Institute for New England Native American Studies


Issue 3 | June 2024

INENAS Webpage

Director's Welcome

Hello everyone,

It is my honor to announce that INENAS has been awarded the “Lifting Up Indigenous Voices” grant from the Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Addiction Services. This will allow our team to continue our collaborative work with tribes and Native serving organizations in the Commonwealth. We look forward to learning from our past experiences and further enhancing our work linked to substance misuse prevention, recovery, and Native Health and Wellness. Thank you to our many tribal and Native organizational partners, university colleagues, and BSAS for the ongoing support of this work. We look forward to growing with you through this and other initiatives that benefit Native Peoples.”

-Dr. Cedric Woods , INENAS Director

Mission: Institute for New England Native American Studies (INENAS) was established at the University of Massachusetts Boston in June 2009. Our mission is to develop collaborative relationships, projects, and programs between Native American tribes of the New England region and all of the UMass campuses so that the tribes may participate in and benefit from university research, innovation, scholarship, and education.Their institute responds to the changing priorities of tribal communities, which we assess on an ongoing basis through surveys and direct consultation meetings. Their shift in focus in response to those changing priorities will be reflected in our programming, grant submissions, and outreach efforts

Updates From Us

The Native American Indigenous Studies Program at Umass Boston graduates 3 of our amazing students this semester/summer! 

"We send so much admiration and our warmest and heart-felt congratulations to Valentina Romero, Macayla Libby, and Amanda Lawrence (who all happen to be our NISA leadership team!). With the success of this year’s powwow, all of us have witnessed first-hand, how incredibly dedicated these 3 student leaders have been for the NAIS and NISA community …. And with the launching of the NISA Hub this year, we have all especially been grateful for the visionary leadership that Valentina has brought to that space and everything it means to this community. Valentina, Macayla, Amanda, we all so proud of you, and grateful for all you’ve done and accomplished in your time at UMB! Thank you for bringing such rigor and care to your capstone projects. And special thanks to both Cedric and Daniela for their time and expertise in advising those projects! 

Important, vital, shout out as well, to Brittney Walley, who also walked and who graduated the CECS Masters Program!! Brittney, we will miss you tremendously and are so lucky to have had your passion and leadership on campus—especially for the central role you played in the powwow! Thank you for everything you brought with you to UMB and all that you leave us with!"

- Dr. Maria K John, Assistant Professor of Native American History  Director, Native American and Indigenous Studies Affiliated Faculty, Critical Ethnic and Community Studies 

Umass Boston POW-WOW | May 2024

This past May, Umass Boston hosted a Pow Wow sponsored by the Institute for New England Native American Studies, Native American Lifelines Inc., NAIS, UMB Native, Indigenous Student Association, and the UMB Chancellor's Office.

The New Mosaic Opioid Recovery Grant

The Department of Public Health and the Bureau of Substance Addiction Services recently announced the creation of a new $3.75M grant that will be administered by the RIZE Foundation over the next 3 years. The Mosaic Opioid Recovery Grant aims to support community efforts that focus on substance use prevention, harm reduction, and treatment and recovery.


These new funds were secured from the $900 million settlement against companies responsible for the opioid crisis. The program is unique as it is intended to strengthen prevention efforts in the state by increasing collaborations and partnerships between communities, organizations and the state.

  • Awards Announced: 7/30/24

  • Grant Period Begins: 8/1/24

"Empowering Our Sacred Elders: Integrating Indigenous Wisdom For Dignity in Aging"

Dr. Jaqueline Vorpahl of the Institute for New England Native American Studies & Maria Turner, of the Indian Child Welfare Act Program, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, co-presented at the 2024 Aging With Dignity Conference this past June. The Conference is an annual event hosted by the Massachusettes Department of Health Bureau of Substance Addiction Services

Some comments from the feedback and evaluation summary were:


 "I enjoyed this session. It was well thought out and the presenters kept everyone engaged. I have a better understanding of the family dynamics within the Native American household. Also, I was drawn to the symbolism of the shell and its connection to the 'table tribe'. Thank you!"


"I loved this presentation. It brought back some wonderful memories and inspired me to lean into the sacred traditions. My only criticism is that there weren't enough books for everyone.


"I was glad that the videos did not work. Listening to presenters was much better and genuine."


"The presenters were amazing with their knowledge, passion and sharing their personal stories. I enjoyed the activities and learned so much how the community is so resilient."


"This was the best part of the entire conference."

This past Spring Delegates from the Hawai'i Community College visited UMASS Boston !

An Interview with Native American LifeLines, Urban Indian Health Center - PART 2

"I am very proud that our community members keep saying that they're seeing us more too in the community. Yeah, there are some times that I wake up, and I'm like, “I'm sore, and I just can't go today,” but I know that it's important to be there. Even if it's not an event that we are participating in, sometimes it's important for our community members just see that they have our support."

- Nichol Brewer-Lowry  

" What are the other health needs that you have? How can we meet them, and how can we provide information in a way that you want to receive it? So, being really responsive to the needs of young people, but also just very simple things of being able to meet the needs of Native students"

- Kerry Hawk Lessard  

In January 2024, the Institute for New England Native American Studies (INENAS) had the pleasure of interviewing Nichol Brewer-Lowry, MSc and Kerry Hawk Lessard, MAA of Native American LifeLines, Inc.

They shared views and goals on the Native LifeLine Boston's relocation to Dorchester from West Roxbury, Barriers to providing healthcare to Native communities, How the organization approaches advocacy , and much more!

Follow the link to read Part 2 of the interview!


INENAS Grant Writing Workshop

The Institute for New England Native American Studies has been hosting grant writing workshops, for the last few years, as a way to build capacity among native communities and tribal organizations. It is a two-hour zoom session for community members and organization representatives to not only learn the basics of grant writing but also to learn:

1. How to look for grants that are appropriate for your organization

2. How to prioritize the most important parts of the grant application

INENAS run these workshops throughout the year and they are usually scheduled on a Sunday afternoon. The Instructors are Professor Cedric Woods (INENAS Director), Dawn Duncan (MCNAA), and Teri Aronowitz (UMASS Medical).

Stay Tuned for Upcoming Dates!