
I am so, so happy that Spring is here! The sunlight, the green leaves and all the vaccinations (I just recently received my second shot) has filled me with so much hope. 

Which is why this newsletter is full of garden books (and chickens). I feel a newly planted garden is a like a manifestation of hope. And after this long pandemic year, I think that is something we could all use!

Read To Your Chickens! 
But, before we get to gardens, we have a public service announcement! As spring will quickly move into summer, we want to make sure that you READ TO YOUR CHICKENS!

Read to Your Chickens!
Read to Your Chickens!

Not only is reading to your chickens a lot of fun, it is also very beneficial. We are sure that one of the reasons we have get so many pretty eggs is because  we read to our chickens!

That said, if you don't have chickens there are many others creatures (great, small or even inanimate) that will appreciate being read to! So, in lieu of chickens, please read to them. Special thanks to all those who sent in photos of reading with their pets!

You can also draw some chickens, too!  You don't know how to draw a chicken? No worries, I'll teach you here:

Grace Lin shows how to draw a chicken and duck using the number 2
How to draw a chicken

Happy Chicken drawing!

Books and Gardening!  

As I said, gardens feel like hope to me. So, this spring I hope you share my gardening books, The Ugly Vegetables and Up to My Knees!

this was my first published book!
Me and my mother in our real Ugly Vegetable garden!

Both of these books are very special to me.  The Ugly Vegetables was my very first published book (1999!) and is still in print!  In fact, recently,  the Fuse 8 n' Kate podcast  recently deemed The Ugly Vegetables  a picture book "classic". 

The Ugly Vegetables is based  on a real childhood memory when my mother would grow Chinese vegetables in her garden while everyone else in the neighborhood grew flowers and I would be embarrassed that our garden was so different. Eventually, just like in the book,  I learned to appreciate the Chinese vegetables as well.

At the end of The Ugly Vegetables, the neighbors and the girl's mother plant flowers and vegetables in their gardens. That is what I do now! While I am not a great gardener, I am an enthusiastic one and I hope to pass similar gardening memories to my own daughter.

Which is why Up to My Knees! is another fun book for me! In this young board book, an Asian girl explores measurement as she plants a seed and watches it grow. Up to My Knees! is part of the Storytelling Math  board book set I created--celebrating children using math in their daily adventures as they play, build and discover the world around them.  I bet you can tell who the Asian girl is based on!

from my board book, Up to My Knees!

So I hope you share both these books with the kids in your lives!  Below are some ways you can make the sharing even more fun!

Book Activities

Learn Chinese from The Ugly Vegetables!

The Ugly Vegetables comes complete with a guide to the Chinese pronunciation of the vegetables and the recipe for ugly vegetable soup! Click on these photos to listen!

             Xian Cai 
                Ku Gua 
           Kong Xin Cai
 You can hear ALL the names of the vegetables here!

  Gardening Projects! 

   In the both The Ugly Vegetables and Up to My Knees, the characters are delighted when their gardens begins to sprout.  Have your kids experience that same joy!  If you don't have space for a garden, try planting seeds in pots. You can use simple pea plant seeds or, if you are more adventurous, try planting some ugly vegetables! You can order Chinese vegetable seeds HERE.  (And if you need some Chinese vegetable gardening tips, try HERE).

  And if it's too much of a hassle  to get everything together (we are all busy!), you can consider get  this kit from Project Tie-Dye! Not only do they provide everything you need to plant some seeds, they also an art activity, games and a "Pay it forward" exercise. 

Reading and Activity Guides

If you are looking for some helpful reading guides and other activities to do with the book, I have you covered!  A while ago, the WholeKids Foundation made a reading guide for The Ugly Vegetables that includes discussion suggestions and talking points. Check it out HERE.
There is also  a reading guide for  Up to My Knees, too! Help children use blocks or empty boxes to build a tower as tall as they are or visit a park or green space to find a plant as high as your child's knee and bring the book to life! Reading Guide HERE.

