pirate Promise

The Pirate Promise application will open on February 1 and remain open until April 1 – this application will be for students who wish to start Pirate Promise benefits beginning in the Fall 2024 term. For more information on Pirate Promise, go here.

UNCW PathWays

UNCW has officially re-launched the PathWays program (formerly Pathways to Excellence). Their updated website contains new program information and participating community colleges. Students can enroll in the PathWays program here.


Applications for N.C. State's transfer program open on February 1. This program "aims to increase enrollment and bachelor’s degree completion among low-to-moderate income, rural, under-resourced, military-affiliated, and first-generation transfer students." For more information on C3, go here.


C-STEP is an assured pathway for transferring to UNC-Chapel Hill. Since this program requires an essay and letters of recommendation, students are recommended to prepare application materials far in advance of the April 1 deadline. For more information, go here.


Getting Students Ready for Graduation

February 6, 12-1 p.m.

Sign up here

As the graduation application deadline approaches, learn what you need to do to make sure your advisees are ready for graduation!

Opportunities and Challenges for Advising Con Ed/Curriculum Students

February 22, 2-3 p.m.

Sign up here

This training, given by Amy Gustavson and Lisa Smelser, will cover pathways for students who start in continuing education but want to transition to curriculum.


North Carolina State University has organized a lunch and workshop for Central Carolina Community College advisors to learn more about the admissions process at NC State. There will be a presentation from the Goodnight Scholars Program, C3, and the Admissions Office. This workshop will be interactive and include a mock application review so that the Central Carolina CC transfer advisors can see how NC State reviews applications. Lunch will be provided! Deadline to sign up is February 7.

 February 16th


Dennis Wicker Civic Center

Sign up here



The following workshops will be offered for transfer students in the spring. Please encourage your transfer students to attend. If you have ideas for transfer workshop that are not on the list, please contact Don Miller.

Thriving Through Transfer

Jennifer Babb

February 8, 12-1 p.m.

Library Classroom

Throughout this workshop participants will have the opportunity to explore the transfer process, discuss academic planning, and navigate other tools and resources that will foster seamless transition in helping them achieve their academic and career goals.

Establishing a Transfer Network

Don Miller

March 12, 12-1 p.m.

Students will learn about the resources they can use to establish a transfer network before they even step foot on campus!

Understanding Baccalaureate Degree Plans

Don Miller

April 18, 12-1 p.m.

Students will learn how to use Baccalaureate Degree Plans (BDPs) to maximize their transfer credit.


  • Need Slate Training? Click here to start! Once you have completed the Beginners' training, access the Advising Foundations Blackboard course for a recording of Advanced Slate Training.
  • You can easily see which of your advisees has alerts by clicking on the "My Advisee Alerts" tab in the Advising Hub.
  • Have an advisee who is thinking of dropping a class? Check their credits in Self Service or Colleague to see how the drop would affect their Course Plan. For instance, if the student needs the class to graduate, it would be helpful to inform them of that fact. Also, make sure the student has checked with financial aid to ensure their aid will not be affected by the drop.