October 2023 Advising Newsletter


Spring Registration starts November 6!

If you haven't already done so, please plan on meeting with your advisees to create a course plan for Spring. Learn about building course plans here Once the course plan has been created, please remember to approve it, so the student can register.


Deadline to Apply for Fall Graduation is October 20

If you have students who would like to graduate this fall, the deadline to apply is October 20. Since this application needs to be approved by a faculty advisor, please check to see if you have any advisees who have enough hours to graduate this semester. Students can access the graduation application on their Success

Hub in Slate


Advising Lunch and Learn: Transfer Advising

November 8, 12:00 p.m.

Sign up here

Learn how to use Baccalaureate Degree Plans to effectively advise transfer students.

Advanced Slate Training

November 16, 1:00 p.m.

Sign up here

This training will build on the "Introduction to Slate" trainings given earlier in the semester. To access a recording of this session, go to the "Advising Foundations" course in Blackboard.


Many North Carolina universities will waive application fees during National Transfer Student Week which is October 16-20. For a full list, go here. Here are some events that will occur on National Transfer Student Week:

Transfer Social

October 17, 9 a.m.- 12 p.m.

Outside Hockaday Hall (Lee Campus)

Students can stop by our table to get information about transfer institutions, get a picture taken indicating to which school they intend to transfer and listen to some music.

Information Session on NC State's C3 program

October 18, 11 a.m.-- 2 p.m.

Outside Hockaday Hall (Lee Campus).

Students can get information on NC State's C3 transfer program from former CCCC employee Suzannah Palumbo. Please encourage your future Wolfpack students to attend!

Thriving Through Transfer

October 19, 11 a.m.- 12 p.m.

Library Classroom (Lee Campus)

Assistant Director of Student Onboarding and Success Jennifer Babb will share best practices for transfer students. Please encourage your transfer advisees to attend!

HBCU Roundtable

October 19, 1-2 p.m.

Library Law Section (Lee Campus)

Dean Kevin Pearson will lead a roundtable discussion about transferring to Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Please encourage advisees who might be interested in attending an HBCU to come!


  • On the Advising Hub landing page, you can sort by whether a student has an active alert by clicking on the "Active Alert" column. For more information on the Advising Hub, go here.
  • You can access Active Alerts by clicking on the student's id# and then the "Alerts" tab. Click on the actual alert for more information and the ability to make a note. You can also see previous communications in "Alert Note History."
  • You can see all of your advisees' grades in one document by clicking on "Advisee Current Grades", "Run Query" and then "Export."


Thanks to those who helped with National Advising Day! On each campus we helped students who didn't know who their advisor was get connected! Students wrote appreciative notes to their advisors, won prizes and ate candy!