Summer 2023
A MESSAGE FROM the Executive Director
Dear CSU Alumni Family,

The new fiscal year is bringing exciting changes for Chicago State. As many of us take the summer to reset our lives, CSU is diving head first into the programs and communities that make this institution so special.

The University is continuing its capital improvements around campus, one space at a time, while various offices welcome new faculty, staff and community members to our community. CSU is also gearing up for an influx of students this fall with strong enrollment projections. Meanwhile, President Scott continues to advocate for education funding, ensuring that CSU continues to lead the nation in educating Black undergraduates. CSU is a leader in bridging the gap in education inequity and our alumni are living proof of this.

Alumni engagement is also on the upswing, with the new CTC/CSU Alumni Association board tackling their role with energy and tenacity, as they prepare for several events and engagements on and off campus. Keep a look out for those invitations, some of them are below.

This collection of collaboration and the drive to evolve, improve, and grow is a part of the fabric that built the CSU community to be the strong and powerful family that it is. As you recharge yourselves this summer, may you always remember that we are always stronger, together.

Melanie Sillas Signature
Melanie Sillas
Executive Director
Chicago State Foundation

CSU Alumni in the 2023 Bud Billiken Parade

Over 100 Chicago State University alumni, students, faculty and staff have signed up to participate in this year's annual Bud Billiken parade, taking place on Saturday, August 12. Volunteers can either walk in the parade or work the CSU table in the park. Don't miss an opportunity to represent your alma mater with pride and make the CSU presence in the parade our biggest yet! Sign up here!
CSU President, Z Scott, is on a mission to get more Black Chicagoans college degrees
While the past academic year brought several challenges, President Z Scott has remained steadfast in her mission to get more Black Chicagoans a college degree.

College enrollment for Black students in Illinois has dropped more than one-third since 2010, according to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. This decline at two- and four-year colleges comes on the heels of rising tuition costs and student debt.

Chicago State University President Zaldwaynaka “Z” Scott is on a mission to reverse the trend. Her regional public institution serves a majority-Black student population on Chicago’s South Side. The university has faced limited state funding and enrollment drops — and in the spring, a strike by faculty over working conditions.

Since taking office in 2018, Scott says she has worked to improve recruitment and retention of students of color with initiatives like the RISE program. It provides academic preparation and free tuition for a year to incoming freshmen.

WBEZ Higher Education Reporter Lisa Philip caught up with Scott to reflect on the past year and to look ahead Read the full story here.t Link
Cougar Athletics Staffing Updates
Chicago State Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Dr. Monique Carroll revealed a pair of administrative updates to her executive leadership team. Jared Lyons was named assistant athletic director for business operations at Chicago State University, while Julie Hall has been promoted from Associate Athletic Director for Student Services and Academics to Deputy Athletic Director and will serve as the department's senior woman administrator. Learn more about these positions and Dr. Carroll's plans for her growing team here.

Get more Cougar Athletics news here.Textink
COUGAR Spotlight
Chicago State Foundation’s Office of Alumni Affairs has partnered with Publishing Concepts (also known as PCI) to produce an Oral History Publication for Chicago State University alumni. This project allows us to hear about your personal experiences from your time at Chicago Teachers College and Chicago State University, and how the school helped to shape your life since then. 

A postcard that looks similar to the image above was sent to as many alumni as possible in June. If you received this postcard, or a similar email with a telephone number, we ask that you call the number to speak with a dedicated PCI representative for this CSU Oral History Project…we are excited to hear your story! Your story will be compiled into a coffee table book at the conclusion of the project next summer. You will have an opportunity to reserve your copy when you call this summer and fall. Alumni interviews will conclude in December.

To learn more about this project and see some frequently asked questions, click here. We can't wait to hear all about your CSU experience!
Cougar Congratulations!

CSU's Dept. of Communications, Arts, and Theatre (CMAT) students will be honored at the 10th Annual Orlando Urban Film Festival for their productions, 'Contentment' and 'Whole', which will be showcased on Sept. 2, 2023.

Read more about it here.
COUGARS Stay Connected

Welcome students to campus and reconnect with fellow alumni during the annual Welcome Week Celebrations

Save the Date

August 21 through August 25

More details coming soon on how alumni can engage.
Catch up on back issues of the University's monthly newsletter here

We want to hear from you!
Share your significant accomplishments (i.e., promotions, new jobs, retirements, special recognitions or honors) with your fellow alumni!

Update your Alumni Profile to receive exciting campus news and invitations to alumni events. Your information will never be shared publicly.

Options Program Adds New Classes
New Steppin' class, among others, added to the Options Program menu of classes.

One of the benefits of being an alumnus is access to the CSU Options Program for a significant discount of 15%. Alumni association membership required. Check out the next session of available courses by clicking here today. Classes starting now.Text Link
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