Upcoming Events!

Thursday, September 28

No School Mass

Friday, September 29

Grandparents Day 8:00am All School Mass

Sunday, October 1

Feast of St. Therese

Monday, October 2

Mid Trimester 1

Parent Speaker: The Life of St. Therese Lisieux 7:00pm

Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-6:00pm

Tuesday, October 3

Dine & Share - Culver's in Palatine 5:00-8:00pm

Grades Kindergarten-5th Mass 8:00am

Wednesday, October 4

Hot Dog Lunch

Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-6:00pm

Preschool St. Francis "Pet" Blessing 9:00am

Thursday, October 5

Middle School Mass 8:00am

Parent Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:30pm

School Picture Retakes 8:00am-Commons B

Save The Date

Monday, October 9 N School-Columbus Day

Tuesday, October 10 - Confirmation Retreat 10:00am-3:00pm Lower Dolan

Friday, October 13 - Change for Change Respect Life

Monday, October 23 - Grade 2 Parent Sacrament Meeting 7:00pm O'Brien

Saturday, October 28 - Haunted House (Lower Level Haunted Hallway 3-5pm)

Saturday, October 28 - Trunk or Treat Playground Parking Lot 2:30-4:00pm

Tuesday, October 31 - Halloween! Halloween Parade Grades K-5 1:00pm; Preschool Parade 8:45am

September 28, 2023

Special Events - Mark your Calendar!

Donate Treats

Spread some Halloween cheer and BOO your kids, neighbors, families and friends.

Click here to book your BOO
Order Your Yearbook Here

Volunteer Corner 

Volunteers are what keep our Parents Association running. Without them, none of the wonderful things we do would be possible.

Our PA welcomed teachers back to school on Monday with a beautiful display of fall treats in the teachers lounge. We have the BEST Parents Association! #stsbringingsmiles

Students at Work

Apple tasting in preschool followed by some fine motor activities using glue and tissue paper decorating our favorites!  

Our Kindergarten smarties completed their apple unit with "Apple Pie Day!" Thank you to the parent helpers who joined us last Thursday - we counted, peeled, chopped, kneaded, the dough for a delicious crust, and finally baked the pies! It was a delicious ending to our lesson - a long time tradition at STS! 

Kindergarten Recess Fun #stsbringingsmiles 

Too cute not to share :)

Mrs Ballard’s 6th graders brought in their favorite childhood books to read to their preschool buddies.

7th grade girls VB won two sets on Monday at St. Raymond's! This team is having a blast and playing great! 

All the world's a stage! 7th grade practiced scenes from The Miracle Worker outside and then performed them on the O'Brien stage

Madam President Brook Diamond presides over the weekly Student Council meeting. Already they have run a pep rally, called a fall dress down and created a fall leaf hunt. "Building School Spirit through Faith, Fun and Togetherness!" 

Middle School Flex Period: Four years ago, middle school students advocated for a time during the week that could be used to receive academic support or pursue enrichment activities. They made a strong argument that younger grades had more flexible homeroom time for asking questions, working on homework, and also having some choice in how to spend class time (reading, drawing, doing an enrichment activity). Simultaneously, the middle school teachers were looking for a way for students to help with a variety of needs in the building without losing academic class time. The Student Council ran a variety of activities, the school wanted to revive the newscast, and various teachers and staff were looking for help from this eager source of labor. This led to eliminating a scheduled enrichment on one day of the week and instead offering options students could sign up for based on what faculty sponsors were able to offer. The goal was to foster independence, self-advocacy, responsibility, leadership, and most importantly a service mindset. These options change each trimester. This year, every Thursday from 8:45-9:45 you will find middle school students throughout the campus, planning events, receiving support on work, helping out, and pursuing knowledge that interests them.

Featured this week: 

Newscast prep in the "Mind Cave"

Transitioning the Library for Fall - "Our Librarian needed some help, so we decided to come during our flex period to one of our favorite quiet spaces - we also love to read!" - Aide, Alexandra & Addie

STS Athletes

Congrats to our 6th grade girls volleyball team - they pulled out a win in 3 games against St Raymond’s!

Congrats to our XC team who competed last weekend at Conference - Shout out to our JV girls who brought home the 2nd place trophy and our V boys with 3rd! 

The Little Way

11th Annual NorthWest Families March for Life at St. Theresa in Palatine

Saturday, October 21st , 1:00 pm

Unite with families from across the Chicago-land area to bear joyful witness to the sanctity of all human life.  It begins at 1:00 pm in the St. Theresa Gym in Palatine with inspiring speakers. Then stand along Northwest Hwy. to share the encouraging message that LIFE Brings Hope! The positive theme of the march is a perfect way to celebrate Respect Life Month and introduce your children to the idea that every human life has intrinsic value given by God.  Students can earn Service Hours for Confirmation. Contact Maria Goldstein  or go to

Special Interests

Future Lion Upcoming Events
Tools to Communicate with STS Parents:

• SchoolRush
• St. Theresa School Community Facebook Page
• Grade level GroupMe app

Please download and rejoin these apps if you deleted for summer.
Facebook  Twitter  Instagram