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September 2023

National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month | Blood Cancer Awareness Month 

Dr. Andrea Jackson is the New Chair of OBGYN/RS!

Dr. Andrea Jackson was appointed Chair of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, effective October 1, 2023.

Throughout her career, Dr. Jackson has had a diversity of experience in medical education, participating at the undergraduate and graduate medical education level as an educator and leader. Her teaching niche is the education of both future and current providers on how systemic racism has affected the care of racial and ethnic minorities, specifically Black identifying patients.

Dr. Jackson’s work has included both elective and required lectures in this field, leadership positions, medical education committee memberships, and serving as a faculty director of elective courses.

As a clinical educator, Dr. Jackson participates in the medical education of advance practice clinicians, midwives, medical students, and residents in both the clinic and hospital settings.

We are inspired by Dr. Jackson's work and her deep commitment to Black maternal health and look forward to working under her leadership. The department is lucky to have you!

Read the announcment

Align Black Birth Justice Efforts Across California

This agenda is the culmination of deep collaboration, commitment, and tenacity to our vision of birth justice in California. Alongside a number of partners over the span of 12 months, we worked tirelessly to identify specific areas of focus and recommended actions for each. We encourage you to read this agenda, share it with your network, and consider what actions you can take to support this effort to advance Black birth justice for families in California.

- Solaire Spellen

Interim Executive Director, PTBi

Download the agenda

Fellowship Spotlight:

Victoria F. Keeton, PhD, RN, PNP

Victoria, a 2023 graduate of the PTBI two-year post-doctoral fellowship program, focused her fellowship work on stress in parents and children who have social needs, and how that stress might affect their bodies and emotional health.

She is now the assistant professor at UC Davis Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing. She encourages anyone who is passionate about research and scholarship that will advance the field of birth equity and justice to consider applying for the fellowship.

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PTBi at the 2023 California Black Birth Equity Summit

PTBi was well represented at the 2023 Black Birth Equity Summit in Los Angeles, CA at the end of last month. We were a sponsor, core planning partner, and logistical partner during the event. We also had staff members participate as speakers throughout the event.

It was an immensely beautiful and impactful experience to gather with so many birth workers and birth justice advocates. Congratulations to Mashariki Kudumu on her leadership and another successful event.

Be sure to follow our TikTok to see more about our participation at the summit!

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Job Postings

The Irth App is Hiring for Community Engagement Coordinators

The Irth App is hiring for four Community Engagement Coordinators in the Bay Area, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and New Jersey.

This role is part-time and virtual. The responsibilities would include overseeing recruitment, administrative operations and management of the local Irth Ambassador Program cohort. The Irth Ambassador Program is an innovative model to activate doulas and other birth workers as trusted advocates to help capture Irth reviews while providing wrap-around support and benefits.

Learn more


Annual UCSF Health Equity and Anti-Racism Research Symposium

Thursday, October 5, 2023

8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Register by Sep 15, 2023

PTBi is a Champion Sponsor of the annual UCSF Health Equity and Anti-Racism Research (HEAR) Symposium showcases research and action to advance health equity and anti-racism. It will feature Thomas LaVeist, PhD as the keynote speaker.

Its purpose is to inspire future collaborations and research direction by highlighting the breadth and depth of health equity, health disparities and anti-racism research. The goal of the symposium is to build community among researchers across disciplines and across units, schools and campus sites and the wider Bay Area.

Thomas LaVeist, PhD

Dean of the Tulane University, School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine.

Register for free

Pop-Up Village

Saturday, October 14, 2023

1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

100% College Prep Institute

1201 Mendell Street

San Francisco, CA 94124

Welcoming families, pregnant people and all interested to celebrate in community, engage in self-care, get valuable resources and services, and much more

Learn more

Get the September Voices for Birth Justice Zoom Background

Spruce up your Zoom game with the September Voices for Birth Justice background featuring Brittnie Wilson.

Download the Zoom Background

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