January 28, 2021
Vol. 2, Issue 27
Coming Soon: PTO's New Spiritwear Online Shop
Coming February 1st! Brand NEW Hamilton Spiritwear will be available to purchase online, and will be delivered right to your door. Choose from Hoodies, Crewneck Sweatshirts, Long Sleeve & Short Sleeve T-Shirts and Masks sporting our brand NEW design. All proceeds from Spiritwear sales will directly benefit our School. More details and how to order coming in next week's PTO newsletter & in next week's Hamilton Headlines.
An Update from the PE Department: Aligning Standards to Distance Learning
Have you noticed the power standards have changed in Physical Education this year?  

The new focus standards for PE are Movement Concepts, Fitness and Physical Activity, and Values Physical Activity. Even though these new standards were developed by the district before virtual learning began, the standards are still being used in the virtual setting and will be used once back in the Hamilton building. There are many components that can be integrated into the virtual learning setting while other units/components make it more difficult to incorporate.

In the virtual setting, Movement concepts have included themes of health, physical activity and healthy life long skills. Themes have included developing SMART goals, physical fitness, components of fitness, stress management, sleep strategies, F.I.T.T. principles, Health-related fitness and Skill-related fitness. Future topics will include various types of fitness including H.I.T.T., Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, Tae Bao, and Tabata. Students can demonstrate their understanding of these topics/themes in various ways that include; Edpuzzle, quizzes, google forms, and flipgrid which is a way for students to video themselves.

The Fitness and Physical Activity standard includes documenting personal exercise or activities throughout the week and submitting a log. There are times when students can self-select their personal fitness choices and other times the activities will be from a choice board of specific videos to participate in. Documentation can include the duration of time exercising, heart rate, intensity, fitness components, and skill components. It is the goal for our students to be active for a minimum of 30 minutes of continuous exercise 3 days across the five weekdays.  

The final standard, Values Physical Activity will be addressed beginning of 3rd quarter. It will include students reflecting on their engagement of activity/exercises and incorporating social and emotional learning.
Upcoming Dates of Interest
Mark your calendars for these upcoming dates:
  • 11-12--Parent-Teacher Conferences
Hamilton Quick Links:

Report an Absence: 204-4702
Photo Finish
As promised, above and below are some of the savory items that students have been creating in Jillian Johnson's Culinary Arts classes. As part of their work, students photo document their culinary creations. Bon Appétit!