February 2024

February 6th

Hire-A-Jag Career Fair 

February 13th

Mardi Gras Holiday - USA Closed

February 16th

Soul Food Luncheon

February 19th

Midterms Begin

February 23rd

Payment Plan Installment Due

February 28th

Midterm Grades Post


It's time to prepare for midterms! Many college students report that the study habits adopted in high school do not cut it for success in college. Check out these study tips below.

did you know additional resources to support your acaemic success are available through the Center for Academic Excellence? Click here for more detailed information.


Are you looking for an internship, co-op, or on-campus job? Then check out Handshake, the #1 college-to-career network offered to all students for free through Career Services!

Career Services can also help you explore career paths related to majors, network with potential employers, and find career opportunities. 

This month Career Services will be hosting the Hire-A-Jag Career Fair on February 6th from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the Mitchell Center Globe Grand Lobby. Register for this event in Handshake today!

Study Abroad

From interning to volunteering, the Study Abroad program here at South provides you the chance to spend time in a different country while earning credits toward your degree. Studying abroad can help you grow academically, personally, and professionally.

It's not too late to study abroad this summer! Most Summer 2024 deadlines are February 14th. Click here to learn more about the opportunities available. 

2024-2025 FAFSA

The Department of Education has made changes to the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which became available for submission as of January 2024.

As a member of the South Alabama Jaguar family, we suggest submitting your FAFSA soon so we can notify you of your aid package or any next steps as quickly as possible.

You must complete the FAFSA by April 1, 2024 to be considered for any FAFSA-based scholarships.

Below are a few to-do items that can help speed up the process.

If you are new to the FAFSA, create your FSA ID

Apply for South Scholarships in JagSPOT

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