In the World of Podcasts

Check episode #81 with best-selling author, Nick Bruel.  'If you get an idea in the shower, how do you remember it?" 

Remember, any kid can submit their questions as well as their book reviews, poems, short stories or jokes! If you'd like, you can end it to us as a voice message with our Speakpipe app! That can be done right on the Kids Ask Authors website: kidsaskauthors.com. We would love to hear from them!  Also, please c
heck out our Patreon page

Don't miss one of our latest episodes with Newbery award-winning and best-selling author, Linda Sue Park. We discuss cultural appropriation and the scarcity myth- --the myth that the opportunity to be published is now scarce for white authors.

Alvina and I created a Patreon page for our podcast and we would love to have your listener support! Thank you! 

Grace Happenings 

* The rise in Anti-Asian hate has been very heartbreaking. When the Atlanta shootings occurred, I decided to share some of my thought on New England Public Radio  as a commentary:

Asians are Humans Every Day, Not Just During Lunar New Year.

* In reaction to the Anti-Asian Hate and in honor of Asian American Pacific Heritage Month, I have been working with the Eric Carle Museum of Picturebook Art on the virtual picture book exhibition "Asians, Everyday." This exhibit will feature the art from picture books  that depict Asian Americans living their everyday lives as part of our ordinary world. The virtual exhibit will launch on May 17th, so please check out the Museum website  that day! Or just stay tuned to my social media, I will be hollering about it from the rooftops!

* Lastly, I recently found out that I'm actually featured in this book, "Asian-Americans Who Inspire Us"! What a cool honor!  I might get the same pink streaks in my hair as I have in the illustration...

What I am working on...

It looks like my next published book is actually going to be a short chapter book on  Maya Lin! If anyone knows how I can get in touch with her, please let me know! (I will be trying all the official channels but if anyone has a direct connection, I would SO appreciate an intro!)

In the meantime, I am still working on m picture book. Unfortunately, it is taking me longer then expected and it  now being slated to be published in Fall '22 or Winter '23. I hope it will be worth the wait!

Events and School Visits
Come see me at:

Using her experiences as a child, a mother and an author as examples, Grace talks and discusses ways that we can use books as tools to integrate diversity into our kids' lives. Register now!

Bring Your Plot to Live: A Two-Part Mini for Novelist at The Highlights Foundation
June 8th-10th

Bring your plot to life by with c ontemporary authors Padma Venkatraman, Grace Lin, and Kathi Appelt. This two-part webinar includes conversations between novelists with discussion centered around how they plot, why they plot, and their personal definitions of "plot".  Register here!

Virtual school visits have been truly wonderful! I have been able to visit so many more schools--sometimes multiple states and countries all in a day. I can show students the inside of my studio, easily pull out any unexpected examples and show what I'm currently working on!  It's been great fun and I would love to continue. 

Please schedule your virtual visit for the fall (and beyond)! More info HERE.

I'm reopening my Etsy Shop for ONE WEEK ONLY!

I received a request to reopen my etsy shop
in the Spring for graduation and teacher gifts, so here it is!

While there are a limited amount of prints in the shop, there are two new prints including the image on the left, titled "If it is to be, it is up to me." This image was inspired by a quote by my good friend Alvina' (Melody from the Year of the Dog!) mother. I thought it would be fitting for this time of year!

Unfortunately, due to my schedule the shop will only be open until May 20th and while supplies last. So, if you are interested in purchasing something-- I suggest you do it now!
Chicken News

Sadly, our beloved Melvin passed away on May 1st completely unexpectedly. She seemed very healthy, pecking and perching and she laying an egg the day before. But that morning, she just did not wake up. We are glad she passed peacefully, but we are very sad and miss her. 

Rest in Peace, Melvin. 

That's it!  To say goodbye I leave you with a photo of the garden blooming around my Little Free Library! I hope your spring is full of flowers and books! See you in next season!

Best Wishes,
Grace Lin
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