July 2021
 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring Word of God. For all people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord endures forever."
-- 1 Peter 1:23-25
Dear fellow alumni:
Every summer when the perennials burst with all the colors, I am reminded of these verses. A couple weeks ago, faculty and staff helped out with a campus beautification day. It was a hot and humid morning of cleaning out the withered grass and fallen flowers. It was almost like acting out this Bible passage! Lesson learned: our time here on earth is short, but we have been born again through our living Lord, whose Word and mercy endures forever! Because He lives, we too shall live!
I hope to see you on campus this summer! Everything is open and we are so happy to see each other face-to-face. Please let me know if you’re planning a visit, and we will do our best to make it extra special!

God’s blessings,
Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491

P.S. SAVE THE DATE for Homecoming on Saturday, October 9. 

Keep up-to-date on the latest by visiting our Concordia Newsroom!
Cardinal Golf Classic full of sun, fun, and smiling faces
On June 12, the athletic department hosted its annual Cardinal Golf Classic at Washtenaw Golf Club. A record breaking number of 230 golfers participated in the two-flight scramble. Thank you to all the golfers, donors, attendees, and sponsors that supported the amazing event. Nearly $30,000 was raised, which will go directly to support the student-athlete experience through scholarship assistance and facility development. To see more photos, click here
Concordia Guild establishes endowment
for historical preservation of the Earhart Manor
Thanks to the vision of the Concordia Guild and dozens of gifts received from alumni and friends, the Earhart Manor Endowment has been successfully established with gifts totaling more than $50,000! This fund will provide an annual distribution to help with necessary maintenance to preserve our historical treasure. This is truly an example where lots of people joining together make a big impact! To request a tour or a historical brochure, email Linda Sproul, or call 734-995-7491. Thank you!
New educational offerings bring opportunities
CUAA has several new degree opportunities, including an online master's in digital humanities and an online bachelor's in elementary education that can be completed in three years. Concordia will begin the first cohort of its Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education program this month. 
Clinical trips return for nursing students
Students from the Ronald and Marvel Jones School of Nursing are excited to take their learning on the road this summer! Toward the end of their six-semester curriculum, nursing students spend a summer term completing coursework with the opportunity to take their learning beyond the classroom on an organized international or domestic trip. The summer term also allows nursing students to graduate a semester sooner than they otherwise would be able to with a traditional academic calendar. To learn more, click here.
2021 summer bucket list: how will you recharge?
It’s been a long year. Last summer, we came out with a Summer bucket list for you to enjoy in the midst of the pandemic. That list is still great. Since we all have different needs and comfort levels, you can get inspired from last year’s list or check out our new one for this summer. Our 2021 summer bucket list includes eight ideas to help you embrace the summer after a stressful year-and-a-half. Take a look here.
Tips for making nutrition a priority from our OT faculty
Eating healthy can already be a challenge. With the added stress of project deadlines, nutrition can easily take a back seat on the priority list. Would you expect your car to drive the same if you filled the gas tank with chocolate milk instead of gasoline? You wouldn’t get far. This is why fueling your body with the right nutrients is essential for optimal performance. Here are tips for making nutrition a priority, even in stressful seasons.
Replica of Vietnam Veterans Memorial to visit campus
November 10-14
We are thrilled to welcome Bryant Lepic, our new Veteran Outreach Coordinator! We are further honored to announce that The Moving Wall, a traveling half-size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, will be displayed on our campus November 10-14. Additional displays and events will occur on campus throughout Veterans Week. We look forward to welcoming our veterans, alumni, and community for this extraordinary opportunity. God bless all the men and women of our Armed Forces.
Final Thought from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.

Final thought: When Satan is working double time, be in prayer overtime!
Upcoming Events
Friday & Saturday, August 7-8
Location: CUAA campus
Visit here for more details.
Date: Saturday, October 9
Location: CUAA campus
Visit here for more details.
Date: November 10-14
Location: CUAA campus