Recycling Authority

May 2024

20000 West Eight Mile Road | Southfield

248-208-2270 |

Introducing: 2024 Programs & Resources Guide


Whether you're living in a single-family household, an apartment, or even a condominium, every RRRASOC community member has access to our free recycling resources. What was once only available on our website through exploring our various info pages is now also available in an all-in-one printable packet!

The RRRASOC Programs & Resources Guide contains information on local tools, programs, and services to best manage your unwanted household items and discards. Need to find a local recycling drop-off site? This guide has you covered! Need a secure location to shred your personal documents without a fee? Look no further! Keeping this essential packet handy makes information regarding our various programs readily available for you and your community.

What's included in our new guide? Read on to find out!

You can download, share, or print the Programs & Resources Guide by clicking the preview above or by finding it on our Multifamily Recycling page. We hope you find this guide helpful as you continue to make sustainable decisions for our community and environment!

Keep It Green While Observing Memorial Day

Many who observe Memorial Day include a cookout in their extended weekend plans. By following the 3 R's; Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle; you can keep your cookout eco-friendly while still keeping preparation and cleanup easy.


Don't let your food go to waste! Only cook what is needed based on the number of people attending. If you plan on having leftovers, encourage others to take some home to reduce the chances of any excess going bad before it's eaten.


Always choose reusable! Disposable plastic cups and silverware can be replaced with sustainable, long-lasting varieties instead. Or, better than buying new tableware, use your everyday dinner plates for outdoor gatherings.


Glass, plastic, and aluminum beverage containers are always recyclable! Remember to empty them before adding them to your recycling cart or returning them for the 10-cent deposit.

As a reminder, there will be no curbside trash, recycling, or yard waste collection in observance of Memorial Day on Monday, May 27.

Collection will be delayed by one day.

Thank you for keeping it green on Memorial Day!

Robots Lend a Helping Hand at Our MRF

RRRASOC is ensuring your recyclables are sorted efficiently at our Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) with the help of artificial intelligence technology developed by Glacier. More specifically, robotic arms at our facility are utilizing AI in order to optically identify recyclable materials on our conveyor belt and pick them from the sort line - just like a human would! While there are still humans working at the RRRASOC MRF, the robots supplement their efforts by catching the recyclables that didn't get captured in the sorting process.

To see our robot in action, check out the video below:

2024 HHW Collection Event Dates

During the following HHW Collection Events, all residents of RRRASOC member communities are welcome to bring household hazardous waste for an opportunity to safely discard their hazardous items and e-waste. Simple Recycling and paper shredding services will also be available*.

May 18, 2024 👕

Milford Civic Center

1100 Atlantic St., Milford

Enter from West, off Mont Eagle St.

July 13, 2024 👕

Wixom Dept. of Public Works

2041 Charms Rd., Wixom

9:00am - 2:00pm

October 5, 2024

Novi Dept. of Public Works

26300 Lee BeGole Dr., Novi

9:00am - 2:00pm

October 26, 2024 👕

RRRASOC MRF - Truck Entrance

20875 Mapleridge Ave., Southfield

9:00am - 2:00pm

*The T-shirt icon indicates an HHW Collection Event during which clothing, shoes, accessories, and small household items will be accepted by Simple Recycling.

For more information about HHW events and how to prepare your items, please visit our HHW page.

HHW Drop-Off at ERG Environmental Services

If you have HHW that you'd like to properly dispose of between collection events, you're in luck! Drop off your HHW without a fee at ERG Environmental Services during the following hours:

Monday - Friday:

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

HHW pickup from your home is also available for a fee of $135 per stop plus $0.75 per pound of material collected. This fee is paid directly by the resident to ERG Environmental Services.

To confirm drop-off times and/or to schedule a pickup, please contact:

ERG Environmental Services
13040 Merriman Road, Livonia
(734) 437-9650
For more info, visit the ERG HHW Drop-Off page or our HHW page.
RRRASOC Recycling Directory

Not sure what to do with stuff?

Visit and use the Recycling Directory search bar to type in keywords and get recycling, composting, reuse or disposal instructions.

The searchable, intuitive format of the Recycling Directory provides RRRASOC specific information.

Also Available:

Mobile App

  • From your App Store or Google Play, search for "Recycling Authority"

Want more tips, tricks, and updates about recycling? We have a Facebook page where we can reach each other to make recycling easier. You can also reach us via and email at!

Facebook      Web      Email

RRRASOC - Recycling Authority | 248-208-2270 |