Marianna Brown Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Carnegie Mellon University

June 2023

Dietrich College News

Congratulations, Class of 2023!

During the weekend of May 12–14, undergraduate and graduate students from the 11 departments and programs in Dietrich College became CMU alumni. 


View highlights from Commencement weekend.

Digital Map Provides Interactive Lesson on Telegraph History

Edmund Russell, the David M. Roderick Professor of Technology and Social Change in the Department of History, has researched the history of the telegraph in the United States in order to understand the country’s first digital revolution.

Watch a video demo of the map and read more about Russell’s research.

CMU Leads NSF AI Institute for Societal Decision Making

With a $20 million National Science Foundation grant, Dietrich College and School of Computer Science faculty will provide leadership for the AI Institute for Societal Decision Making. 


Read more about the new institute.

Kass Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Robert E. Kass, the Maurice Falk Professor of Statistics and Computational Neuroscience, has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in recognition of his distinguished and continuing achievements in original research. 

Read more about this honor.

2022 Year in Review

The Dietrich College 2022 Year in Review provides an overview of the triumphs of our students, faculty and staff. If you are curious about what is happening at the college, read on to learn more.

Upcoming Events

  • The CMU-K&L Gates Conference on Ethics and AI will be held June 21–22 in Simmons Auditorium in the Tepper Building on the Pittsburgh campus. Dietrich College faculty members Alex John London and Audrey Kurth Cronin and students Alejandra Arciniegas and Zeyu Tang are among scheduled speakers. Register for the event:

  • Alumni Events: From cherished in-person Carnegie Mellon traditions to virtual learning experiences with researchers at the cutting-edge of their fields, CMU offers a variety of events for alumni to connect with each other and the university, expand their knowledge and networking opportunities, and make cherished memories together. Explore event listings.

Dietrich College in the News


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Yahoo! News

Federal leaders investing $20M in artificial intelligence institute at Carnegie Mellon University

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Class Notes

Find out what's new with Dietrich College students and alumni, including William E. Dunstan (DC 1975), Danna Taylor (DC 2024) and Yishan Wang (DC 2018, 2024) in Class Notes.

Have something to share?

Personal Mentions

Read about news and accomplishments from the college's faculty and staff, including John ChinKevin JarboBrian MacWhinneyAaditya Ramdas, Michael TarrRoberto Vargas and Seth Wiener in Personal Mentions

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