“The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone."
-- Psalm 118:22
Dear fellow alumni:
The incredible cornerstone of the Chapel of the Holy Trinity is a visual reminder that Christ is the chief cornerstone and foundation of our faith. The apostle Peter describes us “like living stones, being built into a spiritual house.” (1 Peter 2:5). However, one stone doesn’t make a house - we need each other to be built up together in Christ.
We need each other in person, and we are so happy to safely offer events and campus tours again! Keep scrolling for our summer events and please let us know if you can stop by sometime for a visit. We can’t wait to see you again!
God’s blessings,
Linda (Schramke) Sproul ‘92
Director of Donor and Alumni Relations
(734) 995-7491
P.S. SAVE THE DATE for Homecoming on Saturday, October 9.
Three alumni receive special honors at commencement
The annual awards of Christus Primus, Honorary Doctor of Letters, and Outstanding Alumni were recently presented at the spring 2021 Concordia University Ann Arbor commencement exercises. Click here to see the names of the honoree.
Help us celebrate President Ferry’s
30 years at Concordia University
June is the final month of Patrick Ferry's presidency at CUWAA. Share a moment, a photo, a word of encouragement, or appreciation to our beloved President Ferry here.
Arborsong Choir tour to Florida
The Arborsong Choir enjoyed its short tour to Florida, which began on Ascension Day with Vespers at St. Luke Oviedo. After the service, there was a special reception to honor Dr. Paul “Doc” and Dorothea Foelber for their lifetime of service to Concordia, and to celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary. Thanks to all of our alumni who shared memories and words of congratulations for the Foelbers. A special keepsake book will be delivered to them later this month. To listen to our spring recording of Concordia Vespers, click here.
CUAA offers one-day retreat for high school
students interested in church work
July 12
Trinity Time is a perfect opportunity for your high school students to explore church work vocations. This one-day retreat, which takes place July 12 from 8 am to 8 pm, will allow students to explore their calling, know the joy of working in God’s church, and help them understand the paths to church work that they can study at CUAA. Students will worship in the Chapel of the Holy Trinity, talk to current students and faculty about church work, and enjoy the beauty of creation in Ann Arbor. The cost is only $5, and food is included. Those who register before June 15 will also receive a t-shirt. To learn more and register, click here.
Scholarship endowments provide financial assistance
Thank you to all our alumni who have contributed toward named scholarship endowments. This financial support helps our students to graduate and join our alumni family. Click here to read about some of our spring graduates. Interested in finding out more about scholarship endowments? Contact Linda Sproul at (734) 995-7491 or via email.
CUWAA Presidential Search Committee calls for nominees
The Presidential Search Committee of Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor (CUWAA) invites nominations of candidates in its search for Concordia’s 9th president. The bylaws of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) prescribe this process and establish the critical functions and necessary qualifications for university presidents. Click here to learn more about those qualifications and/or to nominate a candidate.
Registration for Concordia summer camps now open
School's out... almost! Sign up for CUAA Cardinal Athletics summer sports camps! Check out this list for all camps, dates, and times. COVID conscious protocols and specifics will be communicated with camp registrants based on the camp they are attending.
Get ready for this year's Big Ticket Festival!
July 9-11
CUAA is partnering with Big Ticket Festival this year in Gaylord, MI, on July 9-11 to bring glory to God through numerous Christian music concerts and we want you to be there! CUAA alumni receive 50% off ticket prices for the event. How? Simple. Just click here.
*Disclaimer: This discount is only to be used by CUAA alumni and their families.
Concordia health professionals lead U of M athletic
medicine in simulated emergency training
Our nursing and athletic training education departments recently facilitated an emergency care simulation for the University of Michigan athletic medicine team. Taking place in our Center for Simulation and Innovation, 34 athletic trainers, social workers, and team physicians from the U of M athletic department navigated four scenario-based simulations. To read more, click here.
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
Leadership Series features Dr. Patrick Ferry
President Ferry's final public presentation can be summed up in one word: iconic. Did you miss the livestream? Watch it again here!
19 professional development courses offered at CUAA
This summer, CUAA's School of Education is offering 19 professional development courses for Michigan teachers who need to fulfill their continuing education hours. Take advantage of their special "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" offer! To view all of the workshops and to register, head here.
Final Thought from
Campus Pastor Randy Duncan
Each morning during the school year, our campus pastor, Randy Duncan, sends out an email full of inspirational thoughts, concepts to ponder, scripture, and prayer requests. We thought we would share some of his thoughts with you each month for us to contemplate.
Final thought: Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.
**Congratulations to Randy Duncan ('88) and Amy Miles ('21) as they were joined in Christian marriage last month. God's blessings on a lifetime of love and happiness!
Date: Friday, June 11th
Times: 7:30AM and 2PM
Date: Monday, July 12th
Time: 8AM-8PM
Cost: $5
Location: CUAA Campus
Friday & Saturday, August 7-8
Location: CUAA Campus
Visit here for more details.
Coming soon...Alumni attitude survey results!