January 2024

January 4th:

Spring 2024 Balance Due

January 5th:

Residence Halls Open

January 8th:

Classes Begin

January 11th:

Winter ONEderland

January 15th:

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

January 17th:

Bookstore Charging Period Ends

January 19th:

Refund Process Begins

Be sure to avoid the risk of being voided from your courses by ensuring your Spring 2024 balance is paid in full or you are enrolled in the USA Payment Plan by January 4th.

Students living in USA Housing and have an outstanding balance may also be at risk of not being able to remain in their residence hall or utilize their meal plan.

Double check your student account balance today!


Did you know you may be eligible for a federal education tax credit? All students enrolled in credit courses are required by the IRS to be issued a 1098-T by January 31st each year.

This form notifies you and the IRS of the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) you paid during the preceding tax year that may qualify you or your guardian for educational tax credits.

The Office of Student Accounting provides the 1098-T via PAWS for students who opted in to receive the form electronically. Otherwise, the form is sent through U.S. mail. Click here for more detailed information.

Electronic Direct Deposit (EDD)

South strongly encourages all students to set up their Electronic Direct Deposit (EDD) account in PAWS and keep it up to date each semester. 

An EDD will allow for eligible student aid and emergency stipends/awards to be refunded directly to your bank account in a timely and secure manner. 

EDD eliminates delays due to address issues with paper checks and helps you avoid a trip to the bank! Click here for more information.

Jag Student Support Network (JSSN)

The Jag Student Support Network (JSSN) is one of the many services provided by the University Counseling and Wellness Center in an effort to support the holistic development of its students. 

The JSSN is composed of students who offer their peers hope, support, transparency, and advocacy in order to build resilience to thrive in their lives and within the USA community. Peer mentors receive extensive training and are equipped to offer support with various matters including anxiety, leadership skills, stress management, and more. 

Click here to meet your South Alabama Jag Student Support Network mentors. 

USA One Stop

(251) 341-4USA |

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