March 18, 2021
Vol. 2, Issue 34
Please Complete the Preference Survey

an·noy·ing /əˈnoiiNG/ adjective. :causing annoyance : IRRITATING. //Example: The school district sends an annoying number of surveys to families.

Yep, I too am a parent of two MMSD students and I get that the number of texts, emails, and phone calls coming to us as reminders to fill out a seemingly unending number of surveys can be annoying.

That said, the most recent survey that the district sent asking parents of secondary students to indicate their preference for remaining in an all virtual learning environment, or moving to the face-to-face (F2F) option is really important to complete. We are using the results of the survey right here at Hamilton to plan for the remainder of the school year. We really need to know which students will be joining us F2F come April.

The deadline for submitting your preference is midnight Friday night.

Please check your email for the survey link from the district. If you didn't receive the survey link, you can email us at Just tell us your child's name and whether you are choosing the all virtual or the F2F option.
Current Data on Preference App Selections
As of late this morning:

District Secondary Level (Grades 6-12):
Percent of families that have responded: 67%
Percent Choosing All Virtual: 33%
Percent Choosing F2F: 67%

Hamilton Data:
Percent of families that have responded: 80% (Nice!)
Percent Choosing All Virtual: 23%
Percent Choosing F2F: 77%
Can Parents Change Their Preference After F2F Begins?
Parents can always opt out of the F2F option to all virtual. Once in the all virtual option, either from the beginning or after changing to all virtual after F2F begins, families will have one opportunity to switch to the F2F option. The district determined timeline for changing to F2F is as follows:

Survey: May 3-7 to indicated a change to F2F is desired (I know, another survey)
Change Date: May 25
Understanding Cohort Groups

Lots of questions about how cohorts will work. First, know that students opting for F2F instruction will be assigned to cohorts in a randomized manner by the school district, with attempts made to keep family members in the same cohort. Now, let's try an example of three sixth grade students in Ms. Pfann's Period 2 science class, one of whom is in the Tuesday-Wednesday cohort, one is in the Thursday-Friday cohort, and the third is attending all virtually. Monday is asynchronous for all three students. For the rest of the week, Tuesday through Friday, all three students will be attending the same Period 2 science class with Ms. Pfann, albeit sometimes in-person, sometimes virtually, or for one student, all days virtually.  Student schedules are not changing based on cohort assignment or choosing to stay all virtual.  

The only changes being made to schedules is a shift of the entire day to an earlier start time, and the moving of Advisory to the very start of the day.
New Schedule to Begin April 20
ALL students will begin a new period-by-period schedule beginning April 20, necessitated by the shift to an earlier start time. The instructional day will begin at 7:35am with Advisory. After Advisory, Period 1 instruction will begin at 8:23am. See the below link for the full schedule.
Rising 7th and 8th Course Selection Forms
Next week during Advisory students currently in 6th and 7th grades will fill out their course selection form for next school year. This selection form pertains only to World Language, Music, and Unified Arts classes. Please have a conversation with your child about World Language, Music, and Unified Arts preferences.
Tuesday After School Tutoring Ends
Our Tuesday after school tutoring program has come to an end and will no longer be meeting. Keep in mind that our West High School tutors will continue to work in classrooms where they are currently assigned, providing support to anyone in need.
Upcoming Dates of Interest
Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates:
  • 19--No School: Staff Prof. Dev.
  • 29-April 2--Spring Break!

  • 6--Classes Resume
  • 20--Grade 6 F2F Begins
  • 27--Grades 7-8 F2F Begins
Hamilton Quick Links:
Report an Absence: 204-4702