One faith community, two worship sites
18 March 2022 Volume 116
March 15, 2022
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Modern technology provides instant and vivid depictions of every event happening throughout the world. The recent war in the Ukraine has been extremely disturbing and unsettling. We live in a world where the effects of war are presented to us in living color every night. It’s not a video game where worlds are destroyed, and people killed or injured, and then someone hits a reset button and everything returns to normal. This is reality – people die, individuals are injured, families are separated, children cry from hunger, towns and cities destroyed.
There is truth to the statement that “war is hell.” It presents the worst of humanity. However, there is a presentation of courage that is at the heart of the best of us. The determination to be free at the cost of one’s life. The willingness to sacrifice possessions to contribute to the resistance, to stand in the face of insurmountable odds, to declare loyalty to the nation.
We all feel helpless in this struggle. Yet, it is faith that allows us to support the freedom and righteousness of a people through our prayers. Prayers do make a difference, and it is the many prayers of the people of the Ukraine, joined to the prayers of the people throughout the world, that allows us to place our trust in the one Lord who can bring peace to these troubled times. We pray also for the Russian people, who I believe do not want war but instead seek the diplomatic avenues necessary for peace.
The Ukrainian War is asking a very important question: do we have the resolve to protect the freedoms that we enjoy as a people? There were lives, blood and sacrifice given in the defense of the country. As a nation, we were fashioned through the bravery of the men and women who understood the cost of freedom. We enjoy today freedoms because they sacrificed. Every age must make a conscious choice to preserve the way of life that has been gifted to us and the identity we share as a nation.
I have often said that our Founding Fathers gave us a gift. They established our rights not by human contract but rather through inalienable rights given by God. The first right they recognized was the freedom of religion. We are called to understand that we all have a responsibility greater than allegiance to our society – we have a responsibility before God.
Perhaps at this time our prayers can be focused on the conversion of the leaders of the aggressive actions which endanger the peace and well-being of millions.
Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.
As instruments of peace, we do so as we LOVE ONE ANOTHER. 
Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki
Archbishop of Milwaukee 
This Weekend's Mass Worship Aid
No Livestream Mass This Weekend

The 4:30PM Mass at St. Thomas on Saturday, March 19 will not be live streamed since there is not an AV Minister available.  St. John’s Cathedral will be live streaming their 11:00 AM Mass on Sunday, March 20. Use the link below to access the live stream or to watch the recorded Mass on their YouTube Channel.
It has been 7 years since St. Clare and St. Thomas have published a parish directory. We encourage every family to sign up today and have your photo included in our next publication.

The book will include members from both our parishes and will be a wonderful resource for getting to know each other.

Photo sessions will begin the last week of March so don't wait. We will be in the Gathering space this weekend to sign families up for photo sessions. You can also sign-up online NOW!

Go to the Universal Church Directories website
  • Click on the box on the right side of the homepage entitled “photography appointment scheduling login”
  • Enter your church code wi175
  • Enter your church password photos
  • Click on the Enter button
  • Click on the desired photography date
  • Click on the Reserve Time button beside the desired photography appointment time
  • Enter the appropriate information in all required fields (indicated by the asterisk)
  • Enter your email address if a confirmation email is desired
  • Click on the Schedule Appointment button at the bottom of the screen to reserve the photography appointment time in your family’s name
  • If you have more than five family members being photographed, please reserve two appointments consecutively (such as 6:00 and 6:10)
  • Print the next screen to use as a reminder of your family’s photography appointment
Contact Kelly Hill (STA) 262-534-2255 or Sue Brunner (SC) 262-895-2729 to change or cancel your photography appointment
Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Wild Game Dinner a huge success. The event sold out and over 400 dinners were served Saturday night.

Events like this cannot happen without our amazing volunteers!!! Thank you to all who came out and worked so hard to plan, prep, serve and clean.

Very special thanks to the St Thomas Athletic Association for all their efforts to continue this wonderful event. You are very much appreciated. Mikki Hegemann Brown, Travis Brown, Heather Craig, Rayana Kaul, Lee Gunderson, Scott Gunderson, Chris O'Connor, John Todryk, Sharon Mehring. You are an amazing group!!!!
February Month-end Financials
The Wind & Water Senior Program is looking for a volunteer instructor to lead the Senior Exercise Class. Currently, the class meets on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30-9:30am, however the days and times can be adjusted. If you or someone you know are interested, please contact Carol Ewald at
or call the STA parish office at 262-534-2255

Volunteers Needed!!
We have a few more spots to fill for our upcoming Fish Frys. PLEASE consider helping with clean-up for a Fish Fry or two. Sign up below.
Spring cleanup at St. Thomas Aquinas Cemetery will take place on Saturday, April 2nd 
If there are any items you would like to save, please remove them beforehand. ALL remaining winter and Christmas decorations will be removed and discarded on April 2nd.
Spring decorations and Easter memorials can be placed beginning on Palm Sunday, April 10th.
Please refer to Rules and Regulations on the cemetery page of the St. Thomas Aquinas parish website for details as to what is permitted. Thank you!  
We would like to highlight and thank a few of our loyal sponsors in each email.
St. Thomas and St Clare thanks you very much!
A complete list of all our sponsors can be found on our website. Please support them whenever possible
St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Clare of Assisi parishes
Waterford and Wind Lake, WI.